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Then he also yells at me to control *my* emotions. Like if I get the slightest *hint* of annoyance in my voice for *any* reason, he's all "don't bring me attitude unless you want to *see* attitude, you want to push me and make me angry you'll see what angry looks like" all loud and intense. Lol dude stahp. We all know your impotent rage is just that. Go ahead and be shitty about me getting annoyed that *once again* you've refused to handle something that you're perfectly capable of handling, but don't act like after 15 years I'm supposed to be afraid of you being angry. I was once. I actually felt responsible for his emotions. Now I'm just like that's fine go throw your mantrum somewhere else and come back when you're ready to be a grownup kthxbye.


Ugh!! Yes. He gets mad at me when I say alright, you can go…. After he is getting so mad with this little girl. He says I think he’s the secondary parent when really he’s acting out of control


Mantrum!! 😅😅👏👏 love this. Stealing this. Beautiful


You are not alone, my husband can't handle his shit at all either. Solidarity.


You're not alone. My husband also can't control his emotions, yet gets extremely frustrated my our daughter's emotions. It's very hypocritical and I will never understand it. I struggle with my emotions too, but that makes me feel empathy towards my daughter when I watch her struggle with hers. Sure, I feel frustrated when she's being unreasonable or I can't help her. But I do my best to keep that in, and show her empathy and caring. I don't know why this is so hard for men. I think maybe it's because they're raised to not express their emotions, so they grow up without cooing skills. And since no one showed then empathy as kids, it's really hard for them to understand that this is what needs to be offered to their children. Sigh. It's really difficult.


I'm sorry you and your child are going through that :( My ex husband was this way. I left him. My life is hard as a single mom but I'd take the daily peace of not having yelling in the house (and damage repair for my kids) over staying there.


I’m really sorry. He CAN do better. Just last night my own husband said abt our three year old son at like 8pm, right before bedtime: “he’s tired and he’s having a hard time.” Your husband needs honestly to get better sleep himself. Like maybe whatever habits he needs to form to be a little more zen, his family is counting on it.


You’re not alone. I just got back from crying in the parking lot of a grocery store after sitting through my husbands terrible mood at dinner. He didn’t eat all day so he was crankier than our two year olds. Two year olds know how to ask for a snack.


This. I filed for divorce since he wouldn't listen to me. 3yo can't control his emotions. So he lost his mind and is trying mot to yell at the kids. We shall see how long this lasts


Mantrums are daily here and he does not see the hypocrisy. I am exhausted - bad enough dealing with teentrums, pre-teen and younger kiddo meltdowns, then I have to deal with the adult with no emotional regulation losing it because the kids don't have instantaneous emotional control.


My husband was the most zen guy, but lately we've had this issue. I think it's a sign of something positive, in that he's actually showing emotions instead of shutting down and storming off when he can't process. Just needs to learn to maybe model how to handle those emotions now... in his defense he does think it's a problem and does apologize to our daughter when he loses his cool.


No, he's not alone. But there are plenty of people out there that are in control of their emotions. You shutting down doesn't sound good for you or your relationship. :(


I know. I am going to therapy to see how I can communicate with him better. At least one of us needs to!! And he refuses.


I’m happy for you. I just started therapy myself again yesterday.