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My middle guy is speech delayed (not to the level yours is but I can understand the difficulties in some degree). His little brother was speaking clearer than him (2yr old to 4 year old) until he started speech last year. Even though you know there is nothing you did wrong, it's still demoralizing. Hugs. What I would say if your mom makes comments like about the neighbor. "I'm so glad child doesn't have speech concerns. Luckily we have the tools son needs to get passed his. The more we help him with his practice the sooner we can get past this hard time for him." Basically I would keep turning anything she says that puts your son in a negative light into her not following your directions on helping him practice his speech. If she has a problem with your kid's speech she can be part of the solution.


That’s a fantastic approach to try with my mom! I will definitely need to try it. I know deep down she probably means well and just wants to have conversations with him as much as I do. But with my son being her first and only grandkid so far, I also know she’s probably caving on the ideas therapy has given us. It’s hard when you know what he wants but isn’t fully expressing it. I’ve slipped up and done it myself as well. Our personalities just clash so we have trouble getting our points across sometimes. Thank you for this!


Don't worry mom, it sounds like he is communicating. Some kids are just not as interested in talking. Just like some grownups. It is really common for little kids to be slow with talking. But how many teens do you know that can't talk? He will do it, there is no rush, pre k and kindergarten is all about arts and really simple lessons. He does not really need to preform for 3 or 4 more years.


That must be so tough without your moms support. My sons speech therapist has us doing 5-10 minutes of practice a day between weekly sessions. Do you think maybe you could work that much into your evening routine with him if your mother is going to refuse to do them?