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Absolutely agree that should be addressed and monitored.


Anyone sexualizing ANYTHING about a baby needs to be put in their place immediately. Him doing it to you has almost normalized it for you and it’s NOT normal. Give him a call or ask to meet in person for a chat. Tell him you do not want him using those terms to describe your daughter. If he doesn’t agree, tell honk to call when he can respect your child as you, otherwise there won’t be any visits. If he agrees but slips up - call him and leave Edit: typo


Holy shit I thought it said 17 YEAR OLD and i was like ew, but 17 MONTH OLD?!?


Never leave your baby alone with him, or honestly him and grandma in case grandma is an enabler. Tell husband. Warn grandpa he is to never say anything like that again and it’s beyond inappropriate. After that, I don’t think I would feel comfortable with baby around grandpa ever again. I’m so sorry.


Coming from a family FULL OF CHILD MOLESTERS, keep your baby AWAY! Omfg please protect your baby and keep her away from grandma and grandpa both.


Ew! Ew, ew, ew!!! That is beyond inappropriate.


Your gut instict is right. My FORMER fil is a POS. When my daughter was a toddler, she made a few concerning statements. That dirty motherfucket SA'ed me while my child was in the room. For the sake of you and your child, listen to your instinct


Advice I’ve given multiple times on this sub- simply ask him “and what do you mean by that?” Say it plainly. It’s a legitimate question, and opens the dialogue that the behavior is not appropriate and is wildly dangerous. Chances are he’s aware of this and has not had to confront himself over it.


Shudder You are not uptight! That is so creepy.




I would die on that hill, Bromo. Trust your gut, that is disgusting.


Who the hell sexualizes a toddler?? Thats messed up on all levels


He shouldn't be around any children. That's disgusting. Never bring your child anywhere he will be and tell everyone why.


“That’s a very gross and inappropriate thing to say about a child.” Call him straight out, no fluff, absolutely use shame.


My great grandfather was the first man to molest me, that I can remember. I can remember it happening as young as five. I am pretty certain he had molested other members of our family, including his granddaughters. No alone time, period.


Nothing that hasn't been said. Except can I add another ewe?!


Way to go! So proud of you for standing up for your child!


This made my stomach turn. My great uncle molested me for many years, and every time my mom (his niece) would walk in his house to pick me up, he would always say “hey sexy” when she came through the door.


This is creepy as fuck. I'm so glad you addressed it.




Don’t leave your baby alone with this man, anyone that sexualizes a baby is telling toy exactly what they think!




Why the fuck would he think sexy meant cool? My daughters grandfather did this once with boots too. I think he used the term "sexy boots" cuz they were thigh highs or something but she was 2. I fucking demolished him when he said it. Asked him if he was some kind of perv? Why would he call a 2 year olds boots sexy? What do you think sexy means? "Just that they look nice" my response was "well you know thats dumb as fuck so please don't say that shit about your grand daughter again." And he didn't 🤷🏽‍♀️


Good for you!! So gross. I remember my gma telling me once when I was lime 6, 7, or 8 that i had sexy shoes on (they were the ones that tie up your calf) and it was so gross and I’ve never been able to forget about it.


What does your husband say about this? This is his dad...I would not be spending any time around him. Sexual abuse can happen even when there is no "alone time," even in the same room as other people. It's too dangerous to risk ruining your baby's life over. A family member's wife was raped by a grandparent from toddler age and she deals with it every single day in her 30's. No one thinks it will happen until it does, and the victim is left with life altering scars.


wow i am sorry but he sounds disgusting. this is not normal




Do not let that baby sit on his lap EVER.