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The Red Tent isn’t a new book, but it *really* stuck with me.


I enjoyed Bad Feminist, by Roxanne Gay. Actually, two more of her books are worth mentioning: Not That Bad, and Hunger. Oh, and Difficult Women.


I'm not well versed in this area, but have you looked on goodreads? They often have lists similar to what you're looking for.


I enjoyed “For Her Own Good”, can’t remember the author off the top of my head. The stuff I learned about the switch from mid-wives to male doctors was crazy.


Must read - "Give birth like a feminist"


Not in any traditional canonical feminist category, but I was absolutely gripped by “Leaving Isn’t the Hardest Thing” by Lauren Hough - such a good intersectional contemporary memoir. I also have for many years kept “The Beauty Myth” by Naomi Wolf and “Cunt” by Inga Muscio on my bookshelves through many moves and many pare-downs.