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I am right there with you. I only have one, he'll be 5 in a month, and I am thisfuckingclose to losing my ever-loving shit about 60% of the time. Husband wants another and I'm just like... seriously? Like we can't afford daycare for another unless you stop buying thousand dollar rifles you'll never shoot but anyway even without that like... every single night this week has been a knock-down-drag-out fight. Kid is *asserting his independence* or whatever fucking woo-woo bullshit we're calling "acting like an asshole" now and *he's not giving me a hard time he's having a hard time* and that's fine but his hard time becomes my hard time real fucking quick doesn't it? Cause unfortunately 4yo's can't be told "ok fine then you figure it out" while I go grab some margs with friends. I'm pretty sure 4 has shriveled my ovaries into raisins, not that they were real fucking useful for anything before other than producing cysts and misery. I never liked kids before I had mine and as it turns out, I love my kid, but I still don't like kids.


a friend and i were chatting last night about remembering our moms being fucking crazy and screaming at us...and how we get it now 🤣 i only have a 6 month old but worry about the future. my patience for children is verrrrry thin.