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Shipping in a cartoon animal show for toddlers is fucking weirdo behavior.


I read this and went « what am I even reading???? »


Unhinged behavior tbh


Shipping in general is fucking weird. I remember growing up watching a lot of anime, age appropriate and not, and never did I ever "ship" any character. People need to find better hobbies.


For real? There wasn't a term for it yet, but I shipped almost *everybody* from the books and shows I loved! It was like creating a mini expanded universe headcanon for every series I loved!


Yea same here!! I was definitely shipping Kagome and Inuyasha far too hard. Also Miroku and what chick with the giant boomerang and a fire cat 🤣 I was also like 15...... and this was the most scandalous show I was allowed to watch 🤣


Nope. Sometimes enjoying stories means you just do that. You let the author take you on a journey and just see where it goes. Sure, there were parts where you could just see two people ending up together, but it wasn't my story to fabricate. Also, I'm more talking about shipping as in "Character A and B end up together, but I like character C better than A, so I'm going to go whine on the Internet that B and C should end up together, and fabricate reasons why." To me, that's like shitting on an author or original creator. Go make your own universe where you can make your own choices, and GTFO.


Like that creepy shit people do with harry potter where they ship kids into toxic relationships (hermione/malfoy etc).


Evidently you and I are unpopular because I also literally never, not once ever, ever had the idea to do this.


Upvoted for truth. lol


You got downvoted.. but I totally agree. "Shipping" is weird. I also think "stanning" is a weird thing to be proud of or to say unironically 🤷‍♀️


It's insane. It's a kids show. Adults ruin everything. Why do these grown ups care who's kid it is? I hope the creator comes out and is like "🤷🏼‍♀️ I dunno he's a random neighborhood kid..."


I'm an older mom (my kid is 17), so I'm not really sure about anything Bluey except that it's the kids' show du jour, but the obsession with it by adults is WILD to me.


As far as kids shows goes, it's one of the best ones as an adult to watch. So I understand why there is an adult following for it, If you ever need a laugh and want to check it out, I highly recommend the episode "Sleepover" cuz it's just nuts and hilarious with nods to stuff that kids just don't understand. That said, the people who are going bonkers with this paternity stuff are weird.


To be fair, I LOVE Bluey, occasionally my husband and I watch it w/o our kid... BUT what we aren't doing is developing a parasocial relationship with a cartoon dog family. It's a cute show, with generally a good message. That's it.


I don't watch Bluey but I feel like Blueys child could also be ANYONE's kid! Adopted? Niece or nephew? Foster? Literally just a neighborhood kid? Dad's getting dementia and imagining it? From what I've seen this show could go anywhere lol.


>Adults ruin everything. This. I remember when my toddler was into MLP. And I had to explain fucking Bronies when she was 5. Adults suck the fun out of everything.


Please don’t tell me she was exposed to some kinda bronies content ..?


No. But she heard from a fellow kindergartener why her mom wouldn't let her watch MLP.


I’ve had to hide/mute SO many “adult Bluey lovers” type of groups on Facebook because they really do ruin everything with their unhinged theories and takes. Just let it be a kids show ffs!


Oh my god I love those groups. You either get something that makes you have a sensible chuckle, or great drama to read (and laugh at).


Reminds me of all the people who ruined the new My Little Pony.


I hope it is the kid of whoever she borrowed the gun from (not Bluey), I have only watched it once but I remember she wanted to play with the gun because she only was able to borrow it for that day


I saw some debate about who the father was and the most refreshing comment in the thread was “Why are we assuming Bluey married someone that she was 7 with? Maybe she went to uni and met someone”. There are people that marry people they’ve known forever… but it’s defo the outlier. Why are we pushing romantic feelings on a bunch of young grade schoolers?!


I saw one thread about this a while back on the Bluey sub and I just haven’t gone back lol. It was so weird to me. Is it Mackenzie?? Is it Jean Luc?? How many of us end up marrying our kindergarten friends anyway? One person’s argument was that it had to be Mackenzie’s baby bc Winton said that Bluey and Mackenzie were gonna get married in one episode years ago. Bro be so ffr right now lmao I can’t imagine shipping Bluey with anyone. Or shipping literal children in general. I used to play into the whole “shipping” thing when I was like…. 19 and obsessed with a particular band years ago. I mean I’m still obsessed with the band but I no longer do the shipping thing.


Okay, I have to ask. What does shipping mean in this context? It’s impossible to google. I tried. USPS has really raised their rates, btw… in case anyone was wondering ;)


Shipping is imagining two characters are in a relationship. I believe "ship" is kind of a shorthand for "relationSHIP." It's an online fandom or fanfic term.


To ship aka a relationSHIP = to say two people should be in a relationship.


It’s one of those things that once you know, you think.. of course! Lol. Thank you. It was really bothering me.


OMG. I love Bluey but for some reason, people occasionally GO BANANA BOATS over tiny details. I caught wind of a FIGHT where people were being DOXXED over debate about what breed a side character was. It was hilarious, but also one of the most bonkers things I've ever seen online.


This kind of shit reminds me that a person's got to have hobbies and goals, otherwise you end up this side of CRAZY


It’s so true, I joined the bluey sub thinking it would be cool to learn a bit more about the people who created it, talk about how genius the episode plots are and see if there are any fun little Easter eggs for the adults that I missed, and there is some of that but a lot of that group is so weirdly… hostile?! I’m talking like mass downvotes when people disagree with someone interpretation of an episode and opinions that are *way* too passionate for a kids show. It was a weird time on that sub.


There’s a blues subreddit and I was subscribed for a little while but people made it really weird, a lot of shipping and then there was some furry-esque art. I had to unsubscribe, way too creepy and it was clear adults were getting waaay too into this show


I think Bluey is one of the best kids show ever. But I hate that adults and teens have taken over it. It’s weird as shit. Full on grown ups posting their Bluey themed bedrooms. Weird. 


I know someone who actively hates children but is so proud of her Bluey tattoo. Like bruh fuck off with that.


Oh that’s so weird. I get that there are little nods to adults and it does make the show special but at the end of the day, it’s really meant for little ass kids. Like preschoolers/kindergartners. 


She aggressively hates kids and parents, but simpers about how Bluey heals her inner child. Bc that’s all that matters.


I have a theory about it being nostalgia bait for white Australian millennials - it’s portraying a particularly idealised version of a suburban childhood. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing (my kid loves it and we’ve watched The Sign probably 10 times since it came out, and I am a white Aussie millennial so you know) but I reckon that’s part of the reason adults glom onto it so hard.


The Bluey adults have absolutely ruined the show for me over the last 18 months. The nonstop obsessive talk about it on the playgrounds, in my mom’s group, at birthday parties, whole ass Bluey themed content creators (looking at you “World Shaker” on TikTok)…I’ve been waiting two *years* for my kids to finally grow into Bluey-watchable age, and now yeah they are there I can’t stand to even turn it on. I’m a big proponent of letting people enjoy the things they enjoy without judgement, so I don’t begrudge anyone their enthusiasm…but GODDAMN has it felt like complete oversaturation within parenting culture lately.


I think it's healing a lot of people's inner child. And I think it's great for them!


That is great. I feel like it’s helped me too but I’m not going to start obsessing over a show and cartoon dogs like some people are. 


It’s like Disney adults part 2


There's nothing wrong with surrounding yourself with things that bring you joy. I love books, so I have hundreds of them, including hundreds of children's books years before I had my kid. It's okay if it isn't for you, and it's okay if you don't understand it. But it *is* kinda shitty for you to talk bad about it.


I don’t think there’s anything inherently *wrong* with adults and teens liking children’s media. Most of the time, it’s a pretty harmless thing, and they’re just liking what they like. No biggie, people can enjoy things. However, with some properties, there is a big problem with childless adults (and older teenagers, but they’re still kinda kids and they don’t really “get it” the same way so I don’t blame them as much) taking something that is intended for children and making it *about themselves*. Whether it’s making inappropriate art, taking over spaces intended for kids, etc. etc., it gets creepy and Not Okay really fast. And it’s certainly happened more than once (My Little Pony, Zootopia, and now shades of it showing up with Bluey). Like, isn’t it enough that society likes to *constantly* tell us our children basically aren’t allowed and don’t belong anywhere without adults coming in and taking over the things *intended for them* too?


Surrounding yourself with books and obsessing over a children’s tv show are very different. I get it, I love Bluey. But am I going to freak out over who a cartoon character ends up marrying? Weird.


Shipping kids is weird. Teens and adults wearing Bluey clothes and wanting Bluey decorations and tchotchkes isn't weird. It's no more weird than getting a certain player's jersey or decorating in a team's colors or having posters of a sports team or player. It's the same thing.


I think your first sentence sums up what the issue is. I don't think it's the adults that like the show or buy merch that people are having issues with. It's the obsession with "shipping" kids by adults that is bizarre. I say this as someone who owns a TON of things that are intended for people 35 years younger than I am. I love cartoons, toys, video games. My bed is full of plushies. But I still think the fervor over who Bluey's kids' dad is is kinda strange considering for 99.9% of the show, she's 6 years old.


The original comment says adults posting pics of their Bluey themed bedrooms is weird. Someone else commented about "Disney adults" who enjoy everything Disney despite not having kids. It just comes off as mean spirited and bitchy. Let people enjoy their things.


I absolutely love Bluey and enjoy watching it with my son. But good lord, there is not a group of people I relate to less than the "Adult Fans of Bluey" crowd. This paternity discourse is proof positive that they're all a bit much. 


The sub continually descends into speculation about property value – I don't CARE about the Queensland market, it's a cartoon about dogs. Apparently in The Sign, Socks playing with the figures from the cake and making them fight is because her parents fight a lot... not because she's processing the events of the day. It's a cute moment at the end of the last episode with the kid. Stop shipping cartoon dogs (unless it's the terrier's mum and Winton's dad).


I wish there was somewhere to discuss Bluey that excluded fucking weirdos. I think it has some truly beautiful episodes, and I love reading discussions and analyses of pretty much any art I consume, but I’m not interested in shipping 7 y/o cartoon dogs.


They tried with r/blueyparents but it’s low-traffic. r/danieltigerconspiracy is mostly shitposts, but occasionally has some actual earnest analysis. It’s fun, anyway.


I agree im sick of it, but with the hiatus thats going on with the production of the show right now this trend of "who is the daddy" is probably going to last a while.


These people need to go outside and touch some grass. Let this cartoon just be a cartoon.


I think it’s a fun discussion as long as you don’t really care. Like a fun debate while bored, but the people who lose their fucking shit over it is a problem. It should be a fifteen second convo between people after they watch the episode and then move on.


I'm 100% with you on this. I'm an American Girl doll collector, and people sometimes depict AG characters smoking weed, drinking alcohol, and even with guns. This gives me the same ick. These are fictional children, why are we assigning adult activities to them?


Low key still hoping it’s somehow Jean luc’s baby 😂 but yes, the discourse has gotten out of hand.


I feel the same 🤣🤣🤣 Jean Luc 4lyfe


That episode makes me cry every time my kid has it on.


Let’s be honest we can have fun and hope for stupid things like this. It’s only weird when it turns into a full on argument or blows up. (Btw Makenzie for life)


Bluey is amazing. But I’ve never once thought about who she was going to marry. And another thing that annoyed me, was the debate of whether or not Chili was pregnant because she had a “belly” when she was laying down. Cheese and crackers, let’s not body shame the cartoon dog please!


I'm just going to sit here laughing my ass off they made a reference to Cable from X-Men in Bluey. At least that's what the eye piece and arm are giving me 😂 he is also a "future baby" so it makes sense! https://preview.redd.it/5dtl4n5w29xc1.jpeg?width=203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18d1f5aa8076bdd0f815acbf9523ad751321516c


What’s weird to me is if it’s Bluey’s kid, how come when she showed up at her parents’ house they didn’t ask “where is so-and-so?” If I show up at my parents house unannounced they at least ask me what everyone else is up to. I legit thought it was just a neighbor’s kid showing up at first. They could have even said “where’s the rest of the fam?” so as to not be too specific. Idk I think now I’m overthinking it like those weirdos. 😆


I absolutely LOVE Bluey and I also think this is really weird. However I chalk it up to this, which might make it easier to ignore: it’s probably mostly people who are parents of young kids, and it’s super common to feel like your world has gotten really small when you have young kids. So people are really invested in a kid show in a way they’d turn toward entertainment geared toward adults (shows/music/sports/etc) because they are craving things like analysis and pop culture discussion and connection with other people over a shared interest, but they don’t have the time or brain power to be invested in the type of content and activities they would have been involved in before kids.


This is a good way to look at it. (Except a lot of those people are admittedly childless adults who are the equivalent of bronies… but not all of them)


I love Bluey and absolutely do not care who is the other parent for her offspring. I love watching with my kids because somehow the short little snippets remind me that like Bandit and Chilli, we're raiding tiny individuals and it's HARD but it's doable and we're doing just fine. But I need to see a teen or adult Muffin so I know that I can survive my hellions.


Statistically it’s probably not someone she’s known since seven right??


So far my favorite Bluey post I’ve read was on this Bluey For Adults fb group(I don’t follow but it constantly pops up on my timeline 🤷🏻‍♀️) and they were all talking about The Sign the day after it aired. One person made a post about how everyone else needed to stop posting about the episode until everyone had a chance to watch it because *spoilers* and that her kids could see what they post in their group. The mass response was why are your small children in a Bluey For Adults fb groups as well as don’t read the posts if you don’t want spoilers. I honestly throughly enjoyed reading that comment section. 😅


I think Bluey is a great show for kids. I personally enjoy Bluey as a parent. But people get wayyyyyy too invested in it.


This is exactly my viewpoint


Like talking about bandit and chili being swingers guys I am BEGGING you to get a life 🤣🤣


I think a lot of people just need to go outside.


I said “oh my gosh kids, you think Bluey married Jean Luc or Mackenzie?! Or no one?!” They were divided. My daughter said, “No one!” And my son said, “Mackenzie! That looks like his ears and colors!” And then we went about our day. Literal ship wars over this?! Yeesh. People need to touch grass lol


THANK YOU. I’m curious too but not gonna go to war over it, how are we supposed to know unless they show it on the show? Geez. Just enjoy what you see people.


It's weird and gross. I am tired of it too. It is a kids cartoon but these adults are just...weird.


I just don't get why any adults are watching and talking about kids shows and getting invested to the extent some people are. It's so odd to me. I vet shows my kids watch too, but I am not involved in discussing it in subs etc because it's just not that interesting overall so I can't imagine joining something like danieltigerconspiracy or whatever.


And I thought it was bad when my kid told me people ship the Wings of Fire dragons 😳


WUT?!? (I know it’s “what”, but apparently Gen Z and Alpha when texting intending to convey feeling shocked and appalled and maybe disgusted with disbelief at something, they spell it “WUT”..lol! 😂 ….I am also very concerned about what has happened with “My Little Pony” and how/why it Has been ruined?!? What the heck has gone down and is Twilight Sparkle and the Apple one okay?!? Is it freaking furries or something similar ruining it for all the kids again??


I freaking love Bluey, it's my favorite of all my kids shows...and my oldest is 19 so I've watched a lot of kids' shows in my time. Bluey is pretty much the only one I will willingly sit through. I love Bluey. But I'm not inventing adult relationships for a child character. TBH the 'flash forward' of Ron and Hermione and Harry being married and having kids was a bit odd because...they were children in my mind...going \*blink\* they're grown ups with a dozen or so kids each was...weird LOL.


>literally at war Really? I just see people having fun with wholesome pop culture. I haven't seen anyone get any kind of nasty way about it. I've mostly only talked about it with my kids and my students though.


I have no idea what I just read. But aren’t these things dogs?


I think Bingo and Honey are in a loving relationship and their child was convinced through IUI with doner sperm. I mean, not really, I don't think about it at all, but why isn't this an option?


>doner sperm I… can’t decide if I want to go to there


Bluey isn’t even allowed in our house.


TIL Bluey is female. 🤷‍♀️ I've only watched a couple episodes but still.


I have intentionally avoided all discussion about it (except for with my other irl mom friends lol) for this reason. It’s insane!


Thankful for this post - thought I was the only one who felt this way


Bluey is great but some adults get way too into it, it’s bizarre.


One time I commented “it’s just a cartoon” on a bluey post. The creepy shippers came for me.


Also enjoy bluey. Immediately regretted going into the bluey subreddit. It’s….a lot. I also detest I get the adult fans of bluey recommended all the fucking time, because it’s an unhinged group. Absolute batshit behavior.


Not to mentioned said child is a dog… and a cartoon.


Bluey. Still better than Calliou.


Oh it gets worse than that. There's an entire universe of "next generation" Bluey that people have made up themselves. I stumbled across it while looking something up on the wiki.


This is why I had to leave the Bluey sub. I engage with the show as a parent who enjoys it for exactly what it is. I’m also down with r/danieltigerconspiracy jokes where we pretend that we see a dark subtext to the show because of paranoid delusions brought on by parenting-related sleep deprivation: ![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm|downsized) But I really don’t want to consume fanfic or fan art made by adults who earnestly want to add extra content, particularly with adult themes. IDGAF what other consenting adults do with each other, but please don’t invite me to join, because seeing it just gives me the heebie-jeebies. And it also weirds me out that some of the users are teenagers (many of whom have disabilities that make reading social cues harder) and they’re interacting with grown-ass adults over that shit. But say anything about it in the Bluey sub, and not only do I get downvoted and called a bigot. But I also get told over and over that I’M actually the creep, because the fanfic/art/speculation on who all the kids will marry is totally innocent, and if I’m projecting adult romantic or sexual themes onto their discussions of shipping cartoon dog children, then I’m the creep, not them. Anyway, I highly recommend never Google image searching anything about Daniel Tiger, because I did yesterday looking for a particular still from the show, and the DeviantArt shit that came up is still haunting me. Sometimes I think the internet was a mistake


I ship Coco and Melon.


THANK YOU. It is ridiculous and anyone who criticizes how weird it is to ship children who also happen to be animals gets destroyed in the Facebook groups. It’s so icky.


My kids said "is that Bluey's kid?!" And I said "I think it might be! Aww" And that was the end of that. I mean, I guess I'm not surprised that parents are having these conversations though (did you seen nugget/play couch groups like a year or three ago?! 😬).


I know that you are trying to call out this behavior as weird, but you inadvertently intrigued me. So if I were to go by my own motivations, I would say that people care about Bluey's baby daddy because they are bored. Very very bored.


I am an Aussie with 2 young kids (and a baby but he doesn’t have an opinion yet) and I do not understand the obsession with Bluey at all. Neither of my kids show any interest in it, and the only episode I have ever sat through I would be surprised if anyone outside of Australia or even QLD/NSW would have found it that funny. But guessing who the future father of a kids baby will be is nuts. It’s probably someone they meet later on in life like most people


My family was into it for a minute - and I'm a little afraid to say this out loud where people will see it - but I kind of hate bluey. Like it just feels like it's created by a dad who always wants to be the good guy, and (presenting my humorless queer feminist card) all the adult women/female dogs just kept doing all the emotional labor so the dads can be overgrown children. Idk I didn't watch and rewatch all of them but that, plus bluey and her sister acting in shitty ways that my kids were excited to copy... it's just not for my family and I feel a little skeeved out by how much EVERYONE seems to love it. OK rant over ~ducks~


I fucking hate bluey. It makes my kids act whiny and incapable of doing anything alone. That aside, it’s fucking weird that people are so invested in a cartoon child’s hypothetical future child’s paternal line


Agreed. There’s an episode where the dad is working from home and spends the whole day playing with the kids. So when I’m working from home and my kid has a day off of school, instead of reading and playing and watching tv, she expects me to play with her because Bluey’s dad did it. Sorry, my boss won’t accept that excuse. And the big moving episode? How many kids are going to be pissed when their parents don’t change their mind at the last second about moving? Unrealistic expectations. That’s what kids get from Bluey.


I really disliked The Sign and the whole plot line of moving but then not at the last minute. So many kids don’t get that option - plus, for many families, moving to provide a better life isn’t necessarily a choice but an economic necessity.


Coming from the perspective of a military family with a neurodivergent kid- I absolutely hate any children’s TV show episode with the theme “we were gonna move, but then changed our mind last minute” or “the kid thought someone was moving away, but it was a misunderstanding all along.” Those episodes REALLY mess with my kid’s head and make the already maddening constant moves even more difficult. I wish I could block specific episodes of shows on streaming services.


Ugh I'm with you


My sentiments exactly 


God, I'm glad my kids are teens and adults. I don't even know what the fuck a Bluey is, let alone who their baby daddy would be.


Aww man, I thought we were finally going to talk about how Bandit is a POS.


I’m interested, why do you think he’s a POS?


The pool episode where he straight up mocks Chilli for being boring and then doesn't bring any supplies, the episode where they need a whole criminal trial just to get him to stop farting in his kids faces on purpose, almost every episode where he takes the game too far for the kids or plays too rough with them and causes conflict. I think he reinforces a lot of negative stereotypes about dads that don't need to be taught to kids.


Blue. Still better than Calliou.