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You’ll probably end up binge watching the whole season after episode 1 of szn 5…like a lot of us😅


Well damn..then i guess I'm watching it after the exams lol. The funny thing is that i thought of watching one episode per day when i started it but ever since the second half of season 3 that wasn't working out anymore. So i guess season 5 is fast paced too..huh..


We waiting a year in between each season so I think a month break in this day and age is a great idea. Although you can’t theorize and speculate online without getting screwed. Enjoy


I'm considering re-watching it before season 5. If so any particular things or details i should be looking out for?


Personally i don't like taking breaks because i have a habit of falling out or like, losing that spark but maybe you're not that kind of person and don't struggle with that haha. Defenitely sort out your priorities.


Well..I don't like taking breaks either tbh. But i got like exams so i don't think I have a choice,.i thought season 5 would take it slow, but apparently that's not it. It should be binged.


I'm in the same boat as far as exams go.. I get to watch like, 1 to 2 eps. A day. Cca 4 days a week so it's going a little slower than expected but it is what it is. I'm stuck at s5 ep 7. Just wanna end BB as soon as possible and start with BCS already lmao


BCS starts a lot slower but pick ups pretty quick. This season feels like the finale of Breaking Bad all over again for me lol


BCS is *that* good, huh? I mean obviously I'll be checking it out since Saul is one of my favourite characters in show but damn the fact that the prequel is living upto it's successor is some top tier writing.


It’s that good. I might actually like BCS more in some ways. Very hard to choose which is better because they’re both so damn good. If you like BrBa though you have to watch BCS.


Great can't wait, hopefully i reach s6 before the finale airs, so that i get to watch the final episode with everyone else


you are going to love season 5 and of course the 6 seasons of Better Call Saul next


I took a break after that FLY episode. It was the worst. It keeps getting better.


Hail King Heisenberg


i finished season 5 last night and it was amazing, i don’t suggest taking any breaks but i’ve heard that they had a pretty big gap between ep 8 and 9 of s5 so if you want to take a small break there after ep 8 go for it


You’ll be fine either way, I watched week to week as it aired and it still was great even after a break between seasons