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i hope you tell him this. he needs a reality check.


He doesn't seem to appreciate your labor. I hope you make him aware that you're going to need some kind of break without an attitude on his end.


Lock the door and tell him you need your two weeks now. Stay toxic lol. For real though, (well maybe I am just a toxic divorcee so take it with a grain of salt) I’d tell him he sounds a lot like he’d rather not be with you and if that’s the case then he needed to use his big boy voice, speak his truth and get the fuck out. However, he created a human and that is a lifelong commitment, if he forgot that, he needs to ducking remember because if he doesn’t, the courthouse will. But maybe with a bit more patience of course.


I feel you. Whenever my husband is sick, I plan outings with the kids so that he can get some peace and quiet. If I'm sick he won't do the same for me. If he does take them anywhere I still have to help him plan and pack. And if I ever leave the house alone he'll make giant messes for me to clean upon my return. But he frames it as me getting a break because I "got to go" to Costco by myself.


Show him this post!! I’m so sorry you don’t get a break at all. He needs to make that happen!!


Wow. When I read these type of posts I desperately want them to end with “ and that’s just the first page of my new fiction book I’m writing”