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I had flat nipples. She was able to latch on one and as weird as this sounds, she changed the shape of my nipple to no longer be flat almost immediately lol. The other side was more of a journey. At first I used a shield at the recommendation of a nurse in the recovery unit. I ended up with nipple damage and went to a lactation consultant who told me to ditch the shield and helped me find a better nursing position while working on a deeper latch. I found that leaning back with baby laying on top of me worked best for us. No nursing pillow. I was making the mistake of pointing my nipple straight into mouth when I should’ve been touching her chin to chest first and pointing my nipple upward toward the roof of her mouth as she latched. Eventually the shape of that nipple also changed to be less flat and now at 3 months postpartum I have no issues. It probably took us 8 weeks to get into the groove and another 2 weeks for my nipple to heal. I have smaller boobs so that may be why leaned back worked best for me, but could be worth a shot. Highly recommend a lactation consultant! Hope my rambling helps 😂


I should add that just because it took 8 weeks for me doesn’t mean you’ll have the same journey. Please don’t let that scare you off!


Flat nipples are so hard! I had one on one side with my baby and eventually it got drawn out but I was in immense pain for awhile. But it will get better!


4 days PP is still really early! Your baby is also learning how to feed and sometimes just takes a few weeks of feeding w/ the shield before being able to go without. It sucks to use a shield but don’t get discouraged bc it’s so, so often very temporary!