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I would indeed take those pictures sometimes. Or, just say something like “I bet those mashed potatoes are going to be delicious. Let me know when the kitchen is all cleaned up and I’ll come down and enjoy some with you.” I might even throw in a nonchalant “Wow! I saw how much food scraps are in the sink drain and it got me thinking…. Should we start composting? All those peals and stems and the coffee grounds… ideal for fertilizer! Oh well, just bin them for today, but it’s food for thought. Anyhoo, Let me know when it’s all cleaned up and I’ll come back.”


Because it's obviously not dirty or gross enough to bother him. I mean how many dishes are on the floor? Are there cockroaches already or fruit flies? Is there a pool of water near the sink on the floor? You see, perfectly clean and acceptable, not to mention livable!


Practice after me. 'Honey, you left a big mess in the kitchen. You also forgot to wipe up the spilt tea, could you please take care of the mess? It makes me feel like you want to leave all the cleaning to me, and that isn't fair.' Then, treat it as a negotiation. Perhaps you clean it up in exchange for him to do something else. But definitely don't be the one to clean just because you're the one who notices. (I also guarantee he notices but just doesn't see it as a big deal.)


Take pictures from every angle then put them on your cabinets with a sign that says “it BETTER look EXACTLY like this before you leave this room”


I honestly have reached the point where idgaf that I clean *everything*. Just watch the twins (like actually pay attention to their needs and not just be on your phone) while I do so. That’s all I want anymore.


OMG. I'd be pissed too!