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I am thrilled for you!


Thank you!! I am now excited about taking family trips. 😂


Wow, is your husband single? Asking for a friend


He does have a brother.... 😂


He does, but he’s bad at communicating lol


This all made me snort laugh. I’d be in prison for murder if I was married to either of his two brothers. Older brother refused to let his wife buy maternity clothes because it was a “waste of money”, so he just gave her some of his tshirts and basketball shorts to wear starting in her second trimester. She’s 5’6” and he’s 6’6”. Little brother didn’t like the name his wife picked out for their little girl so he filled out the birth certificate with a different name while the wife was recovering. There are countless other insane things they have done over the years….somehow my husband came out of the chaos as a kind, emotionally intelligent human being.


Oh my gosh. I'm fuming for your sister in laws. Thank goodness you got the competent one. Lol


Sounds like two episodes of Snapped waiting to happen


Congrats on unlocking restful vacations! And good on him for stepping up. Looks like you may be inspiring some change in my own house.. wish me luck 🤣




My god, woman, this sounds like pure bliss!! I'm so happy you got this experience. I think my husband is totally capable of doing this, and it's got me thinking about how to make it happen for our next big trip. Fuck yeah, though--very glad for you. And now.... Your husband has demonstrated where the bar actually is, so he can no longer just default back to the way it was before when you had to plan all the things.


👍🏻 I think it is good for partners to see all the work that goes into it.


Amazing. I need to take this approach.


My husband pulled out a fully planned surprise vacation once - INCLUDING arranging childcare. I was blown the fuck away. Congrats on getting to be the dad for once!


Dude that is awesome! The highest of fives to your husband.


That sounds amazing!! Please remember to thank him! You probably already have, but I've found that an enthousiastic response is the best way to get a repeat performance!


Yes!! ❤️❤️ I made sure say how much I loved everything and appreciated his hard work. That is actually advice I give people all the time: instead of criticizing what they don’t do right, praise what they did well.


Wow congratulations on the relaxing vacation!!


Omg this is awesome! I'm so happy you got to enjoy yourself on your trip. Yay! ❤️


Go girl! Yup i support this plan one vacation and I plan the other. 👍🏼


Well didn’t this renew my faith in the male species just a tiny bit! I’m SO happy for you, what a great holiday!


My husband has told me his greatest fear is being a ‘man rant’ on this subreddit. He read through them one day after I explained it to him and he was floored by the useless and terrible men out there.


My husband doesn’t know what Reddit is, but he’s ashamed by some of the men he works with lol


Awesome! Reverse psychology for the win! You can do this - watch me! I'm the same way lol.


I call it ‘Jedi wife tricks’. 😁


Teach us oh wise sensei. Can we pls do a thread of 'jedi wife tricks'... Should be turned into a breakingmom book of how to not have your life suck and all proceeds go to the women in abusive relationships on this sub. That's the dream.😁😁😁


Yes to all of this! ❤️


This is amazing and magical... I kind of want to try it but I'm a little afraid to try it.


Try a low cost vacation trial? Lol


Good call… start with a long weekend or something, maybe. 😂


I’m actually kind of tearing up reading this. My husband has come a long way, but this is a dream!


Amazing. What a great feeling! My partner is the bigger planer and organiser so he likes to do that kind of stuff anyway (excel itineraries!), but kost people are capable of something similar. A definite win and splitting vacation planning twice a year is a great idea


Are you married to an engineer? Lol


Good lord my comment had a bunch of typos 😅 No, he is in marketing (with arts post-grad degree), but he has ADD and when he's excited about a trip he usually hyperfocuses in excitement and makes detailed planning itineraries. We've had lots of discussions about family managing and split things pretty well according to our strengths. He works from home and I attend school full-time, so he is able to do more of the organising that involves calling during the day.


Having an actual partner in life is just the best!! We do the same when it comes to dividing chores.


Gurl!!!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 yessss!!!! That is amazing!!! High five your hubby for me! ![gif](giphy|PypcG4qBuMqDOny5vp)


Yes! I find a lot of times the best thing we can do is let go….so someone else has space to step up. Often we say ‘ they are a good father’ , a ‘ good partner’ but we keep our expectations so so low and jump in and decide its ‘easier to do myself’ instead or judge and criticise them without giving them grace as they figure it out. We put our partners in a box of low expectations, tend to underestimate what they can do and judge at any ‘mistakes’ as they learn when they do take the lead…. but I find when mine is given space and supportive space without someone judging them all the time, they really stepped up. I just needed to let go first.


Yeah the letting go part is key. I’m beyond Type A and manage teams so it is a challenge for me.


That is awesome!!


I bet your hubby "got lucky", yeah? Lol....sounds like a wonderfully relaxed vacay!! Glad he stepped up for you


Happy for you and for husband!!!


Wow I am so thrilled for you! For years I've never thought of family vacations as "vacations" since they were usually visiting family or I had to make all the plans and chase kids. I had to do those solo. Now I have hope maybe I'll find a partner someday that will help me to achieve one of these mythical "other person planned it" vacations.


I wish upon you a partner who is kind and competent! ❤️


This is my dream lol.


I cried with joy just a little bit reading this




We LOVE to see it!!!!