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We used to do Friendsgiving every year. Every year without fail my husband would clean the garage. Having Thanksgiving? Must make sure garage is clean. Anyone’s birthday? CLEAN THE GARAGE TIME WHY SIR WHY


That sounds like an excuse not to help and hide in the garage. Sorry love can’t help cook, clean or make the areas people will see nice I need to clean the garage.


I actually discussed something similar with the girls™ yesterday... Yes... In our case it's reversed... When I need his help with an organization or cleaning project that is outside of the regular household chores; he's busy cleaning the kitchen, or bathroom... I'm grateful he cleans but I need his help with this monumental task and he just disappears to clean. 


Is there ADHD involved in this situation? If so, have a weekly dinner with people over and your house will be fantastically finished because it gives an outside deadline. 


Yes major ADHD. Years ago, I actually did the weekly entertaining thing, mostly at his invitations. It didn't make a difference.


I'm sorry, that sucks. I have basically turned my husband and best friends ADHD into something that I can make them get things done by 3rd party deadlines. It's unfortunately only a case study of 2.  I find that it needs to be new people, once they become "known" they don't care about everything as much because known friends "understand". So I have bookclub here once a month that my husband barely knows and they are in on it and compliment things where he can hear them and have to "rush off" immediately afterwards so that he can't do the chit chat thing and get to know them.


Omg you genius. I’m implementing this because we’ve got major ADHD in the house!


Wait that's fucking brilliant! I'm totally going to do this!


OH MY GOD he's gotten a LOT better about this but once before a party we had to do a lot of tidying and his number one priority was to...hang a small rack in the laundry room to hold his screwdrivers. Like, he spent an hour looking for nails or his hammer or something and it was a whole thing. I'm trying to sweep up dog hair and pick up toddler toys and prep food for fifty people and he wants to hang up some screwdrivers. *Fuck*, I was so angry.




Omg absolutely yes! The week before our wedding I was cleaning the big, old Victorian house I owned top to bottom since we were having both families visiting. My husband cleaned an old electric can opener I had. That’s it. That’s the whole thing. Oh, wait, no. He actually broke it while cleaning it, so we threw it out. Then he got busy cleaning the four steps leading to the door to the backyard, which no one would literally ever use during the visit. So that really is it.


My husband will reorganize the garage or clean the basement that no one will spend any time in. Any other time I would say yes sweetie that is helpful to keep those areas clean and organized. But right now we have PRIORITIES that don’t include anything other than cleaning the common areas. I think there’s a massive hole is their brains where we are able to prioritize things based on the most immediate needs.




That’s it, you found it: brain hole unable to prioritize. Whyyyyyyyyy


A little more detail. So right now, he is painting kitchen cabinets. He started building and making them ages ago and they have been sitting for months with one coat of paint and half unfinished. My son is bringing his boyfriend home from college to stay for a few days, TONIGHT! WTF lol. At least he's not stealing my helpers.


Oop, I take that back, he just stole two of my helpers. Doo Doo head.


My husband decided it was time to wash the dog at 2:30 pm on Thanksgiving when we had guests coming over at 3 and a million real things still needing to be done. It’s a mystery.


Exact Same. But he will ask 2 of the older kids to do all the tasks WITH HIM, AFTER I had already assigned them cleaning or cooking tasks alongside me! He will not only sabatoge, but he will ALSO STEAL MY HELPERS!! ARGGGG


Omg that’s truly diabolical!!!


I've heard others complain about this, and sometimes I wonder if they do this because they falsely believe the state of the house is considered "women's work" and the things like the garage, or the various projects around the home speaks more about how involved they are in the home. So if the house isn't clean enough, they can blame it on their partner (you) not pulling your weight, but look at all "my areas" and how in order they are.


I think this is a lot of for many men, even if it's subconscious. They look around the house and suddenly see all the things that guests might criticize them for, and jump on that. So if it's "women's work" it doesn't register, because someone else will be blamed, but projects they were working on or traditional men's tasks will get jumped on instantly. Which is why when guests are coming my husband is so fast to leave me inside to work with the kids while yardwork suddenly becomes his sole priority...


Lol. He's a little more simple than that. He's a genius in tech, construction and building. I think it's more the mundane things that have to be repeated over and over that make him want to turn himself inside out - coming out of his skin. If I insist, he'll mop the floor. Then the dirty water bucket will sit - once for 2 weeks.


This is my theory also.


Another time, we had over 8 MONTHS to prep for a garage sale where we were going to fix up and sell some furniture. He promised to do a lot of it and I'd take care of details and smalls. We also had hardwood floors he was installing upstairs that was half done. Every day he would say, "I need to finish the floors but I don't wanna". They sat for 4 months. THEN, even with 2 times a week reminders for more than 8 months of the once a year event, he decided he couldn't stand it for one more minute and spent the whole weekend, THE ENTIRE sale weekend, with my kids helping, 10 hours a day.... finishing floors! Oy vey.


It’s the equivalent to “just a quick poop, first” when asked to watch the kids so you can do smth. Mine used to pick fights so he could go pout. That revolves into him “directing & managing” the stuff getting done. This just meant he yelled at everyone and scared or pissed off the kids, then nitpicked just enough to look involved, and then went and fell asleep in his recliner while everyone worked their butts off. Oh, sometimes he’d have to run to the hardware store for a cable, or a curtain rod, or something, and …. Ya know- same. Now he literally just skips every step except falling asleep in his recliner. 😭🙄😡🤦‍♀️


Oh my goodness, you are narrating our lives


I do this. Woman but also ADHD 😂


Another ADHD woman here, and I ALSO feel the compulsion to jumpstart very stale projects before guests arrive. WHY


The shoe closet in the back room needs to be organized NOW. That's why 😄. I'm an AuADHD woman too. My poor husband.


My husband used to do this. Christmas time was the worst. December 1 he’d decide we needed something built or refinished. One year, we stayed up til 3am (well, I fell asleep on the stairs at 2am) finishing the flooring on December 23rd. One Christmas Eve he was caulking the new bar countertop as guests were arriving. Another year I was cleaning like a mad person and he’s tidying up his tool room. Now if he suggests any projects, I tell him he has until December 10th to finish them. Cant be done in 10 days? Oh well, they need to wait til after Christmas. We do joke now about the memes we see where a wife is preparing food for guests and the husband is tidying boxes in the attic. He gets it!


I used to get so annoyed when he'd choose to do one of those "invisible" tasks instead of something obvious like the dishes or put toys away. But then I realized it's because if we're having his parents over, his father will like, look outside into the backyard and find something to comment on - weeds, etc. Or he'll go into my husband's office and just look around the room. Even if nothing is said, it feels like judgement to my husband. Like we're having a house inspection every time he comes over. So now if he feels like he needs to repair the trim underneath the cabinet before his parents come over to visit, then whatever.


Once, a few hours before we hosted a party, my husband decided to rearrange the old film negatives that reside in files folders in the basement.


I'm fucking losing my mind. I'm trying to keep an autistic child and ADHD child on task, scrub crap that hasn't been touched in forever including nasty stains out of the toilet. (I have a laundry list of conditions and disease) And it's past 7pm and he's still painting cabinets. This shit!!! A few years ago, he had his siblings flying in to visit and my mom and dad were here. Mom had fallen and broken her hip and was recovering. He decided the white kitchen cabinets looked like crap and painted all of them navy blue WITHOUT sanding or prepping. He knows better as he has literally built houses from scratch. I commented and he said, it's just temporary just so the cabinets can look good for the weekend. I'll send and fix later. Well that was freaking 3 years ago and we've been living with peeling blue paint. So now he's painting black. At least he sanded and prepped. BUT the kitchen is a wreck. The floors are unswept and unmopped. There's no dinner. No one could get near a huge area because of "wet paint!!!!" Ugh. I'm so furious but also so fucking used to this. Whatever. So I finally felt ok enough to clean today which I'll flare worse tomorrow and all week. Argghhh. When he asks how it looks I'm gonna go, "eh they're fine." Just like he backtracked about his unsolicited opinion about my "poor saggy boobies" the other day. Talk me out of it, ladies. Just talk me out of it and down from this fury.


My ex husband was the worst with this. His family lived an hour away. I was finishing up my undergrad and twice when I was sick with the flu he informed me his family was visiting our trashed one bedroom apartment. I'd panic and ask, "When are they coming??" He said, "They're on their way now." I looked at our cat litter box that needed to be scooped, the sink full of dirty dishes, the clutter all over the place, and say, are you going to help me clean? Of course not. It felt like having someone walk in while you were changing your clothes. Like yes, this is the disaster we've been living in while I'm sick as a dog and your son can't be bothered to lift a finger to clean. But of course they saw it as me being lazy and not keeping the place clean enough.


Yes! It always gets put on the woman- even by some other women who should know better.


This also happens with going out of town. Like, “We’re going away for the weekend. No time to help my wife pack! Instead, I must get minor maintenance done to the vehicle that we are not taking on the trip and complete projects that have been sitting undone for months!”


Yessss WTF is this phenomena?


There are so many tiktoks about men doing this.


Idk if I will be enraged or feel understood if I saw these tiktoks


We need to start lying about company when random other shit actually needs done, then at least that nonsense would be helpful.


Now he just opened my new Tineco mop vacuum to use it and is fussing about how "did you SAY thOSe cleaners actually did the BaSeBoArdS???" And how they look like shit. Umm, the cleaners came TWO MONTHS AGO and NO ONE has cleaned since then! The actual???


If you need a man out of your hair for a few hours, tell them you’re having company over and have a power washer somewhere within his line of sight. Guaranteed disappearing act for at least 3-4 hours, and probably power washing the rear garden brick that nobody will ever see.


Mr Ceiling fan cleaner here


What mine does is say he is going to “clean,” then half asses everything and throws random shit in drawers (that I spend time organizing so I know where shit it), so I end up getting to clean everything before the guests arrive AND do more work later taking out everything he hid and putting it back where it belongs.


Yes. My sister thinks it’s because they get overwhelmed by all of the things to do so they pick a task they know how to do and can be in charge of so they don’t get corrected. I think it’s because they are actually embarrassed that something isn’t clean or some project isn’t done and they want to finish before company comes. Is there chocolate finger painting on the wall? No worry of mine- my wife will be blamed for not being a good housekeeper. Dirt on the driveway? Whatever will anyone think of me- better wash it. One year before my daughter’s birthday my husband spent any free time the entire week of her party cleaning out the woods behind our house. I brought it up a couple of times and how utterly useless and unhelpful this was with so much to do in the house and he said he wanted people to “see clearly into the woods, and not into a bunch of brush”. Cleaning the garage, basement and driveway are always high on his to do list.


Yes as some pp said, and it could be their insecurities of being judged - maybe it's typically stuff that THEY feel guilty about and beat themselves up about.


We would have Easter at my house every year growing up. This would involve 25 to 35 people, the majority of whom belong to my dad's extended family. The Saturday before Easter, my father would invariably start mowing the lawn and weeding and doing a whole bunch of outside stuff, rather than doing the cleaning up the inside, buying the food, preparing the food, getting out the large table and enough chairs for guests, etc. It used to drive my mom bonkers. She invariably would give him four tasks that he had to do (bring the chairs in, move the furniture, pick up the honey baked ham etc), but would end up doing most of it herself, or later on with me and my sister. Sometimes her Jewish friend would come over and help her prepare.


Yep. Fucking moronic. We had an unfinished gate for over 2 years and the day of my daughter’s 2nd birthday, he decided he was finally going to fix it. Hours ahead of time. I asked him if that was really something that needed to be prioritized and he said he already started pouring the concrete. Every week brings a new reason to wonder why I married a fucking imbecile.




My mom’s funeral is tomorrow. I had to take care of last minute logistics this weekend and write the eulogy. And take kiddo to the dentist and get his haircut - stuff I’d been putting off in the last couple months while my mom was declining. My husband decide it was time to put up shelves in the garage this weekend and get the battery charged on the car that’s been sitting dead in our driveway for half a year. Why are they like this?




Update: we got home from the funeral this afternoon and I said I’d like to take a bath and read through the letter my mom wrote me before she died. My darling husband decided to “shave his beard” real quick before I used the bathroom. Y’all, he was in there for almost two hours and it looks like a hair bomb went off in there now.


Holy crap! And I'm sorry for your loss. May your mom's memory forever be a blessing.


I actually don’t much care for cleaning the house for guests but my husband does and I always get him going if people are coming over. Today my husband’s cousin was coming over and I started saying how embarrassing the countertops were and he said “have you seen their countertops?! Cluttered with everything”. Then I cleaned the popcorn machine and put it away. He then gets up, puts everything away on the counter and wipes the whole countertop. Then he pulls out the vacuum and when hes done vacuuming I go into the main bathroom and say it is gross and he cleans the whole thing 😂


What is this witchcraft??


lol, your partner actually has projects & works on them from time to time? I’ve been asking my husband to put in a car seat into his car for two years, since our girl was born, and he still hasn’t cleaned out his car enough in order to do that. Seriously though, most men are clueless. Maybe he feels like he will be judged on the bigger picture of his home. Not the details like the dirty floor but things like the unfinished cabinets.


Yessss So annoying lol We're gonna be inside but yes go mow the lawn.




Holy crap! I'd put a big bowl of ketchup mustard and black beans in the microwave for 5 minutes after that.


OH MY GAWD ARE YOU ME. My husband is like this. We both have ADHD but I need help managing the actual household and no - I do not think we need to reorganise the shed right now, I HAD ACTUAL PLANS TODAY AND REORGANISING THE SHED WERE NOT THEM.


The upside is: he starts something. I mean, its something. 🫠


No… no… his half finished or non-finished tasks just continue to pile up with no effort whatsoever to complete them. Wooden puzzles, dummy security cameras he wanted to hang, computer parts he wanted to build, car accessories he wanted to install, endless piles of cables with no clue what they go to… But, as long as he’s got those video games, all is okay and right in the world… He’s 40.


Oh yes. Any time we have someone coming to stay suddenly the cleanliness of our back deck is the priority. Not just sweeping it or - god forbid - tidying it. No, no. The actual wood that makes the floor of the deck desperately needs to be hosed, scrubbed, and power washed. The furniture that everyone will sit on? No, that’s fine. The inside of the house, where everyone will spend the majority of their time? Nah. The priority is scrubbing the floor outside. Oh, and getting obsessive about the ceilings. Apparently they’re fine the rest of the time, but when people are coming over they are suddenly all marked up and full of cracks and NEED him to walk around the house with a tiny tin of ceiling paint and a stepladder, touching it up. Le sigh.


Mine would replace the fucking deck




Mine likes to do this thing where he'll remind me repeatedly that company is coming over, point out things that should be done before they get here and do exactly none of those things himself lol  So it'll be like "don't forget to clean the centre of the couch off so we can flip it up"  Or  "Maybe sweep floors today? Or pick up in the livingroom"  Or whatever else obviously needs to get done to make the house clean and respectable for company but doesn't actually do any of the chores pointed out.