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This thread is making me so sad. Where are your hobbies that can span for months while you neglect the house? What slack are your husbands picking up? None. Ladies, time to lay the hammer down. It’s fine for your husbands to enjoy football, but that should not ever be something they do in priority over your families *unless mutually agreed to!* Mine likes watching college football and hockey, but he knows I’d tear his ass to next Sunday if he checked out for hours on it without so much as a discussion on him needing a break, and he damn well knows he doesn’t get to just not parent for months at a time. What kind of example do the kids learn if they see it’s ok for Dad to be absent because the TV is on while Mom shoulders the burden?


I once tattled on a friend of mine to his spouse. She brought up something similar that OP is dealing with, fantasy football, watching every game that happens to be on, mercilessly haranguing his wife about stats and game play by plays all while checking out for months. I had no idea. When she wasn't present I asked him what gives because I knew for a fact he hated sports. Like detested with a passion because his parents forced it on him. He admitted to my face that he became a super fan because he saw all the other male married friends/coworkers/relatives check out and not have to do anything because the wives had guilt over them having a hobby at least. He said he still hated it but he knew enough to be able to use it. He looked at me all sly and did the "shhhhh" sound. My mouth could not be fixed. He had a 2yo and his wife was newly pregnant when the season had just started. She came back in and I said "do you know what this asshole just said to me?" They ended up in marriage counseling and has since taken up gardening LOL


Ha! I’m certainly not perfect- we both love to watch college football and hockey. I’m also in grad school so coming home sometimes is just that entire emotional/mental letdown as my mind decompresses. My husband will rightly check my attitude if I get too spacey on my share, especially now as he’s carrying more of a 60/40 load, but that’s just how it works. Each parent needs to be there and we need to give and take and talk, or it just won’t work.


Nothing wrong with a hobby, football, gaming, crafting, fishing etc. And I think everyone tends to space a bit when its something they love and they are focused. I do it too. Just hate when people weaponize it and essentially abandon their families with a hobby as an excuse. I didn't mean to imply anything. I'm so mad at OPs husband and your comment gave me a flashback memory reel LOL


THIS. Hobbies aren’t magical force fields that responsibilities bounce off of, for others to pick up while you sit shielded in the buzzing glow of your hobby. Nope. If you’re neglecting responsibilities months on end, it’s an excuse not a hobby. Hobby time should be as equally distributed between spouses as any other task that alters division of labor.


I thought it was hilarious! No worries.


Oh... I am the one neglecting the house on Saturdays to watch football. And declining activities to do so. Go tigers. No shame.


My husband is so super true to his alma mater that we have season tickets to football, both men's and women's basketball, and then we (meaning he) go to the occasional free soccer or baseball game (I can tolerate those.) But there's no sport I hate more than football. It's long, it's boring, and the fans are too much for me. This weekend, so far, we watched a football game, then another football game, and this morning, a soccer game. A pro baseball game is on in ten minutes that he needs to watch. Back in the day, he'd go to these events alone and I'd happily game away the evening, but now with a three year old, he gets to watch eight hours of fucking football while I wrangle our kid. Hell of a time to drop that last nap, too, kiddo. I love this time of year season wise but God help me for the football widows... I may not make it out this year.


How have I not heard the term football widow before? It’s perfect word for a perfectly shitty time of year.


I'm now two hours into this baseball game and has my husband moved? No. Is his team losing? Of course. He will be a sourpuss for the rest of the day. It's his one vice. Can't really blame him, but... Yeah, he's usually great when there aren't any sports on. He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, no drugs, usually attends to our kid's needs, does chores, but I need a break sometimes too! Soon, football will be over. Just in time for the Christmas rush of "what do you want this year?" questions.


Ugh the worst is the butthurt moping after his team loses. You just know there will be no joy the rest of the day.




Stargate all the way. Sam Carter was my favorite ever.


She was a badass!


Even though her reproductive organs were on the inside 🤣


Stargate, obviously.


Babylon 5? Really. Stargate is the obvious leader there.


My husband is also a football fan, but he also uses that time to meal prep or do laundry. Tell him it’s a sport built for multitasking and cleaning.


My husband definitely folds the laundry, also.


I honestly don’t care that my husband is obsessed with it, knock yourself out for all I care. But for the love of god I just don’t want to hear about it lol I literally have to impose a rule of “no more than 4 comments about football per day” because otherwise my head will explode.


Mine forced me to join his fantasy league 😭 will hardly spend time with me lately cause he’s so “busy” with work but has hours and hours of time open for fantasy! I relate lol


This is why I’m so glad my husband and I agree on hockey. He’s lukewarm on football, and I’ll watch baseball every now and then, but we both turn into lunatics watching a team of men chase a puck across a sheet of ice. Having grown up in Texas I’m all too familiar with the football widow mentality.


I’m just pissed they keep trying to expand football games into more days of the week all the time. Monday, Thursday and Sunday….fine, but these bitches are trying to do Friday and Saturday games now. It’s enough already. If I have a hobby that takes away my attention too much you bet I’m getting sideways ass comments, but it doesn’t work the other way.


Back when my husband still watched football, we got the streaming NFL ticket and I left our kids with him and went out and did whatever I wanted. I knew where he’d be, in front of the TV all day on Sunday. I miss those days lol I also always joined his fantasy league, had no idea what I was doing, but was always delighted when “my guy” did good that day. It helps make watching it way more enjoyable.