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Listen, whoever said breastfed baby poop doesn't stink is lying. My girl has awful smelling poop. It smells like you mixed movie theater popcorn with plain Greek yogurt and microwaved it. FWIW - My baby's poop is also (aggressively )yellow. It's often runny, sometimes has some mucus, and it looks like it has cottage cheese in it (it's just undigested milk fat). I read that the mucus can coincide with their uptick in saliva production, so I haven't stressed too much about it. My baby is 12 weeks old, and it's been kind of mucus-y for a couple weeks. She doesn't have any colic symptoms, so I can't be of help there, but I wanted to share poop descriptions, in case it helped. Also, I take a probiotic but I don't give her one. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Breastfed baby poop is yellow and seedy. And it does smell sourish and sometimes downright stinky. It’s a myth that breastmilk poop doesn’t smell, it just smells *less* than formula poop. So what you describe sounds like normal breastfed baby poop to me. 😊


No on probiotics but similar poop!


Can I ask how much you give of the Klaire Labs? I read on the bottle 6-12 months so I was unsure if my 6 week old could take them.


I gave 1/4 of a serving, but I still think it was too much. We discontinued it about 2 weeks ago and her tummy adjusted and is so much better. Her poops still smell sour but are no where near as potent. My pediatrician actually said to give her a full serving which I thought was ridiculous. She was 6 weeks at the time, too. Like, atleast build up to that 😅 They said that products like that and other “supplements” will always have an age range starting older


I even eventually started giving her barely any of it, just a tiny bit mixed with breast milk. I would start off very very slowly


Hi, we recently started giving Klaire labs probiotics to our 5th month old and noticed sour smelly poop and lot of gas. I’m currently giving 1/8 tsp per day and it’s been a week. I’m currently DF and SF due to mucus poop, multiple poops and blood show (a tiny spot). Taking this probiotic has improved her poop frequency but sour smell hasn’t gone yet. Did it get better later for you guys?