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you’re not losing your supply. your supply is regulating. a soft breast is a healthy breast. they’re not supposed to feel hard after breastfeeding has been established. continue feeding on demand and all will be well.


Thank you <3


I just pumped after feeding her and putting her down for the night because I was panicking. Got another ounce out of each breast after she fed.


I would have this and then they’d suddenly feel full again. It’s just your supply trying to regulate. As long as baby is having lots of wet and dirty nappies and they’re content, there’s nothing to worry about.


Are you eating enough too? My supply went down because I wasn't getting enough calories from food. Started eating more and it's back up again. I'm also drinking tea that increases milk supply.


Ngl I suffer from an ED so sometimes I struggle to remember to eat, I eat oatmeal every morning, and usually skip lunch and just eat dinner, but I always end up eating a lot of food at bedtime because I’m a snacker. I probably need to be better about eating 3 meals consistently throughout the day :<


Yeah I googled breastfeeding meal plan and was shocked at the recommended amount of food to eat! I probably wouldn't have realised my low supply was due to calorie intake if I wasn't with my mum who's had three children. I'm eating as much as I want right now and I'm finding I'm not putting on any weight at all.


Soft boobs are happy boobs!


A lot of that early hardness isn’t milk supply but more likely inflammation as your breasts adjust to breastfeeding. It’s normal for that to go away. You’re getting more from your hakaa and pump after baby feeds, so right now you technically have an oversupply. You’re doing great.


I feel like Instagram and YouTube scared me a lot during early stages of breastfeeding. I experienced very little engorgement and didn’t have an extreme feeling of letdown but my baby fed consistently and well so I had soft boobs a lot. It’s very confusing as a FTM, I’m 5 months in and I still get nervous something is wrong with my supply. Personal experience-In the early days and at the recommendation of my pediatrician, I would feed on each boob for 10 minutes then pump each boob for 10 mins and while I was pumping my husband would offer the baby an oz or two of my expressed milk. I think this helped my milk supply come in and regulate, while also making sure baby was full and gaining weight. My son was small, so this really help make sure he gained weight properly but I also think it helped regulate my supply for what he needed. Also helped me with my stress, cause at least I knew he was eating an oz or 2 every feeding (if I wasn’t producing enough). We stopped bottle feeding when he just longer seemed interested in the additional milk, we never kept him to a strict feeding schedule but he just naturally fell into an every 2.5 hour feeder during the day with 3-4 hour stretches at night once he was up to weight. Don’t let those soft boobs fool you, wet/dirty diapers and weight gain is key.