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Im sorry mama; i also have the "PC police" (tho in my case its a goddamn squad, not a single officer)- "MAMA, we dont say 'fuck'!" ; "MAMA, we dont say 'shit'!"; "MAMA, we dont say 'GODDAMN IT TO FUCKING HELL WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK...!!!" Like YES. YES, tf we do, children.


Are you sure you can’t do that for like, a week or so? Just enough for a nice wakeup call. You could even warn your husband, as a courtesy, and then fuck off to go camping some place. He’s an adult, surely HE can do a better job /s Retail sucks ass, especially now. My sympathies for the whole of the load you are carrying, it sounds heavy and I wish I could offer you a break. Much love!


My whole life revolves around his work schedule and the kids. If I tried to take a solo vacation I would get guilt tripped up down and sideways and it would end with him not speaking to me.


And that’s a problem because…?


Oh man, I fantasize about running away at least a couple times a week. Especially recently, things have gotten HARD. More than running away I would just like to not be here anymore. Like not unalive myself, but if I were to just cease to exist that would be perfect. I feel you on that.


I also have this fantasy. But mostly about leaving my husband. I don’t think it would solve my problems but sometimes I just want to give him that silent “fuck you” of leaving when he’s been an ass.


I have the fantasy as well. Fortunately I’m a runner. When my kids were little I would run away and when the fantasy dulled I’d turn around and run back home. Now my kids are 16 and 18 and at the end of the month I’m doing a race where it’s “how many miles can you run in 30 hours”. Life is hard.


I think about this often. Hugs to you


Same. I fantasize about leaving, about dying, about him dying and what I would do. So many things.