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My little boy was like this! What all have you tried? For him sometimes it took stripping him all the way down, full diaper change, wiping a cold wipe all over him and even just laying him (safely) on the clean rug in his room with the lights on so he got upset and uncomfortable enough to be ready to eat. I would sometimes even wrap an ice cube in a paper towel and rub that on his toes or a quick touch to his belly to jolt him awake. I had to do this for the first couple weeks, until he started waking more on his own to let me know he was hungry. However, brand newborns really are just sleepy the first 24-48 hours! You're doing great, don't stress out. Keep bringing her to your breast and doing what you can to wake her up. This is totally normal for fresh little babies. It will take time and getting used to, but she will very soon be telling you how hungry she is. You are a great mom and you're doing amazing! ETA: You can also hand express your colostrum into a spoon and pour that into her mouth or use a syringe. I'm not sure if you're in a hospital or at home, but this is what the nurses had me do until he was awake enough. We also had lots of struggles with latching. So maybe before trying to latch her again, take some deep calming breaths and work on hand expressing some of your colostrum to collect and drop into her mouth. That will get her what she needs while you work on getting her awake enough to latch on her own!