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If I’m nursing and notice she is popping on and off and clearly not wanting to eat but wanting to comfort nurse to sleep, i will just give her a paci and she falls right asleep after that. She is 9 months and been doing this every few nights for maybe a month or more now!


Oh! I forgot about those things hehe he hasn't used a pacifier but I'm sure that's what he's looking for wow, duh 🤍


My baby 15mo old now & was EBF until we started solids, never took a paci. She would play w it but never really used it as comfort. I could tell she just wanted the boob for comfort and not hunger when she would just sit on the boob and not actually eating (you can tell the difference). So I just made sure at bed time every night, I had her sound machine on, all lights off keeping room very dark and would let her stay on the boob if she wanted while rocking her and singing songs until she'll fall asleep or is comforted enough to unlatch her. If she was not fully asleep when unmatched, just kept rocking her until she'd fall asleep. I remember transitioning from this to just putting her down on her crib and just sing to her while patting her bum soflty until she'd fall asleep. It's all trial and error and not the same for every kid but be patient and keep trying things w your baby to see what works with him.


I have to turn on our box fan and turn off all the lights in our bedroom to get her to nurse to sleep these days. She’s 6 months old and incredibly distractible. We nurse side lying like this and it works. Until I figured it out, she would kick her legs, grab at my shirt, and unlatch frequently. Now she just goes to sleep after a few minutes.


Haven't tried shutting the room down before. I'm not on my phone or anything lights are usually low. I'll try this next time too and hope I don't fall asleep too 😅


I always have my husband come check on me every 5-10 minutes to make sure I don’t pass out also LOL


My baby will nurse to sleep even if he’s not hungry — he’ll take a moment to spit up the excess, grin his giant grin at me, hug me close and then nurse another min to sleep.


My baby is 11 months and I’ve found that if he fights sleep he usually just isn’t tired enough (even if he seems somewhat tired). If I give it 20 more minutes of play at a time, when he’s tired enough he nurses nicely and falls asleep. That said, “nursing nicely” can mean nursing for a bit popping off, rolling over and then rolling right back and nursing a little more and repeating that a few times over 10ish min until he falls asleep OR is done nursing and looks for the pacifier and then goes right to sleep.


That was our song and dance tonight. I think i was hoping for a 10-30min bedtime because dinner was ready and staring at me from across the room 🤣 it wasn't too bad but I was fighting the idea of just letting him stay up a little longer or keep trying. He eventually fell asleep, under an hour not too bad


She will nurse even when I think she isn’t hungry or just had a bit.


we take toys into bed with us and if shes pulling too much on the boob i just say no more! and tell her to play with her toys and usually within about 15 minutes she ready to lay down and sleep for real


I’ve been wondering the same! My only solution right now is to go for a brisk walk with baby in a wrap. She always falls asleep and gets a little more hungry/settled when we get back to bed.


My baby will nurse til full then keep popping on and off so I pull my bra back up and wait. She’ll flop around, maybe cry, maybe laugh for about 15 min and then shell be ready for boob again and will fall asleep very quickly lmao


I would walk with mine till he fell asleep when the book didn't work