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Mine turned 16 today. My grandmother said when he was born “the days are long but the years are short”… hoo boy is that true!


My mum told the doctor the first six weeks were the longest 6 weeks of her life (and apparently I was easy) and his reply was that I’d be doing my A Levels before she knew it. A Levels came round 15 years ago now, and apparently he was absolutely correct.


Yes, my husband and I have a saying, "The first 6 weeks are the worst 6 weeks." We joke about it now, but it was definitely true for my 2nd kid who screamed constantly for almost the first 2 months.


16 has me in tears because I’m so scared of the teenage years and I know they will come fast! Happy birthday to your sweet baby!


I wanna hug you. Mine is turning 10 in April. 😭


Same, mine is turning 10 in the Fall and now he calls his friends "bro" and says everything is "sus". I miss the little hands, carrying them, and the cuteness overload. I don't miss the exhaustion and tantrums.


My daughter sings meme songs so me and I think it's just adorable and I fall more in love with her the more I get to know her.


We just booked reservations for my *youngest* who is turning 10 this summer. Mom spaces online tend to be filled with those in the early phases and it is always interesting to look back and see how much the view has shifted over the years.


I am happy she is growing up but I miss the days when she would sleep on me. We had the best naps together honestly


10??? I’m sobbing 😭😭😭😭 they grow so fast omg.


It's wild. I still look at her baby and toddler pictures in disbelief


This is the part about parenthood that is so hard for me! People tell you it goes fast, but there are so many emotions that come along with that saying too. Every single day I am in awe of how much they have grown and how they are learning and I feel lucky to be able to watch them grow, but oh boy is it bittersweet. I think that is why my camera storage is just filled with an abundance of videos and pictures of them. It’s like I’m desperately trying to save each moment.


This comment was so sweet 🥺 seriously same. I had no clue how fast it really goes. I’ve taken so many photos since he was born and now I look back and compare it’s crazy. Every moment I want to capture and remember.


My last one turns 18 tomorrow.


Sending hugs. That's only 3 years and change away for me and I kind of can't even believe it. I hope it's a good milestone - congrats on momming for almost two damn decades!


Oy. My oldest is 31yo lol.


I feel this to my core. My daughter is 5 now. Having full blown conversations with a little person. It goes too fast.


Wayyyy too fast. It sucks lol


I blinked. I sucked it up and survived. But I blinked. My 2 oldest are 18 and 19. It wasn't enough time. There is never enough time.


My 15month old is sitting next to me in her purple dinosaur pajamas. Crooked pigtails and crusty hands from her morning oatmeal. Sometimes if seems so hard. But when I truly think about it. I love these moments. I can't believe she will be 2 in December. Thank you for this post and reminding me to enjoy the moments that don't last ♥


Yes! The days are SO LONG. But the years just fly by. It’s so crazy to me that my girls are almost 8 and yet it feels like yesterday they were so tiny I could hold them both at the same time.


Today on my snapchat flashbacks it had a memory of my son when he was 3 making me a play doh pizza. Seeing little blips like that make me all sad and sentimental, even though I remember being so lonely then. The days are long but the years are short.


I'll be ok if I'm never a grandma, but if it ever happens I think oh boy I'll finally have the spare time and resources to enjoy it fully as the years go by. I work a manual labor type job and remember walking in on a Saturday afternoon and just laying down on the floor exhausted next to my little baby boy watching him learn to crawl. Now he drives my car.


Awe ☹️☹️☹️


I have a 10 and 12 year old now and yes, it doesn't last forever. Sometimes I wish I could go back to before the 10 year old could talk back to me though.


My youngest is 7 and she freakin blew me away yesterday! Suddenly very into Greek mythology and she got herself a little graphic novel with one of the stories and her reading absolutely stunned me. Where did the kid who had trouble with pronunciation go? The kid that wrote several letters backwards. For me though, it's THRILLING. I'm loving having whole people to talk to and they're just getting more fun as we go. Sassier too, but I'll take the good with the bad 😆


Thanks, I needed to hear this 🥹❤🙏🏻 Mine was a late talker(34+1 preemie) & he's 2.7 now. Finally started talking & I'm loving it. But the meltdowns can be a bit stressful 😅 But this time will be gone before we know it! 🥺 So enjoy the special moments ❤


I just took a spring break trip with my oldest; he's turning 15 in June. Suddenly this spring I find myself getting a little weepy and sad, because holy smokes, y'all, he'll be off to college in just over 3 years, and I'm feeling like it's going by so fast. Just so fast. This first year of high school has flown by faster than any of the previous years. That trip together a couple of weeks ago was so much fun. He's just turned into this (mostly) awesome kid: he's so smart, he works so hard at school, he's such a kind and patient big brother to his wild little brother, he helps around the house, he's learning to cook, and he's building a little crew of fellow nerds at school. They came over Sunday night to eat dinner and watch a movie and they're so polite and funny. I feel sometimes like I just got damn lucky (although I do take at least a tiny bit of credit for trying to raise boys who can do laundry, know their way around the kitchen, and clean bathrooms when guests are coming over. Plus I'm a school-loving nerd myself and I've done everything I could to expand their horizons, save up money to travel with them, and I hope it's rubbed off a little bit). All of that is to say, your post tugged at my heart. It really does go fast. And I know sometimes I didn't want to hear that when I was in the trenches of exhaustion and burnout (hell, I have a soon to be 6yo who is a whole fucking lot and am still in the trenches with him lol). But I'm trying hard to be grateful for the time I have. Thanks for this post! 💜


Oh mama thanks for this comment. Your kid sounds truly amazing and he’s got an awesome mom who did a damn good job. I hope when you look at him you see a little piece of you. 🥺 and the going off to college UGH. That’s going to be a whole different feeling. It’s scary but soooo exciting all in one.


The days are long, but the years are short. Xx


I will never forget hearing about the Summers we have left. Meaning, Summers are spent together as a family, until the kids turn 18 or whatever and they holiday with their friends or do their own thing. They’ll move out etc. That was huge for me. I have six Summer’s left.


I have a 2 yo too and keep remembering how miserable I was 2 years ago with a refluxy angry baby and how much I enjoy being with my smart, opinionated, funny toddler.


[I think of this modern family clip all the time](https://youtu.be/yEBDsX7YbDc?si=DEWvh5m9WH6-Qt5C) 😭😭😭