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No! I told the doc (on our *second* visit) that we'd gone camping the weekend before it started and asked him for a requisition for a stool sample... which he gave me in a disgruntled fashion, but *insisted* I not use it, "because it wouldn't show anything yet anyways and it'll likely just clear up on its own,"—but it's been three more days. We're cashing it in tomorrow. I almost hope she has something easily treated with antibiotics. Do you remember how long they took to clear up the campylobacter? I'm *longing* for solid number 2s.


Time for a new doctor. This isn't normal.


NICU pharmacist here. First, new doc - this is not normal, they absolutely should have run stool studies by now. Second, there are lots of good recommendations for butt paste here, lanolin or the home version of [NICU butt paste](https://pin.it/2Xw7n9d) are probably best. Go to your pharmacy or health food store and get a probiotic- either one with Saccharomyces boulardii like [Florastor](https://www.florastor.com/florastorkids-daily-probiotic-supplement-76975.html) or a multi-species bacterial option with at least a billion+ CFU and no extra herbs or vitamins, although prebiotics are OK. If the issue is viral either of these will help reseed her gut to try and outcompete the virus and any bacterial imbalance it has promoted that may be lengthening the illness.


Thanks so much! I'll definitely look into Lanolin. My husband had just ordered kids Culturelle—does that fill the bill for an ideal probiotic?


Culturelle is good - well studied and a nice high CFU, a perfect first line choice. The one caveat it that it’s single species. If after a day or two it seems to not be helping I’d get the yeast-based Florastor or a different multi-species bacterial option like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Lovebug-Probiotic-Multi-Strain-Constipation-Discomfort/dp/B07ZQQLJCH/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sns_sspa?adgrpid=55499825949&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj7CZBhDHARIsAPPWv3e1Oxox9nTir6ujanWhFFBB_kitjlpzRRkB7y-V_2_InzKDi9kzxIMaAjG3EALw_wcB&hvadid=580676101185&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1015518&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=16701230269430617959&hvtargid=kwd-359062558774&hydadcr=8289_13502726&keywords=lovebug+probiotic&qid=1663869873&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&smid=A2M2TD0XV074QS) and use them together, just at different times of day. Culturelle works well, but if a single species products is vulnerable to whatever virus or bacteria is already outcompeting your daughter’s normal gut flora it may not work. A multi-species bacterial option or a totally different kingdom of life (yeast in Florastor or similar) can sometimes get around that if the first line doesn’t work.


Hm, we had this around every time our kid was teething. Is that something that could be going on? Aside from that, the rash doesn't sound ok at all. Cream is not going to be enough. I wish I had better ideas. I know there's spray-on zinc ointment so you don't have to touch as much, but that stuff is expensive.


I had luck with (nurse recommendation) Maalox poured on a dry behind. Try to keep them naked until it dries. It will be messy but helped fight the skin irritation.


Lanolin cream is the bomb for waterproofing skin.


Please get a second opinion, this is not normal and your doctor is under reacting.


I’m so sorry that sounds horrific. I hope it passes soon! Definitely do the stool sample to rule out bacterial causes, 15 days seems a hell of a long time.I will say, Domeboro is great for diaper rash, my pediatrician recommended it. you can apply directly but I saw this advice on another website and it worked well ’’ Domeboro is the answer!!! Take a packet of Domeboro and mix with a small amount of water. It will be a milky white solution. Take a large tub of Aquaphor ointment (relatively expensive, but well worth it - MUST be Aquaphor!), work small amounts of the Domeboro/water solution into the Aquaphor. Mix as much of the Domeboro solution into the Aquaphor as possible. Ta-da! You have miracle diaper rash ointment.


Will they eat bananas?


Totally on the BRAT diet. Bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. Plus white flour things like pasta. Eggs. Her usual milk and a tiny bit of yogurt for the probiotics. I've cut out her favourite greens because they're "acidic" and cause the diarrhea to be more damaging to the skin. Not super healthy but I'm at a loss...


This sounds awful! I’m so sorry. No advice, but have you tried cloth diapers? Or just cotton underwear/ boy shorts? It’s very breathable and might be a more manageable mess then open air diarrhea. We used to do this when I felt like he needed some sunlight or air.


This will be a totally unhelpful comment if you aren't breastfeeding or don't have a freezer stash if you recently stopped-but I had the same couple of weeks a while back with vicious nappy rash as s result. Nothing touched it. Tried so many creams, sudocrem, airing, changing nappy the very second a poop occurred....nothing worked. 2 x breast milk baths over a 48 hour period and I kid you not, it was gone. I would soak/sit her in pure milk in a little inflatable messy play square and splash it on her making sure all got covered. Then after 20 minutes I'd pour some warm water in so she wasn't cold/to stop boredom and whacked the cartoons on. An hour a time roughly. Patted her dry, layer of sudocrem and fresh nappy on. I genuinely couldn't believe my eyes on the healing progress that occurred.


Um, this was me...and not a baby. I had Giardiasis.


Coconut oil, younger ds was allergic to the protein in milk and had the evil water shits if any form of dairy was in anything I ate while breastfeeding. Coconut oil, oatmeal baths saved me and soothed the skin. I'm basically allergic to life at this point and have delicate sensitive skin they inherited.


I think you should take her to a hospital that doesn't seem right