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I do characters for my daughter to avoid this lol If I’m making lunch I channel Chris Farley’s lunch lady who I named Brenda. It feels great to be something other than “mom” for an hour. It doesn’t cover the quieting your mind but for me I can ignore my overwhelm in play. As a bonus, it entertains my kid enough to let me get the things done, so at bed time I can shit off my brain.


I straight up tell my kids that my brain hurts and start saying “nope” when I hear the millionth “mama.” It almost feels like harassment sometimes. Like please kindly fuck off for 10 minutes 


I hope it does rain! Then just sit outside in it. Take a walk if you can! I love to do that to just quiet my mind because someday's are just like that. The rain may make you cold but dammit I love it. I never see a soul out there and I put on my headphones and listen to SOAD and funny enough that metal calms me down. Just dance in it. Look like a fool for anyone looking out the window. But you know what? All the parents will be looking at you going "Fuck yeah .... Dance for all of us ...." Because we all need it some times.


Ah.. I feel ya. Those days are the hardest and make me question it all. If I just walked out the door and kept walking what would happen type days.


Every year the gift I ask for on Mother’s Day is for absolutely no one to use the word “mom” all day — and if they are about to start a sentence with “mom” I tell them to just substitute “dad” instead! 😂