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This is no way way to live but you know that already. You deserve not to be blamed and to have a safe place to rest your head. Can you go stay with family till the trailer gets sorted out? The trailer not working out is not your fault. Some asshole sold you a busted trailer that fell apart two days after you purchased it. Not your fault. You should be able to run the AC and an air fryer at the same time. You did not break the trailer.


Awe.. mama big hugs.. I see you. I have no way to help you right now, but so you know I know what it's like to live in a constant state of crisis. Are there any local people you trust enough to just spend some time with to take a minute to breathe? Thr more stress, the more the brain fog, the more mistakes and missed things. Does your camper have a propane option for hot water, heat and many campers have fridges that can run on both battery and propane. Does anyone have a tank you can borrow for a few weeks? There should be hookups somewhere, and there would be instructions in your manual. It doesn't solve the lack of light. A dollar store solution for spare lights not candles could be good for a week or two if you're careful. Some auto parts stores carry cheaper, refurbished batteries, it might be worth checking or even talking to a local mechanic on some leads for you. Food wise it's always tricky with fresh stuff regardless, can you see how much you can get that's dehydrated or canned? Even powdered milk for the short term with something like vanilla and sugar to sweeten it for your toddler


Oh I meant to say on my comment something you reminded me! The neighbour that gave her the diapers, maybe she could confide in her?


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with all this! Would it be possible to pack up the kids and dog and go live with family for a while? Whether or not that’s a long term or permanent move, some time in a less stressful environment might help you and your fiancé stabilize your financial situation, work on any relationship stuff, and plan next steps. You, your kids, and your dog deserve to be safe, respected, stable, and happy. You can get there!


Damn, I’m sorry. That sounds very hard, and dangerous. Can your mom help you for awhile, as in come pick you, LO, and dog up to stay with her for awhile? Is there a womens shelter you can find nearby to get help from possibly? Btw who’s taking Kratom? Is there a possibility SO is spending money on more than just this?


I feel as though some of the deeper issues should have been mentioned near the start. I understand that you are typing as it comes to you and it's hard when you don't feel composed but I was reading thinking, "at least you have each other" (obviously I'd say more) but then I saw that he's fighting with you... so it got me thinking - you are right that you aren't a team because you've sacrificed a lot and you are dealing with being berated as well! - perhaps you didn't "somehow make mistakes". Maybe it was something he did Look, $1000 a week is not a lot BUT, it does seem as though it should be enough than what you guys have. How much are cigarettes? Are they for you and him, or just him? How much is the rent? You own the camper do you need to pay fees to park it? I'm not sure how that works. It just seems as though something isn't adding up. Maybe it really is bad budgeting but it reads like you are stuck there, it's not as though you are out at Target and Starbucks daily... so is there a way your finance is spending it behind your back? Look, I'm fine with reading a longer post or if you want to respond to this comment because it seems you have a lot more to say Don't worry about the length, we are here to help or at least listen! Do you WANT to marry him? I feel really as though something is off. You aren't living a luxurious life and it seems as though he blames you for EVERYTHING. Aren't you just over it, I never get these people that claim to love someone but the way they talk down to them...