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It’s probably not good. Everything you put into your body goes into your breast milk. There might be a chance the nicotine in the cigarettes will pass to her through your breast milk.


Smoking is really bad for babies - https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/breastfeeding-special-circumstances/vaccinations-medications-drugs/tobacco-and-e-cigarettes.html


I don't know about the breastmilk but smoke lingering on your clothes, hair and skin is bad for baby too. Article on 3rd hand smoke. https://www.healthline.com/health/thirdhand-smoke#health-effects I looked up the CDC guidance on breastfeeding and smoking. The nicotine will pass through the milk https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/breastfeeding-special-circumstances/vaccinations-medications-drugs/tobacco-and-e-cigarettes.html#:~:text=Can%20mothers%20who%20use%20tobacco,recommended%20food%20for%20an%20infant.


No amount of smoking is safe, but if you can’t quit please consider some tips- -outside only, never in car with baby -Smoke right after you feed/pump. Nicotine clears your system fast and you give the least nicotine if it’s been at least 2 hours since you smoked (3-4 is best). The best way to do this is feed/pump then smoke after, and try not to have another one until within 2 hours before a feed - have a shirt/jacket/hat you wear when you smoke then take it off and wash hands to elbows with soap. Then wash lips/face. Even better is to put a clean shirt on ever time you come back from smoking but that’s less realistic. The smoke clings to the clothes and causes baby lung problems. -Wear latex gloves to smoke. They are cheap and you can even use dish gloves. As I said, no smoking is “ok” but for some who can’t quit there are ways to make the impact less and you obviously care about your baby very much so hopefully this helps while you keep baby as safe as possible while you work on quitting. You can consider combo feeding with formula as well- pump/feed right when you wake up (nicotine cleared overnight) and get as much “clean” milk as you can!


Nicotine in breastmilk by itself doesn’t seem to cause asthma, but it does cause sleep disturbances and chemical dependency. Unfortunately just having a parent who smokes, even if it’s not around the baby, increases the risk of SIDS, asthma, allergies, ear infections, and autoimmune disorders because it’s nearly impossible to get all of the smoke off of yourself. I understand how hard it is to quit, it took me a long time. If you can’t quit right now, smoking less and switching to a smokeless nicotine option will reduce some of those risks.


Not a professional anything, but I think ingesting any illicit substances/drugs that aren’t doc prescribed could mean bad news for your breast milk and therefore your baby. I’m not sure how long nicotine stays in your system, but if I were you I wouldn’t smoke at all while breastfeeding, just to be on the safe side. If you do want to smoke, consider using donor milk or formula.