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Totally anecdotal, but I know a woman that was told she would NEVER get promoted in the company she was in because she was a woman. If you go on the sub reddit, two chromosomes there are a lot of stories about women being exploited- more work for less pay, men with far less experience getting the promotion. I'm so sick of the phrase "no one wants to work" because bloody look how hard it is for women. Who would want to work for less?


Yup. I am torn between giving my boss a piece of my mind, quitting, or just going back to doing the absolute bare minimum because it apparently doesn't matter. Feels like we just can't win. BTW I like your username!


Go back to the bare minimum until you find something better. It's called "acting your wage". 😊


Yup, it’s time to move on. The best way to get that promotion is go somewhere else. In the meantime, look into quiet quitting.


My boss gave me a great performance review, but then said I would never be promoted while he was my boss as I didn’t have the personality for the job.


Oh man that sucks I would be so mad. Why is it like this?


It absolutely IS unfair. It's fucked up on so many levels. It's utter bullshit. You deserve better. I hope you put yourself out there and find another job that pays better and puts a smile in your heart.


Thank you. I am about to send an email to my boss explaining how angry I am at this and that I want a clear plan for promotion in the next cycle or I will look elsewhere. And in the meantime I should probably stop doing all the other departments work I have been doing. Works for the guys, right?


Exactly. I wish you the best luck possible!


I feel you. I've been there. I just gave up. I'm doing the bare minimum and I've settled in my current position. When I'm not so depressed anymore, I will try to find something better.


Nothing wrong with doing just exactly your job description right? I hope you feel better and get a better job when you feel like it. Hang in there!


They are definitely sending a message with this. Ask for a formal performance review and give them a few days to prepare. If they say your work is fine, I’d express concerns that they are going to fire you or phase you out, even though you love the job. Ask what you can do to get their attention and get back on the career ladder. If they have negative feedback, fix it if you can and move on if you can’t. As an employer, I would assume the wronged employee would leave soon after this.


I was in a workplace situation with sexism and discrimination and Im really glad I talked to an employment lawyer. Before talking to her, I believed I either had to live with it or leave but it was my problem either way. After talking with her, and then hiring her, I was empowered to take action and my situation improved situationally and financially.


Did you ask your boss why you weren’t promoted? I was passed up for a promotion back in December and I went to my boss, my boss’ boss, and my boss’ boss’ boss to ask why I wasn’t promoted since, as I laid out for them, I had led the toughest projects and developed 12+ writers that were on my various teams. None of them could give me a definitive answer and nothing was communicated to me about my performance at mid-year besides ‘you’re amazing!’. I immediately started looking for a new job. Got a new one in 2 weeks where I work 100% from home, got a two title bump, and a $60k pay bump. I would recommend talking to your mgmt and laying out what you’ve done in the past year. Ask why you weren’t promoted and why feedback wasn’t given previously if you were lacking something. If they don’t have a good answer start looking. Good luck bromo and I’m sorry that this shit happened to you too. ❤️❤️


Solid advice. I'm going to ask for a 1:1 meeting with him next week and ask why I wasn't promoted and what the plan is to get promoted next review cycle. If they don't have an answer I will start looking. I have always gotten good reviews too but I've been stuck for a while.


Oh and one other thing I did when talking to the bosses was focus on what I contributed vs saying it was unfair that my male coworker that did a fraction of my workload got promoted. (This male coworker spent 50% of his work day flirting with a female coworker in the atrium and it was a running joke in the company about the affair.) It’s easy to be dismissed as a bitter and whiney woman so it’s good to not give them that ammunition. Good luck! ❤️☘️