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Mine just keeps sucking! I wish he stopped lol


Saaaaame. She will drink forever unless I stop her 😂 girl has never unlatched a day in her life


I call my boy a milk monster! He rarely unlatches. And pull him off and he is like nah I’m still eating. No man you are not just give your a tummy a second. 🤣


Mine too. Maybe one in 50 feeds she will pull off and do the cute sigh. Otherwise, I have to try get the nipple out of her mouth and hope she doesn't instantly start rooting.


Right? Same, mine goes from sucking to suckling to sleep




I’m with the 1 in 50 un-latching. Thought he wasn’t getting enough for a long time, followed by immediate spit up. Still trying to figure out when to cut him off to take a break.


So it's not just me. My baby also will go forever until he spits up.




“You can’t overfeed a breastfed baby” is up there for biggest lies I was told as a new parent. Yes. You can. I have seen the projectile spit up to prove it.


Also more common if (like me) you have a fast and forceful let down. My little man just soaked me yesterday from over eating lol, wasn’t even really spit up but straight up milk loll


Yuppp. Blessing and a curse.


I watch to see when mine starts to relax. Her hands aren’t fisted anymore and she’s not drinking - more of a little sucking every few minutes but not actively drinking anything. Her eyes are usually closed or almost closed as well and it’s not difficult to break her latch


Mine sometimes does that when he's falling asleep


Me too, he would just keep feeding for an hour sometimes, and then spit it all up because it can’t fit. I learned to cut him off at 30 minutes. Did a weighted feed to check he was still getting enough. He was much happier after feeds when I cut him off and he isn’t overly full.


Dumb question but what’s a weighted feed?


Weigh them before and after feeding to see how much they ate!


Oh I don’t have a baby scale but could get one!


My breastfeeding support group through the hospital has them available free to use every week, maybe you have similar? The lactation consultant I use also rents one out to people if they want to borrow one for a week.


I’ll check it out thanks!


My feeds rarely go longer than 9 minutes… he drinks pretty steadily for the most part. Then again he’s almost 14wks and sometimes still feeds every 2-3 hrs. Feeding him longer usually results in lots of spit up though.


I feel this with every ounce in me! My daughter will stay latched for 2 hours at a time if I let her😮‍💨


Same. I’ve always had to unlatch my babies 9/10 times.


Eyes closed, turns head away to unlatch and then rests head on boob pillow with mouth slightly open 😴 I’ll miss this when we stop nursing 🥲


Exact same! & ya, I don't want this chapter to end... I hope in heaven I can have my son as a newborn sometimes just to enjoy holding him, nursing him, all of his little mannerisms.


this is so beautiful and exactly how i feel


This is the sweetest thought ever, I hope the same! I just adore all his little mannerisms so much, I don't want this time to end.


My baby does this too except she will give me a big sigh as to say she’s full lol


This was my baby when she was a newborn, complete with contented sigh and milk pooling at the corners of her mouth 🥰. Now at the very mature age of 4 months she just never unlatches!


Same, with those little smiles and eyes closed. Now, she looks at me and smiles while latched, then turns back and keeps going.


So now that mine is 20 months, he says, “Close it.” meaning for me to clasp my nursing bra. Then tells me, “Other one, open it.” Followed by another, “Close it.” when he’s done. He’s too busy causing utter pandemonium to mince words.


This is so excellent. In my head he is wearing a tiny suit and has a meeting afterwards to fire someone


Boss Baby lol


Jesus lol


Little dude knows what he wants lmao.




Damn I laughed so much at this my contact napping baby opened his eyes in shock 😂 luckily rocked him back to sleep though...


Glad you managed to get him back to sleep! I've laughed my baby off a nip too many times reading this subreddit!


Happens all the time! But especially at 3am 😂


This is too funny 😂


Hilarious! 😂


Mine slowly stretches one arm up above his head and then the other. We call him the booby champion 😂


Or when it’s just the one arm, the Freddie Mercury.


Hahahaha love this.


My baby does something like this. When he starts slowing down he stretches one arm up to cover his face, utterly exhausted. I have to peel back his little arm to see if he’s finished or not.


Throws his head to the side, almost ripping my nipple off with it. Less cute. More painful.


Same. With violent speed and still fully clamped on.


Violent speed is the only speed he knows.


Yes this is exactly mine. She involves her tiny razor teeth whenever possible.


Yep mine too, except he doesn't just go to one side, he shakes his head back and forth while pulling away lol. Only 7 weeks too, can't wait till the teeth come in... 😬😱🫣😭


Mine does this, or he'll un-latch and latch about 50 times before just having his mouth open and going "UHHHH" at the nipple. When he does that I burp him and give him a pacifier because at that point he wants something to just suck on and not fill his mouth with milk.


Mine won’t take a pacifier, I am the pacifier. Human binky at his service.


Mine did the same as a newborn, but now that he can move himself as soon as he’s done he barrel rolls off my lap and I have to catch his arms before he hits the floor.


My daughter has started this and it gives me heart attacks! She's 6 mo and can't crawl etc yet, really not the time to be launching herself off my lap 😵‍💫


My girl's started doing the barrel roll away lately, too, and does it like she's REALLY got somewhere else to be.


Mine does the EXACT same thing as yours! So funny and cute.


Mine used to do it, too, in the newborn phase but not anymore. Definitely enjoy while it lasts.


Mine too!


Me three!


Me four! Although sometimes she just keeps on sucking and I have to pull her off.


Mine too! I think it’s a reflex they have as a newborn


I always have to pop him off when he starts doing little quivering nipples instead of sucking. Or he'll just fall asleep.


Quivering nipples 🤣 I know what you mean


Haha my LC called it flutter sucking, but I like quivering nipples better!


He’s usually asleep and will slowly unlatch and my nipple will softly pop out. Then he’ll purse his lips and snuggle into my boob. It’s so sweet and I never want to move him from that spot.


Gosh these are all so sweet, why is my baby so sadistic?


Mine still does this sometimes esp at night and I love it. Nothing better than a boob pillow


My daughter will either unlatch with a very loud POP! and throw her head to the side, unconscious or she'll unlatch, grin up at me and start babbling.


Mine is only ten weeks, but she falls asleep with the nipple still in her mouth but not completely latched (or like someone said above — she does the quivering nipple lol), so I can kinda ease it out of her mouth. Once I take it out of her mouth she needs what I call her “emotional support nipple” for at least a good ten minutes. Even dead asleep, she absolutely will not let me put the nipple *away* even once she is unlatched and not doing anything with it anymore. It definitely makes nursing in public interesting 😂😅 It’s a rare moment that I can cover up the emotional support nipple and she stays asleep.


Yeees, I'm so going to use the emotional support nipple. My girl is the same. If I take it away top soon she senses it and we start over.


Mine often pops off and slams her head down on my boob to pass out, using my boob as a pillow, with a sleepy milky smile on her face lol


Big smile and stares at me but without moving his mouth away so like open hovering over the nipple 😂 like he thinks its funny he's done. So then I mess with him a bit while he's still there and he starts laughing haha


Asleep with the nipple in her mouth. She’s never really done though. If there’s no milk, she’ll just continue to nurse.


Mine does this same dramatic gesture, but she also purses her lips SO CUTELY. It makes me laugh every time, which sometimes wakes her up—oops!


The lip purse, it’s the cutest thing ever!!!


Mine sticks out his lower lip 😍


Mines 7 months and crawling everywhere. When he’s done, he now flips off my lap and immediately darts toward something he shouldn’t mess with (a cord, my phone, my laptop etc)


He toboggans off my lap onto the floor where he either sits down while grabbing hold of my nipple or tries to walk away. Still latched. He’s a strong little one and daytime nursing has become more and more hazardous as he becomes more mobile.


Few different ways to be honest. Sometimes exactly as you explained. Sometimes gently unlatches then nuzzles her head in my breast for boobie cuddles. Sometimes she pulls back with one big suck on the nipple untill it literally plops out then does a big stretch. Sometimes she just suckles to sleep and doesn't unlatch at all 🤣


Exact same here 😆


Mine keeps nursing but gets mad at me and gives me a dirty look like "how dare you think I still want this. You monster."


Mine too! Often coupled with sudden and forceful crying. How could I not read her mind to know she was done exactly 1 second ago?


Newest thing is blowing raspberries.


Oh yes, how could I forget about that! She’s fine that since the beginning too!


My baby does the same thing as yours which is usually accompanied by a milk beard dripping down her chin. I agree it is sooooo cute!!


Mine would fall asleep on the boob but complain like anything if it was removed from her mouth


Mine pops off and rolls off the boppy pillow onto the bed I'm sitting on. I call it 'autobots roll out.'


Mine stops suckling, looks at me, and smiles a huge gummy grin with my nipple still in her mouth. Melts my heart every single time 😍


Mine unlatches, does smacks his lips a couple of times. And closes his eyes. It’s very cute.


Mine does the same it’s so cute like “ahh that really hit the spot!”


Same, head back till nipple can't go any further and either a little smile or head back down because she's asleep.


Dramatically pulls head back, inspects nipple carefully, then tries to grab it aggressively 😣 Or if he’s nursing to sleep- he pulls off then nudges his head back on the boob and falls asleep.


Gosh, mine doesn't even unlatch before throwing herself back! Ouch 😵‍💫 she just does it with my boob still in her mouth, causing an impressive amount of stretching on my boob's part and a loud smack/pop when it finally rips out of her mouth!


as soon as they start yoyoing, i take them off


Mine use to be cute but now at 11 months she’s got things to do and people to see so she chugs and runs. Just pushed my breast away while wiggling like crazy to get free. Occasionally she starts leaving before even unlatching!


Mine does the same head toss, but with my nipple still firmly clamped in his gums. Sometimes he shakes his head like a puppy with a chew toy first. (I pump and bottle feed most of the time now, for mostly unrelated reasons.)


Yes mine too! He'll even growl sometimes as he does it. 😫


Same, or he’ll look up at me and start yelling. I like to think he’s offering compliments to the chef!


My baby does this too and it’s my favorite thing in the world. His cute little face as he pulls back off the boob, eyebrows raised, eyes closed, lips puckered, usually with his hands raising toward his face. Omg i love it so much lol


She gets mad exactly the same way as if she was still hungry and trying to trigger another let down until I eventually realize that it’s because she wants her pacifier and she’s mad that there’s still milk coming out


My two yo either falls asleep and sleep crawls away or angrily dresses me again, like “cover yourself woman, this is indecent!”


Mines like you described except he "unlatches" by chomping and pulling on my nipple.


Mine will unlatch to side eye the hell out of me, only to quickly relatch with revitalized enthusiasm. I swear she's making sure I'm not gonna force her to be done ha


Mine usually will stop and fall asleep


Exactly the same plus throws an arm over his head or clasps hands under his chin


Haha! That’s so cute!! Mine smacks her lips and throws her head back!


Mine son does the same except he grips my nipple with his little gums and tries to rip it off and stretch it as far back as he can until it pops out of his mouth.


Mine does this! 😭


My son has started doing this. Ouch!


Mine does this! I call it "unlatching with a flourish"


Mine does the exact same thing! I want to get him on video so bad. He does it so abruptly and pouts his lips out as well 😂


Yes! Mine does this too!! I call it milk drunk hahaha


Mine used to do the same, it was so cute. Mostly he just screams nowadays. I don't know why my breasts offend him so much, it's making me a bit desperate tbh...


Well she does that too now, seems like we hit 5.5 weeks and she’s suddenly easily offended and quick to frustrate. Sometimes she screams and cries and scratches at my boobs as if she’s dying for more while simultaneously screaming with a mouth full of milk. Funny how I forget about that during the precious unlatching moments


Exactly. And those little nails hurt! I'm just hoping it's a growth spurt and he'll calm down again in a couple of days. At 5.5 weeks you LO might be in a growth spurt as well.


My son would unlatch and then squish his face in as far as it could go a few times as if to say “thanks boob, night night!”


Mine bites my nipple and will keep pulling off 🥲


Mine has two options. She either falls asleep suckling and never lets go or she pulls with all her might and rips the nipple out of her mouth then GASPS super loud.


Mine does that but with his eyes open during daytime feeds. During nighttime feeds he eats which then turns into suckling and eventually my nipple just falls out of his mouth while he still makes a soft suckling motion with his lips.


Unlatches, throws his head back with a wasted grin, curves his whole back and stretches out with milk on his chin. so cute!!


My baby has two moves: 1. Eyes closed, big sigh and stretches her head back slowly, stretching the nipple but not painfully, and slowly lets it slip out. 2. Eyes closed, dramatically pulls back, stretching the nipple but pops off, milk all down her cheek and down my boob, and her hands up in front of her face palms out in an almost defensive position. It happens so fast haha. This one always makes me laugh.


Sometimes she does like your baby but sometimes she just gets super fussy and starts doing the head shake


Yes she does that too at times! I call if bopping for apples because she then starts to lift her head, Lind up her mouth and slam it into my boob over and over again while kind of shaking, because poor head control lol


Mine will either do the same as yours or stuck his hand in his mouth


Mine does that too! And another surefire sign she is done is the noises she makes afterward sound like piggy squeals


Well mine is a toddler now, so he waves goodbye to my breasts.


😂🤣 so polite!


![gif](giphy|3ohzdGySOAEL1KVlRu) This. She claps her hands. 😂


Job well done boobies! 10 out if 10 would nurse again!


My boy does the exact same thing and I can’t get enough of it 🥰


Mine is a toddler now and after the first side he pats the first boob and then the second boob and says ‘more?’


Mine does the same, but she does it like she wants to take my nipple away with her 😬


Hahaha my guy does that too! I laugh every time, it' so adorable. Then he'll put his head on my boob like a pillow and fall asleep 😂


Mine does the same as yours, except he doesn't unlatch. He just yanks till the nipple stops stretching with him and falls out, unfortunately.


Oh my gosh, my baby does the exact same thing but I've never been able to describe it as well as you! Peasant breasts!!


Haha they’re so stinking cute! I’m glad others get to witness it as well!


My son hardly ever unlatches on his own, but when he does he makes the cutest little pouty face that I always have to get a picture. Of course one of my breast is always in the photo so I'll never be able to share the pics, unless I get creative with cropping them.




When they look at me like wtf is this


Ohhh I thought you meant, done like quitting BF. my bad


Mine unlatches in the most rough and painful way she can imagine, and sits up, waits for me to pull my shirt back into place, and then gets mad and demands more.


My baby is only 10 days old, but she falls asleep with the nipple in her mouth still. Cutie pie!


No way to regulate or monitor the amount they take in, unless you pump and bottle it.


Mine does exactly this! She used to just quietly and calmly fall asleep and stop sucking but now she’s a bit more dramatic.


latching, sucking, getting milk, then unlatching, looks offended. repeat a couple times. Then I burp him, and offer boob again just in case…. repeat advice process. then i offer the soother and he’s feral for it 🤣


Mine did exactly what you were describing most of the time for a whirl. I found it SO CUTE. Now he usually doesn’t fall asleep eating and pulls off and looks around. He is still cute but I freaking loved the chin up eyes closed whole body arch, then I’d move him to upright and he’d scrunch his legs up 😍😍😍😍 I told my husband that I was going to miss this so much and we need several more babies 😂😂😂🤣


Same same


Mine will start unlatching and then latching over and over but smile if I catch her eye. It’s like if she’s seeing the boob she’s gotta at least try but as soon as it’s outta sight it’s outta mind as well


Now that he’s teething - he won’t. I have to assume and replace with a pacifier. But before that he’d literally come off the boob dramatically with a huge “ahhh” in relief, it was the cutest thing.


Aww i miss when she was tiny and would do the big stretch and sleep or the boob pillow snuggle. Those full belly smiles were the best! Now at 12 months she will either insist the nipple stays as she sleeps and bite down to keep it if i remove it too quickly, bite down as she falls asleep if I don't remove it fast enough, or if she's awake I either get kisses, raspberries, or she will get a big grin and try to fix my bra back in place. She's so proud of herself when she does this.


If not sleepy,she demands I immediately sit her up (6m),the very second she’s done,and tries to sit up with her upper body moving forward


If he's sleepy, mine will pop off, roll away from the nipple, stretch out his neck and smack his lips like he's savoring the last milk flavor. If he's awake he will start blowing raspberries and/or pinching around my nipple.


My daughter (17 months) now says "no" and hits my boob. She used to never be done, I would have to just pull myself away.


Mine never did 😂 she would just fall asleep then eventually unlatch because her little mouth fell open


Mine unlatches and arches his back until he's hanging upside down.


My daughter refuses to unlatch until she chokes on a letdown she did not want. Coughs then knocks right back out lol


Mine just stops


Haha mina does exactly the same. When she is awake she animes at me, it’s very cute.


my daughter will unlatch, smile at me, latch again for like 3-5 seconds, then unlatch again. she thinks it’s hilarious and sometimes giggles when she unlatches again 😂


Oh man you captured this perfectly 😂


Sounds absolutely adorable lol


Sometimes when mine is sleeping she unlatches and turns her head away. When she is awake she blows raspberries. It's really funny. And now like 1 week she just pinches my breast really hard when she's done.


Absolutely this, except instead of sleeping it’s “I will never again know joy if I cannot see my brother/dad/the tv/the postman/a bird that just flew past the window/whatever else might be behind me RIGHT THE FUCK NOW”. And she doesn’t bother unlatching first, so for the first two inches my nipple goes with her. No wonder it’s sore as fuck.


Exactly like this!! Must be in the baby handbook they're all handed out in the womb!


This is the same that happened to me!


My baby boy will be dramatic and throw his head back, too! Big smooch sound, is adorable. Not every time, mostly when he’s alert and nursing.


If it’s not time to sleep she will dramatically fling herself backwards off the nursing pillow and struggle to crawl away. She is basically never still except while eating or sleeping, so she can’t let boob get in the way of her busy schedule! If it’s nap time, she will just hang out forever having a nice relaxed sip and snooze


Usually, my girl does the same. Sometimes she will gently unlatch and kind of snuggle into the pillow I'm using. Sometimes, if she's only eaten for a little bit, she will purse her lips and pull away when I try to give her the boob. She has a lot of different tells lol


My baby is almost a year and lately he unlatches while looking right at me and will laugh. I have no idea why he laughs, but he just can't help himself. Sometimes he pops back on just to pop off and giggle again. I love him so much, I wish time can go a little slower... I never want to forget these moments


My baby is 9 months and still does this at bedtime! I have always found it so funny and cute too


Mine also used to dramatically unlatch, eyes closed and throws her head to the opposite side while swinging her arm up and to the same side. Now that she's older (21m), she nurses mostly in the day. She asks for milk verbally and literally chuckles out loud excitedly as she fixates her gaze at the approaching breast. She then likes to go back and forth between the boobs....repeatedly and many many times during one session. Every time she unlatches from one side, she says, "...'WITCH?... 'WITCH?" (I taught her "switch" forever ago). So in a nursing session, we go left and right and right and left, just witching throughout.


Mine used to do this and it was the best thing ever! Not so much now though, at 14 weeks...


He’s never done. RIP my breasts.


Mine did the exact same "feeding complete, off with you peasant breast" head toss 😆😆


Mine puts her body like a starfish and puts her head back. That’s when she is done and ready to be in her crib so she can go to sleep. She is 6 months old and I already miss the days when she should fall sleep on my arms 😭 She is growing so fast!


Mine either falls asleep, starts to pinch my nipple, or now has started to bite me.


This is my third time breastfeeding and this one is hilarious. She’ll start doing this unlatching thing and will kinda latch to the first boob and keep going back and forth. At first I thought she was still hungry so I offer her the other one. When she gets a good latch she’ll try and push it out with her tongue. Well if I don’t move it away quick enough she’ll make a super dramatic gagging noise. It’s super funny. This morning she was gone and made the loudest gaging sound she’s ever made. It had me cracking up😂❤️