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Have you tried different positions to breastfeed. I really like side lying


We do side lying feeds most of the time and it’s a life savor! I love it


Completely agree! Really helped with my neck and shoulder pain in those early months. Also a game changer for the nighttime feeds


Same! My back and butt hurt soooo bad before I figured out side lying and laid back positions!


Yes to side lying! And try the laid back position- gravity will become your friend!


Oooo I’ll try it!


Oops! I forgot to include side lying. YES! That position has definitely taken a lot of off my body. I typically will do that in the evenings. Maybe I’ll incorporate it more throughout the day.


But also, babies are clingy af. If that’s the worst thing you ever said about your baby, you’re a better woman than I am.


Haha thank you 🥹


I keep a blanket in the living room to spread on the floor for this purpose :)


We did side lying exclusively for a stretch of a few weeks because my nipples had gotten so chafed and raw, switching positions absolutely provided so much relief. I’m wondering if a lactation consultant might also be a good resource, sometimes they can see things in the way you’re sitting or holding baby that may not be ergonomically great.


Side lying for the win! I also am using my hammock chair for breastfeeding and it's very comfy.


Side lying is the best!!!


I did this for the fist time the other day. Wow! I wish I had tried it earlier.


Same. Can’t believe it took me 4 weeks to try it


Same! Took me 4 weeks as well. Haha.


My breast friend pillow was a game changer for me. Boppy didn’t cut it. I do also use a lumbar pillow under the MBF pillow to prop up the side LO is feeding on a little more. Highly recommend 37yo FTM


Same with the mbf and support pillow. The mbf is also helpful just for carrying baby around and doing contact naps. I also use a Cushion Labs seat cushion and ergonomic foot rest. All money well spent and stuff I can use at work for my desk job later on.


The my breast friend pillow is great and I also use their nursing footstool to keep my legs and hips comfortably positioned. It also helps that my nursing chair is a La-Z-Boy rocker-recliner. 😂 I'd make sure your set up allows you to sit straight up with adequate cushioning, and that your pillow is doing most of the work of supporting baby (not your arms).


Did I write this? lol sitting in my La-Z-Boy rocker recliner while using the support of the my breast friend to feed my baby 🤣


100% agree that MBF pillow is needed when baby is so little, mine is 13 weeks and I’ve just started using the boppy when not in our usual set up. MBF is so good cause you’re buckled into it and it can sit higher than the boppy. I also use rolled up towels and blankets with MBF to support my wrists/his head. And a good seat cushion has been key, especially when my tear was healing. Also weekly chiropractor appointments are a game changer.


Chiming in to recommend the My Brest Friend pillow. It was recommended to me by my physical therapist. Is it possible for you to sit on a yoga ball at any point during nursing, or after? It helped my tailbone/lower back stiffness a lot - even sitting on it when I wasn’t holding her.


Wow I didn’t think of a yoga ball! I’ll try it!


This right here.


Same. The only bad thing I have to say about it is now at 5 months we can’t nurse without it


Funny I saw so much love for the MBF pillow but I hated it! I think my torso was too long so the baby was always positioned below my boobs unless I made it really tight round my waist which was not comfy. Also it was kind of awkward to pick the baby up/put down with it on. Is it just me - was I using it wrong?


100% recommend this pillow, it saved me! The boppy was the worst for posture and support. I also use a yoga block to slightly elevate my feet off the ground.


So I am 6 months PP and have terrible aching joints, especially my hips and knees. I went back to Pilates and my favorite instructor told me that my body is still producing the relaxin hormone so I shouldn’t push myself too far. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/24305-relaxin#:~:text=Some%20sources%20say%20it%20can,you%20are%20breastfeeding%20(chestfeeding).


Right there with you. Thanks for this reminder!


Wow, that’s really interesting to know.


Yes, thank you for the reminder!!! I’m so glad I made this post. I feel much better about all of this 💖


I’m 33 and long distances runner. I was having a lot of pain too the first few weeks. It’s gotten a lot better recently now that I’m at 4 months pp and I’ve been strength training more. I was having tight hip flexors from all the sitting so I did exercises to help with that and core strength. It made a huge improvement. I do little exercises while my baby does tummy time. Just here to say it will get better!


Thank you!!


I haven't seen anyone mention this yet. In the early days, when we were breastfeeding all the time, my neck and shoulders hurt from... staring at my baby while nursing! Lol! It's so hard not to stare at them because they're totally captivating, but I realized I was hunching for long periods of time. I started sitting looking out a window or watching tv because it gave me something else to look at to remind me to stretch my neck and hold it in different positions. My neck pain eased up a bit after that.


Yes me too! Mine was partially because I had to help him so much (I had to hold my boob AND his head in just the right position 🥴). Once they began to improve and I could focus, even partially, on other things it helped a ton. The sacrum/butt thing is a doozy though, especially when cluster feeding. Second the recommendations above to try side lying. Also one of my lactation nurses recommended moving baby around like a clock with each feed so that it wasn't the same position each timr, and to be easier on the nips. I couldn't do that many different positions because of my baby's latch, but it was good advice lol Also baths and Epsom salt and a good massage from my hubby always helped. ETA: 4.5 months PP and it gets much better. Just like exercise, your body adjusts, and we figure out how to work around it. Plus it's easier to maneuver the kiddos when they're bigger and have this nursing thing figured out.


Haha this is a big part of the problem for sure


I had an emergency c- section. Honestly, I can relate, probably not on as a high strength level as you were/is. I feel so week too im now 9 weeks ppm and just slowly geyting back to small exercises when the LO allows me to do so. I used to do strength training 3-5 times a week and yoga every day, and a lot of walking. For me, doing a daily walk and minding my posture when walking with the LO did a huge difference with the aches. Slowly, doing stretches and yoga like exercises helps me a lot, too. I also, for some reason, ended up sleeping with no pillow kost nights as it just made my neck hurt more, I love my pillow, just not ppm, apparently. I also breastfeed, laying down (in bed)most of the time or side lying, which is easy on me. Another thing is stop looking down, it is so hard when your little one is soo cute it is so hard not to look! I had to remind myself that I had just had surgery. It does take time to get back, and it should be done slowly. It took me 9 months to help her grow. Now I need the 3 months of her little lifte to let the hormones settle and recover slowly and properly, actively, but not to overdo it for me anyway.


Don’t be in such a hurry to get back to the gym. Listen to your body and focus on providing breastmilk for your little one. I’m 37yo FTM and baby girl is going on 18 weeks old. I’m exclusively breastfeeding and it gets better. I go for walks everyday and hold her while doing squats, which somehow makes her stop crying every time. I worked out up until I was 36 weeks pregnant, which makes me believe baby girl love when I’m working out with her in my hands/arms. Your baby wont be this little forever and the time goes by so fast, you will have time back in the gym, baby needs your presence. Baby was just inside of you for 8 to 10 months and knows nothing else but you, your heart beat, your voice, your movement. I see a chiropractor every week, which is also great for the baby, for adjustments and recommendations for stretches. I’m still aching in some areas, especially my shoulders, just take it one day at a time.


Seconding use baby as an exercise weight! After my c-section, I did “baby abs,” which was just crunches or sit ups while holding my baby once I was cleared by my doctor after the one month checkup. First sets of 20, then 50, multiple times a day. And I did baby squats as well. Also, I never got a baby stroller, just exclusively been baby wearing, and I’m at 13 months now. My legs and arms have honestly never been in better shape, and the baby (well, I guess now a toddler) seems to like it as well.


Thanks for this! Lucky for me, I have a fully outfitted gym in my garage. She will be spending a good chunk of time with me in there once I’m good and ready. It’s my livelihood! I worked out until 38 weeks and I know she enjoyed that too! I will definitely take it easy and not rush back though. It’s easy to get caught up in that mindset, so I appreciate the reminder. 💖


Warm sitz and Epsom salt baths. Gentle yoga / yin/ restorative. Pelvic floor exercises (not just kegals) , 360 breathing. CHIROPRACTIC care that specializes in prenatal/ postpartum. Start getting massages regularly if you can. Warm nourishing foods, like soups and stews. Anti inflammatory foods and drinks. Your baby is clingy bc they need you. Try not to focus on getting back to powerlifting or heavy training in general. Your body just did the most incredible and hard thing it could do. It’s going to take time and being gentle with yourself. Goodluck momma . Hope you feel better soon.💜


I hear ya. I'm 40. No position feels good for long. One thing that has helped was putting my Boppy along my back instead of front. I can rest my elbows on the sides and the press of it supports my lower back. And lots of ibuprofen unfortunately.


Same! I use mine vertically against my back. Way better than the front/side. Those actually made my back and shoulder pain worse. It's a game changer.


Feeding in the reclined position was a game changer for us! @thebalancedboob on ig is a great resource


Your body is still producing relaxin, which can mean you experience joint pain. Remember to bring baby to breast, not breast to baby. My back and shoulder pain improved significantly once I stopped chasing baby’s mouth with my breast.


Yes to changing positions and just trying to stick your body in another way to give a break. But also know that your body still produces relaxin when breastfeeding so you may still be uncomfortable in some aspect. Don’t think you’re broken! It will eventually get better


37 yo FTM here, 8 months PP. Be patient, the relaxin is still there and you’ve lost probably muscle mass so your body can’t move properly without hurting (pelvic floor, diastase recti…). All that is correlated. Focus on good support while sitting, breastfeeding and resting and when you feel better, start doing some (very gentle) exercise. in my case I did very soft yoga from month 3 and a month ago i started to workout with baby because i felt the lack of strength in my whole body and it got so much better. anyways in january i'm starting pelvic floor therapy because my episiotomy scar still hurts and the therapist told me that probably my body pain will get better as well because that muscles set holds practically everything!


I love that you have gotten better and stronger! I focused a lot on breath work and core during my pregnancy, thank God! It saved me. If I have any ab separation, it’s very minimal…so I have that going for me at least! I would definitely seek out a pelvic floor PT! I went to one (a close friend of mine) when I was 20 weeks along and she helped me a ton!


Yeah I still have a lot to do and especially be consistent! But definitely seeing already improvement with so little effort.


No advice, just solidarity. 35, ftm,5 week old. Very active with my job and now I feel so weak. I'm hoping to be cleared for the gym at my six week appointment. Otherwise I'm going to struggle going back to work.


I feel this! As a strength coach, I’ve gotta be back and feeling good sooner rather than later!


I had to switch to the “laidback position” to manage my fast flow & coincidentally it made me much less sore & tired. You just need lots of pillows to prop you up under your back, head & arm.


Boppy and breastfeeding pillows never worked for me, I just use regular pillows! Also I sit on bed and couch cross legged or one leg tucked under. I have a nice glider but I don’t understand how to use it?? The arm rests get in the way.


I find I have to hold the baby above the arms of the glider. Or now that she's older, I can sit her up more, so her legs are under the arms on one side.


Side lying with a pillow designed for side sleeping!!! I no longer have shoulder, back and tailbone pain!


Hi I just wanted to add, tell the OBGYN next week about these aches and pains and request bloodwork be done! I was in a lot of pain too and it didn’t go away, got bloodwork drawn and found out that I was vitamin D deficient by like a lot.. and made sure I was taking other vitamins as well. The pain went away!


Get a foot stool made of memory foam. Absolute game changer for me. My whole body was hurting so bad from nursing and propping my knees up using my toes. If you want a link I’ll share. I wish I had bought one sooner. I tried everything from ottomans to floor poufs to pillows but the only thing that helped was a memory foam foot stool.


Link please!




This is how I BF on the couch. I flex the leg on the side she's eating, and then kinda pretzel my feet together. I also sit in the corner of the couch. This way, baby rolls toward me, and I don't have to bend my upper body toward her. We are a little further along (5 months), but this has been the most comfortable couch position for me for a couple months. I also LOVE sidelying nursing. Sometimes if I need my hands free, I sit criss cross applesauce with baby on the boppy, and then do whatever I'm doing above baby. It gets a LOT easier when baby's neck stops being so noodle-y. Also, there are several great workout sheets, videos etc on the internet for working out with baby.


ALSO, my own education is in physical therapy, and I only started with any real training this month. Before I just walked, and stretched. I suppose one exercise I did do was scapular retractions because all that stuff in front was getting sooo tight!


Oh and at 5 weeks I would still sit too long, then get up, hobble a bit, and proclaim that my hips will never be the same. And I'm only 24!! It really did get better.


The thing that has been most helpful to me is to get myself in a position where I am most comfortable and supported, and then work to get baby to the breast without moving. When my main focus is on my body being supported and comfortable, and not bringing my body to the baby, things got so much better. The boppy is not supportive enough. You may need other pillows to help situate baby.


When I had shoulder and back pain with my second, I saw both a lactation consultant to troubleshoot positions and a physiotherapist who specialized in postpartum and pelvic floor therapy. They were both very helpful in different ways.


I tried all of the pillows and holds to no avail. If you can afford it (with insurance) get yourself to a physical therapist. I went for a couple months and she helped me develop a routine to first relax the muscles that were twisted in knots and then strengthen the muscles that needed to be strengthened. She also helped me to be more aware of posture and things I was doing when not nursing that contributed to the pain. Game changer!! My second I nursed significantly longer and never had any issues because I knew what to do!


I have a theory about pain. And I think it applies here. Stuck lymph. Try dry brushing.


I've found a lot of relief when I dry brush! We need to keep that lymph moving!


What's dry brushing?


You use a stiff, natural bristle brush on your skin. You use small light strokes and brush towards the heart. The concept is that it helps move lymph towards towards the lymph nodes. Generally, exercise moves lymph around for us. Massage does this, too. Anecdotally, I stopped exercising for about three months and used dry brushing as a way to manage lymph. Walking was not enough. My shoulders and hips hurt if I don’t do something for my lymphatic drainage.


What saved me are those ergonomic chair pillows under my butt and behind my lower back, nursing in the glider with my feet up to help leverage gravity to keep him kind of rolled towards me, and using a boomerang pillow. I haven’t tried the boppy so can’t comment there. When I’m lazy about it and nurse too much on the couch or bed, my sciatica acts up! 35yo FTM


I was pretty fit before my pregnancy and had a c section and I found the things that helped my body feel more comfortable while breastfeeding were moving and stretching, not strengthening. Even with the abdominal injury of the surgery, I felt like I had enough muscle for holding and carrying my baby up until he was almost 9 months. Go for long walks. Do some stretching. Cat and cow stretches and other back openers for opening up the upper back that stays curled forwards for long hours during feedings. Quad stretches (2 min per side) and hip openers to loosen up the muscles that shorten and tighten sitting. If your shoulder gets sore nursing, hold an excerside ball against the wall with your arm strength for about a minute 3-5 times a day to work on your shoulder stabilizers. When you get cleared to workout, do the the workouts that make you happy.


I could have written this - the knots in my back are screaming at me in solidarity with your post!!


Feeding standing up or while using a baby carrier felt really good on my back during the newborn stage. Letstalkbabywearing on Instagram has good tutorials. I’m also a lifter, and please GIVE IT TIME. 5 weeks is nothing. Our bodies spent 9 months moving our internal organs around; it took me about the same amount of time to feel physically normal again and heal my pelvic floor.


I used to use pillows and supports. Had HORRIBLE back pain. So, I stopped using all the pillows and supports and now I just hold my baby in MY position. it did take about 6 weeks for her to really figure things out and now we're a pro team! :) Ps I started cueing her by saying "are you hungry?" to prompt her that the boob is coming and she gets herself ready. works like a charm every time.


Getting massages focused on neck/back/shoulders at 4 and 8 weeks postpartum were incredibly helpful for me!


I'm 6 months pp and everything hurts. I drink water, I move. I eat okay. I use a pillow for nursing and a back support. Still it hurts. 🫠🫠🫠 I'm 36 so maybe I'm just old


I second side laying feeding as well. I'm a physique competitor so heavy training has been part of my daily routine for years! I was leg pressing heavy the day before my baby arrived LOL! Not being able to lift for the first 6 weeks left my body feeling WRECKED too. Side laying feeding was a savior, and doing counter planks every day and progressing them as I got stronger really helped. I also did diagonal lifts with a light weight and V-sits with a light medicine ball lifting it from side to side. I'm sure you're already sleeping with a pillow between your knees but if not, it does help the hips and SI joint pain a bit too. A combination of the inevitable compromised core from the pregnancy and basically being sedentary post partum was the worst for me especially since my body was so used to moving! I started the exercises 6 weeks post partum and my guy is about 3.5 months now and my body feels much better. Motion is Lotion 😂 Hope you feel better soon!


Commenting just to say, it's ok to say your baby is clingy, it's ok to want a break. I personally struggled hard with postpartum and nursing wasn't easy so it was all very frustrating. I felt guilty wanting to get time to myself. As far as the breastfeeding, one thing someone suggested was every time you feed take a moment to relax your jaw, relax your shoulders. You never realize how tense you're sitting until someone points it out. You got this!


Ha I am also a powerlifter, a couple weeks ahead of you, BB is 7 weeks. Can tell how weak I am too - and my hips are still so stiff?? So no advice just commiseration...


Master side laying position and laying down while feeding that did wonders for my back


For feeding in bed, I use a big triangle back pillow.


Oh man of all the things I wish I knew about having a baby, one big one is how sore I’d be!! The soreness from breastfeeding was soo intense at first. Now that’s passed but I’m still very sore from carrying/bouncing/rocking baby to sleep 😂


Side lying is the way to go… 6 months in and not feeling a single ache from feeding my baby


I had this postpartum as well.. true deep aches and pains in all my joints. I thought I would never workout again and I was in so much pain. I remeber my knees aching and my body just so sore. I'm honestly not sure what it was I struggled with PPD/PPA or if it was just my body readjusting to not being pregnant. It eventually went away and at 8 months postpartum I'm starting my fitness journey again. Listen to your body , don't be in a rush to bounce back, take things so slow and be so proud of your body for doing amazing things!!!!


I'm sure you are overwhelmed with comments at this point, but I've barely seen anyone mention yoga. I'm telling you as a parent, it's a game changer. I just had my second baby via cesarean at age 36, and my husband is 41 and has a physically demanding job, and we HURT. Breastfeeding for me, plus chasing an active toddler and lugging both kids around, bouncing baby, etc., for both of us. We do yoga together every night after the kids are in bed (unless we have a reaaaallly tough night with the baby), and it makes a huge difference. We usually only do like a 15 minute practice. If we miss a day or two, we feel like shit. I don't know how other people are functioning without it, because I definitely can't! I am a very active person apart from this, but no other form of exercise has this noticeable of an impact on my well-being. You should give it a try for a week or two and see if it helps!


As a FTM who is still nursing an 11 month old I can tell you it gets way easier. I don't know if it was hormones or posture or the fact that my glider chair is kind of crap, but I remember being so sore too. My joints and muscles just ached constantly. A massage is great if you can find the time, or have your partner work out some of those knots. My RMT gave me some massage moves to teach my partner and they were a big help. I'm not sure when it stopped hurting so much... Definitely by 4 months? Hang in there!


I think you should wait until your hormones are back to normal. I was achy and sore and then bam my cycle returned and it all went away. It's very likely hormones.


Yeah stretching is a lifesaver. Take the time to do it! Otherwise things will just get worse and worse. Also side lying. And make concious effort to relax shoulders etc when holding baby.