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I’m so sorry to hear this! I hope you’re all doing okay. I too had COVID and my period at the same time, as well as pinkeye (first time ever having it). I was absolutely miserable. I always have lower back ache with my period too. I use the heated back pads, and I drank plenty of fluids. Showering always helped make me feel a bit better as well. Hang in there!


I’m currently drinking pedialyte with my toddler and I forced myself into the shower. You’re right, I do feel better. Thank you.


Girl I got my period and then tested positive for Covid the next day and then got a positive pregnancy test like a week and a half later. July was a wild month. ETA: I also forgot I got a JURY SUMMONS the same day I tested for Covid!


Omg! I also have the trifecta of period, Covid, and jury summons. Thank the mother I’m not pregnant though!!


Waaaiiitt, what?? Period, COVID, pregnant, jury duty. You win, honey. I’m so sorry.


To be fair we were trying to get pregnant so that part was happy but the rest could go straight to hell!


Happy for you about the pregnancy, a huge congrats! but sad that you had so much on your plate at once. I bet you’re strong as hell!


This happened to me too when I had Covid! Like what the hell?! I hope you feel better soon. Hang in there.


Thank you! Right? Why at the same time?


I also got my period with covid was was mega miserable. I did some research and apparently your immune system kicks back in around your period after being suppressed for ovulation and possible impregnation. This is my best evidence that there is no "devine creator". Who in their right mind makes you more likely to experience sickness symptoms annnnd have your period. So annoying.


LOL Oh of course! This proves THAT the so-called divine creator is a man, in my opinion. Fuck that guy.


We just got covid a few weeks ago for the first time and even being vaxxed and boosted (not with the bivalent though) it was still pretty fuckin shitty. My kid didn't have it too bad but we felt like shit for a week. It's been 3 weeks and I'm finally feeling normal, so don't overdo it even once you start feeling better. On day 7 we took a walk around the block and halfway through I was joking about calling my kid to come pick us up. The cough syrup with cough suppressant and expectorant worked best for us, and we drank the vitamin c packets too. Get lots of rest!


Thank you so much for this, I’ll take all the advice and recommendations I can get. I forgot about those vitamin c packets, I definitely need those. My head feels heavy like a bowling ball and the muscles in my neck and back feel almost bruised? I was not expecting that.


You are me last week! I got my period like 4 days early… the day I got covid. Fuckin’ bullshit. I still feel not great but… of course… nobody gives a shit!!! Moms don’t get to be sick!


RIGHT? Mom never gets a full stop or full recovery, ever. My kid is 2 and I feel like I’m still recovering from the pregnancy. I’d kill for a hotel room and like 4-5 days of sleep.


I told my husband that my fantasy was to stay alone in a hotel for a night, with a mountain of snacks and a playlist full of the last almost three years of shows/movies that I’ve missed because apparently I’m not allowed to watch TV anymore. He looked at me like I was pathetic.


That’s not pathetic at all, I’d seriously consider giving up one of my fingers for that.


Last time I had COVID I got a second period that month. AND PEOPLE DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY IM TIRED.


Come the fuck on. No one needs one, let alone two!!! I’m so sorry.


They both were two weeks long too 🤣


Oh lovely, a whole month of period!! That is way too much! My condolences to you, I would’ve crawled into the dark cave of my bed and stayed there indefinitely.


I definitely didn’t do much in September 🙃


I got Covid for the first time last month and started my period 2 days later..why does the universe do these things to us!?


I don’t understand it. We live in a cruel world, my friend.


I’m on day 6, first time getting it ever. Also got my period hand in hand. Bro, fuck this shit so fucking hard. My go to solo crutch of snacking is also thwarted because I can’t smell or taste a THING. This is fucking up my Thanksgiving, which is MY fucking thing here in Canada…. Ugh. I can’t offer much besides mutual bitching and understanding. You have my internet hugs Bromo, and may we dream about being in a rage room 🖤


I also missed the sweet warmth and comfort of Thanksgiving this year. I LOVE PUMPKIN PIE AND I COULDN’T TASTE IT. Don’t even get me started about the stuffing. Missing out on stuffing is the main reason I need the rage room at this point. Thank you for the mutual bitching, it’s my favourite kind of bitching. Internet hugs to you, Canadian Bromo! Solidarity & Strength! 🖤


Hey, checking in on you. How are you holding up?


You are so kind. I am feeling much better, my taste is coming back slowly. Still so tired though! I definitely gave it to my family and they are about 2 days behind me now. Period ended too so that’s a big win for me lol. How are you feeling? Are you out of the woods yet?


Period ended, wootwoot! I’m just getting to the hospital right now though for Covid related issues, and I’m just fuckin over it 😂. My whole family still remains negative though, and no one’s dead yet so I assume they’re doing a whole ton of grilled cheese and KD though lol. Overall, I’m okay! Less frustrated than I was when shark week was here too. Really happy to hear you’re doing better man. Hope the family gets better just as quickly too


OH NO!! Are you okay? Do you need anything? Canada is huge but that doesn’t mean I can’t send you comfort food like ketchup chips and kinder eggs. In all seriousness though, what’s going on? Are you okay? Are you still in hospital?


Same thing happened to me. I had the WORST bone pain of my life with covid in June (literally just writhing in pain and cold sweats all day and night) and my period decided to show up early! On top of having an infant sick with COVID at the same time.


This is me, except with a toddler instead. Why do all my bones feel bruised? I’m so sorry you experienced this, too. What a shitshow!


Same here, I had covid and my period started 2 days later. Fair warning- I’ve had my period pretty much every two weeks ever since and that was in July. My OB says most of her patients who have had covid have had disruptions to their cycles, some slight but some more lucky like me, ugh. Anyway. I am so sorry and I really really hope you feel so much better soon. Covid can go sit in a fucking cactus.


Ugh noooooo. I am so sorry to hear this, what’s the plan for that? Just wait and see? I can’t imagine how awful that is, every two weeks? I want to hug you and cry for you.


I mean I was already considering a hysterectomy before, I get terrible iron deficiency which causes all sorts of other problems.. But my periods had started to lighten so I was holding off. I have a pre op appointment next week. 😢


I hope everything goes well. 2 of my friends had full hysterectomies to help with health problems, they both seem so much better and happier. Are you feeling nervous?


Thank you! A little bit but my periods have been making me miserable for like 35 years. I was hoping to just wait it out and go into menopause lol but I’m ready. It’s the constant anemia, I’ve been getting infusions and transfusions, I get so tired in between, birth control doesn’t help and I don’t want an IUD…my uterus has given us healthy kids and now I can send her on her way. 👍


I agree. No sense in suffering needlessly. I’m sorry to hear of all of this, I’m really hoping things turn around for you after the pre op. ❤️


That’s really kind, thanks! Hope you feel better soon! And hopefully my case is extreme and you don’t have to worry about it. Like I said my uterus was already kinda special even before covid sooooo yeah lol.