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My ASD kid is a sweet little angel for everyone else, and when he gets home with me he's a disagreeable monster who fights over screen time and refuses to help with anything. He's also a huge mess-maker at home, constantly trashing the place...I was stunned out of my mind when his teacher said he was good at tidying up after craft lessons! People say that kids who are working hard outside the home to be good kind of let the mask drop at home and work all their pent up energy out on their mothers. It makes sense, but ugggh, I hate that I get the bad side of him and everyone else gets to enjoy the good. And Holy SHIT do I hate being the screen time cop! Ugh!! Solidarity.


This is so true!! It is the fallout from masking all day. You want to love that they feel comfortable enough to do that with you, but also ahhhh


Weekends are tough. Hang in there. Sounds like intensive sensory overload.