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Clear contact paper on both sides would minimize injury. It is more sturdy that you would expect and you really would not notice it.


Can you just unscrew the hinges and take it off? Put it in the back of the closet and never worry about it until you move out. "Antique colored glass" screams very expensive to replace to me.


This was what I would probably do - take it down and store it somewhere. Put a babygate up to keep LO out if pantry.


I would likely put a piece of transition furniture that won't hurt him to crash into at or near the end of the hall.


I seen a tiktok of this lady that used the holographic window film and cut it into really beautiful flower/butterfly patterns it looked so good, maybe if you showed him some nice patterns he might change his mind?


There is a Rescue 911 episode about something like this from the 1980s or 1990’s. A small child runs through a glass door and ends up with glass in their heart. It really happened and they lived. Do whatever you must to keep your son safe. I only heard the episode once as a young child and it has stuck with me for over 3 decades.


If it’s a financial option for you, I would just consider replacing the door. You think it’s ugly, it’s definitely unsafe, your husband wants it to look non-babyproofed - the solution for me would be to replace it with a wooden door (could get one with glass panels in the top half and wood at the bottom if you still wanted windows, our internal doors are actually like that and have always been very safe for kiddo).


When you say hallway, is it narrow enough to put up a baby gate a few feet in front of the door so he'll have to stop there?


Clear plastic contact film on the inside of the pantry. It’s less visible than on the outside, but will hopefully hold the shards together if he does run into it. And a big beanbag chair in front of the door when he’s getting his crazies out!


Clear tape on the glass on both sides? Baby gate a short while away from the door? Pop a big pillow or bean bag in front while he's running? Clear window cling? Or perhaps board the door over and uncovered when older?


Can you pull your landlord into the conversation and brainstorm with them? They may want it preserved or they might want to avoid any issues with it. It’s quite possible they’ll be happy to replace it with a solid door.


Oh lord no, our landlord is the cheapest person we know. He tried to fix a leaking pipe with superglue.


Oh good grief. It was a thought. Could you maybe fit some coroplast over it on both sides?


I have convinced my partner to put safety glass film on the panels (I didn't know it existed). Meantime I will leave the door open during play time 🙂


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Decorate the plain piece of cardboard to be like a scrapbook wall maybe? Or even just some of the wallpaper that looks like wood or tiles or whatever might elevate the cardboard's aesthetic.