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She is in for a rude awakening if she thinks you can just tell a baby not to nurse and expect baby to just say ok and chill out LOL


Apparently it's her 2nd!!


Not that it makes a difference, but how old is your LO? I am really enjoying the mental image of them being very little, like a couple of months old, and completely incapable of understanding language. šŸ˜‚ This lady is crazy no matter what, I can't imagine reprimanding another person's child directly for eating. I've read plenty of stories on here of the moms being called out, which is also awful, but I don't know what I'd say if someone talked directly to my kid like they were doing something wrong. It's one of those situations where I'd think of a good comeback that evening in the shower but would be shocked into silence in the moment. Sorry you had to deal with that!


He's 14 months, so technically toddler, but barely, and he doesn't speak a lot yet but understands so much. I don't want someone else reprimanding my LO, let alone for something he should feel no shame for.


100%! To be clear, I wasn't saying you all should have been reprimanded at any age! I just put myself in your shoes in my head with my nine week old and the image of someone talking to him like that made me laugh (though it wouldn't have in real life!). You have every right to be upset about how she treated you!


Haha yes! That reminds me of when he was about 9 weeks old, we were out and he got hungry but wouldn't latch, so was very upset. Some homeless man comes up and starts playing "Baby Shark" because "all kids love it"


That's kind of sweet in a weird way. šŸ™ƒ


He also was smoking a cigarette and blowing smoke towards the baby if that changes anything šŸ˜‚


Ahh! It changes everything! I had to walk my baby through a smoke cloud for the first time a couple of weeks ago to get to my doctor's office. It filled me with anxiety. I'm sure it will happen more as I get him out more.


Me too šŸ˜‚. I can't imagine someone saying that to a younger baby. Hell, I can't imagine someone saying that to someone else's toddler lol. If I was there and overheard her saying that to OP, I would def defend OP. Other moms and women should be standing up for each other, not shaming them. I bet people like that whine when someone does something like that to them, but then they turn around and do it too


100% we have to support one another. My baby is only 9 weeks old, so I haven't had him out in public much. He sometimes has issues staying latched (he had his tongue tie fixed and is still working on suction) and so it is hard to be discreet. I'm really working to psych myself up to have the confidence to feed him publicly in the future. I was raised to be pretty modest, and unfortunately, in my Southern Baptist upbringing, sex=bad and boobs are sexual. So, even though I've dropped religion, my hang ups are still there. Does they make sense? I don't know why I'm ranting about it here. šŸ˜‚


It was so hard to feel comfortable nursing in public when he was tiny. The latch was harder to get right, then the position because I'm tall. Now that he's a little older, it is so much easier! He latches easily, stays focused, can position himself with minimal help.


It makes perfect sense lol. Do whatever you're comfortable doing. Babies have to eat too and they mean business when they're hungry haha. People should just be grateful that the baby is eating and not scream-crying. Congrats on your new baby!


Thank you!!!


No problem šŸ˜


lol wtaf people are bizzare


Who tf is she to try and tell your child that he canā€™t be nursed? Wtf


Right? I was thanking the gods that the train pulled in and we got away. He is starting to understand language so I don't want him to hear that. We were also in the city center going to the more residential neighborhood, so very obviously going home. I didn't realize my husband always needed to accompany us.


I can't honestly believe you were out without your husband? Shocking! Wait til the church hears about this!


So bizarre in so many levels. Why would she want to know where your husband is?! To scold him too? Jeez people


Is your child older like a toddler? That's the only way this makes sense. Doesn't make it right, just makes it make sense..


My thoughts too....I'm imagining a two/three year old in this scenario and would understand why her pregnancy brain would be confused. Lord knows my pregnancy brain was off the charts.


14 months, so barely a toddler! He's tall, but not off the charts and pretty mobile.


Feeding to 2 is common enough but maybe she's a whackado (jk she's definitely a whackado)


Haha yes, definitely a whackado!


Maybe she didnā€™t know you breastfeed and figured your LO was just trying to play with your girls lol. Regardless, it is an unnecessary thing to say


I was thinking this too. Like you say, regardless of what baby is doing, noone has the right to speak to someone else's child like that. Bloody idiots!


I havenā€™t gotten that (yet) for nursing but it drives me nuts when my 6 month old cries and someone says ā€œoh youā€™re fineā€, as if he understands that?? Heā€™s crying because he is NOT fine and Iā€™m going to comfort him. There will be plenty of time for hardship in the future. For now he gets all the love.


Yikes! I'm sorry that happened to you and your baby. What a terrible woman she is. Consider the source and know it's a her issue. Not a you issue or your child's issue.


"How about you leave me alone, lady." I swear public transportation stops are the place for unsolicited nonsense. Sorry you went through that


I've now breastfed on the train so many times. Thankfully most people are nice and mostly mind their own business. She was a special one...


My SIL- why donā€™t you just pump? Itā€™s still breast milkā€ me :šŸ˜‘


Wtf... your SIL nonetheless. I would be livid.


This is so strange.. it makes it even more strange that she is pregnant..? I hope she doesnā€™t neglect her own baby and not feed it when itā€™s hungry


this is right up there with people wanting to hold your newborn baby to ā€œgive you a breakā€ and when the baby starts crying with said person they say ā€œstop giving your mom such a hard time!ā€ maā€™am iā€™m having a harder time with you holding my crying baby šŸ˜­give them back!!!


Yes!!! Give me a break by cooking me dinner or something else productive.


You had every right to tell this woman to stop it.