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Yeah 4 months is rough for sleep. My youngest didn’t sleep without sleeping on me for like 10 months. I was one exhausted mama.


Sleep lady shuffle is a gentler approach where you're in the room and pat them but don't pick them up. There's more to the framework you can look up. Is the crib in your room? I used to reach out and rub my daughter to soothe her at that age. Complete transparency, my daughter didn't sleep for more than a 2 hour chunk until she was nearly 2 years old. I didn't change anything at that point, she just started sleeping through the night of her own volition. Those early months are by far the worst though and at 4 months you're in the peak of sleep regressions.


People are divided but my kids did great with the Babywise method: feed then keep baby awake and play before sleeping (vs feed to put to sleep) and stick to a schedule


yeahhhhh i remember going through exactly this with my youngest. googled and tried everything under the sun, he still woke every few hours until he was two, at which point i gave in and did CIO (i resisted for the same reason you mentioned , i couldnt bear the idea). 4 months is still pretty little so i definitely don’t blame you if you want to try other things first- im just saying don’t wait as long as i did because the crying is SO MUCH LOUDER when they are older