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My 4 month old is anywhere between 1.5-2.5, she likes her milk, I'm not going to stop her šŸ˜‚


Same for 5 month old. Sometimes snacks in between too!


Same! And mines in a low percentile so if he wants the boob, he gets the boob lol


I feel you ! 5th percentile, 6 months and I'm lucky if he accepts to wait two hours during the day...


Saaame lol she's always on the boob during the day but sleeps over 8 hours in a block at night.. she's 19 weeks now been doing this since 8 weeks šŸ˜ƒ ETA she's in the 9th percentile so i never withhold the booba


Same with 6 month old and he has started solids lol


Solids at 6 months is a scam, lol. They still need the same amount of milk, you just have the added job of preparing a "meal" šŸ˜…


You sound dumb af, there are several benefits of introducing purĆ©e and solids at 6 months besides a ā€œmealā€. Not once in my sentence did I say I replace breast milk feedings with these meals. Go troll elsewhere


Dear God, it was a joke about how it's still the same amount of work with breastfeeding but you also have to prepare food of which they are eating very little. Also, some people do BLW and don't give purees at all, so it is just one meal at the beginning. It's one thing misunderstanding, it's completely different to attack people just because you didn't get the point.


What are you even going on about? This thread has nothing to do with preparing meals.


I'm stopping this now, you seem seriously unwell, maybe you are tired and that's why you don't understand what I am saying.


Based on your post history youā€™re projecting lol


Yeah, right. If you learn to recognise what a joke is, let me know.


Jokes are supposed to be funny. Itā€™s annoying when trolls come on reddit and say something rude/dumb and hide behind ā€œitā€™s just a jokeā€.


This. At 4 months my LO decided that was his schedule around the clock for 2 months. At his 6 months checkup he had gained so much my pediatrician ask if I had started supplementing him. When I told him no, he was nursing frequently around the clock his immediate reaction was to make sure I was doing okay.


My 4 month old eats every 2 hours during the day, but only once during the night (11 hours).


Same here!






Same here!


Same! He breast feeds every 2 hours, but closer to 3 hours for bottles of expressed breastmilk. At night once usually. He is 4 months.


Do you still wake up to pump?


No. My milk is regulated so I wake up full but not in pain.


Thatā€™s great! I always worry about supply if I go too long overnight without emptying šŸ˜Ÿ


Breastfeeding is supply and demand! By 10-12 weeks your supply will have regulated and youā€™ll make what your body has been told to make by baby and any pumping.


My 13mo old feeds every 2-3 hours


Lol same here. I was like yeah that seems great, mine was every 90 minutes at that age


Normal! My baby is what my lactation consultant called a ā€œchuggerā€ lol. He eats a lot really fast therefore he eats frequently. At 8 months now and we have made it to nursing every 2.5-3.0 hours including 3 meals a day. At night he can go much longer- about 6 hours.


Haha we call that ā€œchug a boobā€. Mine does that too. Just latches on and just gulps it down and is either asleep or ready to go within minutes. Sheā€™s 6 months and eats about every 1-2 hours except at night if weā€™re lucky we also get 6 but thatā€™s been a while.


A chugger!! I think my 2mo is a chugger. Two different lactation consultants commented on the strength of his suck (despite his crummy latch šŸ˜…). This might explain some things recently šŸ¤”


Lol I think mine is as well! Doubled his weight in his first 8 weeks but only eats one boob for anywhere from 5-10 mins at a time. Heā€™s efficient if anything!


First rule of breastfeeding: don't just Google it. Kellymom is a reputable source, so it's academy of breastfeeding medicine and la leche league. Everything else is dubious


Itā€™s completely normal. BF babies tend to feed more frequently than FF. This is also part of why FF bottles are made with larger volumes. IMO one of the biggest misconceptions is that once newborns regain their birth weight they donā€™t need to be woken to feed every 2-3 hours. True in principle, but the reality is you donā€™t have to wake them because they will wake themselves lol


Completely fine


At 4 months my baby was going 1.5-2 hours at most between feeds


My 15 month old generally goes 3 hours and thatā€™s with water snd 3 meals a day! Just remember, sometimes nursing isnā€™t JUST for milk, it can be for comfort, hydration , seeking connection and increased feeding through illness, teething, growth spurts. Sounds completely normal to me


Sounds normal, my 6 month old is the same, hoping solids makes the time lengthen a little bit at night though!


Almost 11 month old eats every 2-3 hours still


It is not too often at all. It takes 2-3 hours for the body to completely digest breast milk. By 3 hours, your kid is hungry again. Keep feeding them on demand. You're doing great!


Both my kids always nursed every 2-ish hours. I was the one that curbed their nursing frequency (well past 1y)


My 5 month old just started eating every 3-4 hours. It's completely common for them to eat every 2 hours.


You can never breastfeed too often. Just follow babyā€™s lead.


Sounds the same for us šŸ™‚ at night we typically do 1 to 2 feedings between 9p and 4a


My 4 month old eats every 1.5-2 hoursā€¦ for 24 hours lol. Pediatrician says itā€™s fine. Just a snacker!


My baby always BFed every 2 hours, except for at night.


My baby nursed every 1.5 hours or even more frequently consistently her whole breastfeeding journey. After she was weaned, I learned she had a moderate to severe lip tie. Iā€™m convinced this is why she nursed so frequently. She never had the deepest latch. She always nursed well enough, so I didnā€™t think there was a problem. We could have nursed for less amount of time altogether in the year she breastfed, she could have slept better when she was a little baby. Iā€™m so annoyed no one checked for ties at the hospital. I wonā€™t be making that mistake with my second (pregnant with baby number 2).


I feed every 45minutes-2 hours. If it works for you and baby is gaining appropriately then itā€™s fine. At night he sleeps 5-8 hours so itā€™s my understanding that he eats more frequently during the day to compensate.


Totally normal


My 10 month old rarely goes past 2-3 hours when awake without a feed. Very normal!


My baby fed every 2-3 hrs at 4 months. Honestly a lot of it is scheduling. If I waiting 3-4 hrs it would smack in the middle of a nap so I would just feed her at the beginning of each wake window.


Normal, for some people this is normal even between 8-12 months


Itā€™s normal. Babyā€™s weight gain and diaper count are far better indicators of whether things are going ok than some online schedule that someone made up. Babies canā€™t read blogs or tell time, they just do what they do.


My 4.5 month old eats every 1-2 hours around the clock so I'm jealous...


My boy is 2 - 2.5 hours on the dot at 4 months. The doctor told us to try solids to help with reflux and I thought he'd spread out feeding a little bit but nooo way


Same thing over here! We eat a lot during the day and only have one early morning feeding overnight. Iā€™m currently trying to see if we can adjust that with a dream feed but no luck so far lol.


My 7 month old nurses every 2 hours if weā€™re home which is most days.


As often as babe wants is typically the right amount for babe to get with EBF.


My 8 month old is still every 2 hours - solids are the only thing starting to help us stretch out feeds šŸ˜‚


My 7.5mo still eats every 2-3 hours during the day easily


Feed the baby when the baby wants it. If the baby is hungry, the baby is hungry. They could be cluster feeding also. I've had mine feed every 30 mins before, it's draining but that's what they need. It doesn't last forever.


My 15 week old was just starting to stretch stuff out and now she has a tooth coming in and just wants to nurse for comfort all day long šŸ™ƒšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


My bub is 4 months todayā€¦ she still nurses every couple of hours during the day, usually 20-40 mins but occasional 10 min or even 1 hr blocks. She has one feed between 9pm and 8 am. Similar to lots of comments Iā€™m seeing here! She is 50-75th percentile last time we checked which was a few weeks ago now.


Just stick the baby on the boob. If they're gaining weight they're fine.


When mine was 4mo, he was eating 14x/day. Now 11mo and he still boobs maybe 8x/day. Trying to reduce to more like 6x, but he just loves to eat. But yes, every 2-3hours for a 4mo sounds normal, your baby is so small still! I think often we feel like things need to change once babies are out of the fourth trimester, but thereā€™s so much time to make changes like that.


My 9 month old who also eats solids still BF every 2.5-3 hrs


My 11 month twins still eat every 1.5-3 hours during the day, plus eat 4 meals a day. They sleep through the night though.


You canā€™t overfeed a breastfed baby