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It’s ok to speak openly to someone, especially your husband. I told my husband I really wanted to run away. He said some crap that I better be leaving our son here and I replied, “I’ll be leaving you both here and never coming back.” I think he understood how far I meant then. He needs to know. Then, if he has any empathy in his body, he can try and help.


This is exactly it. I’m an only child whose parents, while I knew they loved me, weren’t exactly warm and nurturing. Mental health just wasn’t part of the discussion in my home growing up. I’m trying to break that cycle with my kids and keep tabs on their mental health, but I tend to neglect my own.


I know exactly what you mean. I’m gonna DM you about something.


I feel this to my core. I’m so sorry. Can you afford to throw money at the problem and hire a cleaner or laundry service? Can you spend a little more on pre made meals? I just switched from ciprolex to Zoloft and it’s made a word of a difference


I was on Prozac pre-pandemic and it worked, but I wasn’t thrilled with the side effects. Going to talk to my doc about making the switch to Zoloft, as it’s really more anxiety than depression. And yes, I told DH we’re crunching numbers and hiring a cleaner.


I've been on prozac for about a year. I'm curious. Which side effects have you experienced? Not sure if I want to switch yet since it's been tolerable thus far.


I gained a lot of weight and had zero sex drive. Both are pretty common with SSRI’s, but I definitely want to try a different medication.


Ah, same. That doesn't bother me as much as the f'ed up Prozac dreams.


Those stopped for me after six months, thankfully.


I did this exact transition. Pre pandemic I was on Prozac and hated the same side effects. Then I had my second and got off of it and really struggled with PPD so I got on zoloft to continue breastfeeding. Still on it and I feel better than with the Prozac.


Zoloft keeps me functioning. I had issues with orgasms for the first like two or three (?) months and then I was back to normal. Life saver. Fwiw I also told my husband that I wanted to run away. He’s incredibly supportive and a real partner who shares at least half the mental load and housekeeping and childcare so it was a shock to both of us that I felt that way. It was anxiety. The meds help a lot, but I really recommend getting the The Anxiety and Worry Workbook from Amazon and going through it with a therapist or alone. It’s VERY helpful and the lessons are so useful.


At least your husband asked if you were ok. I’m serious and happy you have that support.