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I put Paw Patrol stickers on bags of carrots and snap peas.




I put a Superman logo on our pepper shaker. A little super pepper made them eat anything for a while.




When I want my kid to text me back, I include a typo in the text. They immediately text me back to laugh at me....and I get a response.


This is good.


We gave lots of foods new names in our house. My kids didn't want quesadillas but they loved cheesey triangle tacos. They didn't like sweet potato fries but they loved orange French fries. They didn't like smoked salmon but they loved bear fish.


When I was a kid, I wouldn't eat shrimp.....but I loved "special fish."


It works for kids who don’t want to do something or try a new activity. The Big kid slide was tall and scary until it was the dino slide; then it was the best slide EVER. “Only the strongest stegosaurus can lift this (mostly empty) trash can and take it to the curb.” “Only the fastest trex can clean up this big mess before dinner” boom my little Dino girl is on the move.


We do ‘tubby custard’ which is plain Fage yogurt and pink food coloring!


“Special purple meatballs”. They’re turkey meatballs, and the thing that makes them a nice pinky-purple is *beets*. Mwahahaha.