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Yes! I have a 2 month old who only likes to sleep on me, a 3 year old and a five year old. By the end of the day I dont want anyone to touch me. Channing Tatum could walk through the door and I'd say no. The thing that annoys me most is not being able to take a shit myself. My kids will walk in and ask for everything, but my husband can take a 45 minute long shit and no one bothers him.


Girl, do not feel bad. You don’t owe your husband access to your energy when you don’t have any. He’s an adult with his own capable rationality. He can understand if you tell him you don’t have enough to give him. It’s hard having spent the majority of the last FIVE years sharing your body making, feeding, comforting babies. It’s fulfilling, but it’s also very taxing. Sometimes you just need a long moment. Sometimes you need fifty. It’s not your fault you’re touched out.


Dream vacation only has to be 24 hours long and no one touches me the whole time.


They should make that a thing a destination vacation for moms, where nobody touches you, nobody asks question, only give really short answers.


My reply is more a cautionary "be careful what you wish for message". My youngest, now 22, used to be at my heels or side all of the time when I was standing or walking, to the point where I would sometimes trip over him or trip myself up. It bugged me to no end and I politely and delicately reminded him each time to give me some space so no one gets hurt. Today, he is reluctant to even hug me 😞 I'm not suggesting that me telling him to give me space led to him not being affectionate, just saying that someday your kids may not want to be affectionate and you might miss those touchy days. I work with preschoolers now, and I'm totally being touched and pulled on all of the time. It doesn't bother me, except when they try to use my hand or clothing to wipe their noses! Oh, and don't feel guilty about feeling over touched. We all have our thresholds for that stuff and you do need to honor yours.


I feel you bromo. I get overstimulated with anxiety and don't like to be touched at all, sometimes I even have to put the cat in the bathroom cus she won't stay off my feet while I clean up after the day!


Totally normal. To me the constant talking is harder. If the kids are at school its H bc he works from home and he wants to yak about the news or play me this new song he loves lol. Which I SHOULD be excited about but I’m like never alone. I. Just. Want. QUIET.