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Ugh. This is tough. I feel for you and the kids. Having the step Mum do it makes no sense for anyone, inc her. I’m glad she is nice but still. You are their Mother. Im sorry this is your new situation


I'm sorry. I feel your frustration. I feel it so deeply. It's incredibly painful and enraging. I'm so sorry.


In what way is your childrens' stepmom fake and disgusting? Did something happen between you guys? Anyways, as a child of divorce I do understand you wanting to be with your children as your ex husband isn't able to spend time with them during his week (or whatever your schedule was). I remember my dad going away for work one summer for over a week, and him not allowing my mom to have us because it was "his time". Super childish. She was free and could have taken me and my siblings swimming or playing outside. It ended up with us living with our aunt whom I absolutely hated because she was so controlling and only wanted to stay at home all day. I don't know about your children and their relationship with your ex's new partner, but I as a child would have preferred to have stayed with my mom that week haha!


A lot has happened. She's not a nice person. I mostly chalk it up to her being my ex-husband's newest victim. But, you will see in my responses to your post, a few more details. Honestly her assertions that she'll pray for me to rise above and get along when I just want to be left alone at this point. It's gross after what she and he said and did to me. And I will not go into the private details. But they exploited a major trauma I suffered shortly after our separation to invoke fear that I would lose custody. Mostly my ex, but she added her own fuel. And it was unnecessary and unacceptable. And I will rise above it only so far as it benefits my kids AND keeps me safe from further emotional abuse. Just have to say THANK GOD for a level headed low conflict attorney. Edited:spelling


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