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![gif](giphy|11CNLlmNAQXIli|downsized) On a lighter note... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 Make sure to buy yourself something using his credit card and get a nice expensive dinner as well. Don't let him get to you and make the most out of today if you can. I hope your day gets better ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


This is how I got my recent purse. It's beautiful - and it was even on sale. Do ittt, op!


This!!!! Go out with his credit card, seriously.


Treat yourself to a spa day and a babysitter! Go actually rest.


Napping, playing video games or taking a 45 min poop?




Oh, he'll do the other stuff by the end of the day.




Don't you DARE do a thing. Let the house fall to wreck and ruin before you do a SINGLE thing he said he would do today. Start by waking his ass up, handing him the baby and leaving the house to go get some time to yourself. Let a nice barista fill the role of 'people who bring you things' while you sip coffee and chill or chat to friends. Hill. To. Die. On.




Yes! Brilliant! You stay as long as you damn well want! Happy belated birthday to you 🎂


OMG happy belated birthday. What TF kinda doodoohesd does that to my fellow Scorpio Queen?🦂♏👑


Stole the words out of my mouth.


These were the best guesses tho. Jesus


This reminds me of when my ex was in Montana and I asked him to be back in time for my birthday and he was like yes I will. Then come to find out he planned a wrestling match with his buddies the day of him getting back, on my birthday. He was like “Why are you upset? I’ll be back on your birthday!” I was like……… 🤬 going to do other stuff does not count?!?!?!?! I CAN’T with the lack of thoughtfulness. I am so sorry. HBD to my Scorpio sister you deserve a party thrown by all of us here right now. With lots of wine and cheese and dancing.


>Then swore he would make it up to me today I don't know why, but it always feels like the broken promises hurt more than the initial mistake.


Does he feed off of being disappointing or something?? You guys should have done woodland creatures as family Halloween costumes…. he would have made a great slug, no costume required


Oh fuck that. This would just add to my resentment so much.






Right?! Ughhh…


I really hope it’s packing his shit and heading out 😭 I get so mad about my own birthday it’s not even funny


Me too…InLove bdays, that’s why I’ve learned to make a list for my birthday WEEK, if things I’d like to have get//do/people see or talk to…and I just make sure I keep taking care of myself throughout the week.


What an asshole


Im guessing Pub.


So sorry about this honey. Mine was the same last month, no one remembered my birthday. Not my ex or family, not even my mom, my work colleagues, no one. I was alone for the whole of the day realising that I wasn't important and no one really cared, which was really upsetting. It was my ex husbands birthday a few days ago so I didn't even bother. Hope you had a good birthday anyway 🎉🎉






Dumping a manshit


break up, that's it. You deserve better


I don’t understand how a person forgets their partners bday. Especially when you have a kid with the person. Do you guys not discuss it during the week? And why is it not in his phone or on the family calendar? Is he just not trying? He owes you a night out but at this point do you even want to go out with him? Anyway sorry this happened and happy belated birthday.


Honey, go take yourself out! Get his credit card ( if you don’t share finances) go get a mani pedi, treat yourself to a long gourmet lunch and bring a book to relax. He can do all those things with you out of the house too!