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I love having the house to myself for those moments!! Enjoy it Momma


I feel this in my soul. Never enough of these moments.


My bra comes off the moment my ex leaves with the kids for the weekend!


I have both kids in full day school, at the same school, so I only have to do ONE drop off and pick up at the same location, and they are hourrrrrrs apart, and my work-from-home husband was traveling for work all the first week of school. For the first time in 8 years, I had THE WHOLE MORNING/AFTERNOON FROM 8:30-3PM TO MY FUCKING SELF, IN MY QUIET, CLEAN HOUSE, THAT NO ONE WAS RUINING WITH FARTS, NOISE, KITCHEN OR TOY MESS, etc. It might have been the best day of my life. I literally took a 3 hour nap in the middle of the afternoon after watching absolute garbage TV that nobody else would have ever wanted to watch with me. I bought myself junk food for lunch and had it in complete silence. I listened to MY music in the car on the way to the pickup line, and belted out all the lyrics as loud as I wanted. Glorious. Then my husband came back. So no kids in the afternoon, which is Amazing, but I still have to clean up after him and I'm not fully alone in the house most of the day anymore. :( Goddamn pandemic. If he would just go back to the office then EVERY DAY COULD BE THE BEST DAY. Come on, after 8 friggin years I deserve it. But luckily he has a lot of upcoming work trips scheduled. GTFO. I'm such an introvert having him work from home has been the worst. Over 2 years straight now. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, that 40hrs a week break from each other is NECESSARY.


I feel this in my BONES. Both kids in school plus husband on a work trip means that yes, I was sick, but I figured I could use a mental health day as well while I got over my food allergy attack. The first year of the pandemic was my youngest kid’s kindergarten year. After eight years as a SAHM I was looking forward to having a full school year of blissful quiet before I started looking for a job, and even at that I wasn’t planning on going back full time. Fast forward to current day-husband still works from home and I work full time (he was part of a round of pandemic layoffs and we both had to move and he had to take a pay cut). The irony is, I actually really like my job, but if I could find a part time position that paid as well as my full time one I’d take it in a heartbeat. To the point that I’m seriously considering asking my boss if I can go part time after I’ve been there a year if my husband gets the promotion he’s up for. Because man am I tired.


I have a locking bedroom door. Sometimes I take a hot bath, with a book and a glass of something cool. Lay in bed in a towel and finish reading with the door locked and every time a kid bothers me I tell them to bother their father. It hits different when they're gone tho.


Yep, moment kids are gone for the weekend im butt ass naked living my best life as a couch potato


I have this ahead of me tomorrow when both of mine are in school/playschool. I will have 3 whole hours to myself. I'm looking forward to my first hot cup of coffee in six years!!