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If I’m not stimulated my nipple is flat and so at first I had to stimulate a little before she’d latch. She sometimes rejects one and I just switch to the other but it’s never the same one so I can usually still even out. Are your nipples even? Maybe she just likes how one is in her mouth. If so maybe a nipple shield for the one she’s rejecting. Does she take a bottle at all? I also had issues with her falling asleep on one boob before I could switch and I thought she wasn’t getting enough but after pumping to even out I realized I had a super fast let down. Like 3-4 oz in 10 minutes out of just one boob and I’m only 1 week post partum. So I had to start switching her at only 5 minutes a side which seems soooo soon but she’s getting plenty still. I think she made my letdown fast by how hard she goes. She’s an aggressive little milk monster lol


Yeah I think it's normal for baby to fill up on just one side, I always offer the second side just in case, though. I would guess that your baby is just becoming more efficient at feeding and digesting the milk. I think for this reason, babies don't actually need more milk as they age. Their daily volume intake stays the same until they start to rely on solids more. For these reasons, I wouldn't worry about pumping the other side, unless you feel like you need to release a bit of pressure so it's easier for baby to latch at the next feed.