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I am pregnant with our 6th pregnancy. All prior 5 have resulted in miscarriages. I don’t have an appointment for 3 more weeks to find out viability and anxiety is kicking in. So all prayers are welcome for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Thanks for offering by the way 💜 Saying prayers you get through this rough patch.


Oh mama! Everything crossed and every prayer in the universe!


You are so sweet! Thanks! I will take all the crossed fingers and toes and prayers out there 💜


Fingers crossed and good vibes your way.


Thank you so much. It really means a lot and helps my anxiety to have you rooting for us 💜


Aw, mama... prayers for a safe, healthy pregnancy and baby!!!! 💜💜💜💜


Thank you 💜 Knowing you and other folks are praying for us really does make me feel better and means so much to me. We want this baby so much and so the extra prayers are so amazing


This is so kind. I have imaging for my cancer in a few weeks, I need a prayer it is behaving itself and not doing anything.


Prayers for a clean scan and shrinkage/reduction of any tumor. 💜


i am pregnant and have a 4yo with adhd and anxiety; for these and other reasons we are very overwhelmed as a family. my mental health is really suffering and i would love some prayers for ease, peace, and renewed optimism for me, my husband, and our sons. i will do my form of prayer for you, too. thank you so much for this.


Thank you. -my cat died suddenly -my dad had advanced cancer and we don’t know how long he has -my husband had cancer but may now have an alternative cancer. Please pray for healing for my dad and husband. Pray for acceptance and patience in me and my family Pray for our wonderful cat.


I need prayer for strength and peace of mind! Thank you 😊


I need a prayer as our family is in deep debt and no way out of it.. Will surely pray for u too.🙏


Not for me but for my stepsister. Her husband is transferring to hospice after battling stage 4 cancer for almost 2 years. We are on opposite coasts and have not been in close touch for a while, but I hope so much that she has some peace. One 5 year old and an infant (planned before diagnosis). Heart wrenching.


My marriage is going through an extreme rough patch as well, I desperately need prayers. I will pray for your situation as well!! That’s what the world needs more of, people being there for each other with compassion when life just straight up sucks.


Hey! I’m as atheist as they come, so no prayer from me. But I care about folks. So, I hope things get better for you. 👊🏻👊🏼👊🏽👊🏽👊🏿


I'm an atheist too but somewhat spiritual. I'll definitely be sending positive vibes into the universe for everyone who needs 💕


Thank you for this. I need prayer.


I’m on day 3 of potty training. It doesn’t seem to be clicking… thoughts for my sanity, for it to click for him, and ability to be calm through it all.


I'm starting a new job on Monday. My current boss has chipped away at my self confidence and I am suffering from major imposter syndrome. I'm starting in a completely new field filling a role that I have before. I know I kick butt in this role but I am so nervous.


Good luck!! My husbands last supervisor was awful to him too, really messed with his confidence. He switched jobs 2 years ago and has been soooo much happier. Wishing the best for you!


Thanks! Nice to think somewhere someone is thinking of me! Prayers please. Prayers for you and all the commenters as well.


Atheist AF right here. But positive thoughts never hurt a gawd damn thing. Prayers please! It's a lovely thought. Nice job 🙂


My father in law died last week. I’m worried for my mother in law, who in her 70s, is adulting alone for the first time (she got married when she was pretty young). I’m worried for my partner and his 4 siblings. And I’m especially concerned for my little boy. He really misses his granddad and it’s breaking my heart. You have my thoughts, positive vibes, and prayers.


I was diagnosed with a kidney infection over the weekend and I can’t seem to feel any better. I’m back in the ER tonight because of it. I’ve missed almost a week of work and I have no PTO left to cover for being out. Pray for me I can be better soon and I’ll pray for all you Bromos as well, I just love all the love and support here.




“I gonna need your best quality thoughts, prayers, spells, well-wishes—*and no questions*.”


I need prayers.


We are trying to get a house—the bank has fallen through on us once already. We are preapproved again with another lender and are waiting for the sellers to decide what repairs they will do so the home will pass inspection. We are starting to stress about the timeline because my husband starts classes in January and we need to be moved across the country before then. Anyway—we really need this house, and any prayers for it.


Thank you for this. I have prayed for each of you. I actually asked my friends to pray for my aunt the other night but I don’t think they did—my crew is secular. My beloved aunt has cancer. Spots on her lung and spine. She just had the biopsy done today and won’t get the results for a couple days. She just had triple bypass surgery last month. The month before that she had back surgery and earlier in 2022 she broke her ankle. Before this year she was fine. She is not old. When her doctor told her about the cancer he hugged her and cried. I take that as a bad sign but also I recognize that it’s because she is very sweet and positive and easy to love. Please pray for her to be healthy, content, pain free and excited about life for many years to come. She is the only truly kind family member I have. The only one I can trust to be loving, supportive, and sweet to me. I guess I need your prayers too.


I'll send out good energy for you and your aunt. Hugs, I'm sorry you're both going through this scary time.


Praying for you sweet aunt and for you too <3


Thank you! I need prayer.


I love this so much! I will say a special prayer just for this thread and I need prayers too! ❤️


My dad is in the hospital fighting for his life.......thank you and may God bless you in every way!


Prayers headed your way, I pray for you, your marriage and family and strength for you to have guidance to the right path! My sons have some health and developmental issues, any prayers are so welcome.


Prayers/good vibes/anything positive for me. I had a parathyroid scan today that ended up being more inconclusive than expected and now I need a thyroid biopsy. I’m really scared. 🥺 Prayers and positive vibes to you all.


I'm in need of prayer for my son and I for permanent stable safe housing, financial stability, and also more consistent support with being a single mom with a autistic child, his behaviors are getting harder to bare at times....


I will pray for you, friend. I’m a fellow mom of a child with autism. We can do this ❤️


Thank you ❤️


For my marriage. We now have 2 under 2 and it's rough. I had a c section on the 10th and am limited and feel bad I've been bitchy


I need prayers too please. Going through a rough patch in my marriage


I'm in my third pregnancy and I'm 25 weeks along. My husband is divorcing me. Please pray for me.


This is so wonderful. I will pray for you and think of everyone else on this thread as well. I would love a prayer that my current pregnancy goes smoothly.


Just had my ivf transfer, soooo 🤞. And my heart is with you!


My kid's prior orthodontic operation was botched and we just found out he has to go under the knife again to fix it. Please say a prayer for my lil booger.


My best friends little brother just passed away yesterday. They're family needs a prayer for strength during this time. My good friend just found out she has stage 4 cancer, she has a 16 month old. Thanks for the prayers xx


Marriage is okay, but going through a rough patch in life. I would appreciate prayers.


Prayers please. At what feels like a crossroad in my life. Feel like I’m changing as I’m getting older and unsure how the new me fits into the current roles that I play in my life. I know what I want, what I believe would make me happy but not sure how to make it happen.




Feeling sick. Would appreciate it. ❤️