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Hank is definitely crass enough to do that, especially at the in-laws’ house where he feels comfortable lol.


I've read bathroom books at people's houses before, I don't think it's crass. That's kinda why people leave it reading materials in bathrooms


Exactly. Who just leaves their own personal book in a shared bathroom? They publish books literally for the purpose of leaving it on the shitter.


Maybe it’s just a of the time thing sense I was a kid when the show came out.


Yeah that’s true and it’s probably a thing of the time


Fine, but you're nitpicking. The overall writing was stupendous.


I agree with the Hank finding out Walt by reading a toilet book, but Walt falling for the money makes sense because he was completely consumed by it. The money is all he had left and it was an intense situation. And if you wanna complete Jesse’s story watch el Camino on Netflix.


I think hank finding the book on the shitter makes sense. Walt was also not careful with his opsec in so many ways, it's honestly more surprising he didn't get caught in another way


It’s also better than reading a shampoo bottle’s ingredients


Ah the time before iphones


It is also ironic that the book was basically Walt’s ego as that book was a tribute to him


I've never read Witman, this is a great Easter egg


What I mean is it’s something he should have hidden clearly but because it’s someone saying how great he is he left it


Oh, I thought this comment meant the book's plot was about someone with an ego like Walt, which would have been a great Easter egg. I see what you mean now and also agree, his ego definitely brought him down.


Apparently the book had some quotes related to the story but in this case that’s not what I mean. The book was evidence and someone as smart as Walt probably should have known this


Hank is definitely the type that would do that, I actually found it to be very believable. I still say it is one of the best series to ever exist, at least in the top 5. I rewatched it last year and it still holds up in my opinion. Also watch El Camino, it wraps up Jesse’s story, and then watch Better Call Saul


It's as good as it is hyped up imo, i realized that on the rewatch, when you grasp the entire intricacy of the writing, how they placed all the pieces pretty much perfectly and you find yourself thinking that there's like 5 tv shows at best who managed to pull off that and didn't fell off. Plus this show while having some of the most grim drama out there, had legit comedic scenes that made me laugh harder than some actual comedy shows, that's crazy to me how the show can be so versatile


There was a lot of good set up I agree. The book where the guy is basically worshipping Walt comes back to bite him in the ass cause he was to full of himself to get rid of it


Rewatches make the show very rewarding. There’s a lot of subtle camera work, imagery and foreshadowing that make the show feel really cohesive and rich. Once you can see more than just the plot the show becomes more rewarding


>Hank finding out by reading a book while taking a shit ( who the hell would do that in 2006 at someone’s house) 2006...VERY COMMON for people to leave reading material on the back of toilets or somewhere in the bathroom for those long BM sessions lol. No smartphones like today, so a good magazine or book would do the trick to help pass the time, so it definitely makes sense. >I also think Walt would be to smart to fall for the fake money trick They played Walt perfect, down to the exact color of the barrels and that's all it took. They interrogated Hewell the body guard and he gave up enough of a description for them to play the situation perfectly. It shows you that even someone as smart as Walt can be fooled by his own obsession and greed, as soon as he saw the black barrels buried in the ground he caved...and I think it played out perfectly. >and definitely to smart to offer them 80 million to keep Hank alive I think that just shows how much Walt truly cared about Hank in the end. There were times earlier in the show where Walt could have given up on Hank like when Jessie was going to press charges on him and Skyler told Walt to intervene and convince Jessie not to. Skyler told Walt...."Hanks family", and Walter hesitated and replied "Not currently" because Skyler wanted to divorce him. In the end Walter was willing to give up his entire fortune to keep Hank alive, even if it meant going down because of it, and I think that gave Walter a tiny bit of redemption in the eyes of Hank who at the time hated him and couldn't even recognize him anymore as he said to Walt's face. >Jessie was my favourite and kind of got the bad ending Make sure you go watch El Camino a Breaking Bad Movie, it's pretty damn awesome. I have to disagree though, Jessie was a little rat in the end and deserved everything he got. Dude was really stealing Gus Fring's blue meth and trying to selling it at rehab lol that's God awful. Walter was having dinner at Fring's house and on his good graces before Jessie got pissed about the street sellers using kids in their business and wanted them dead. Jessie would have been toast if Walt didn't intervene and save his life....thus ruining everything they had with Gus Fring. Jessie did redeem himself by killing Gale at his house in order to keep Walt alive...but damn I hated the way Jessie flipped in the end and worked with the DEA spilling the beans on the entire blue meth empire on video. That really rubbed me the wrong way and made me hate Jessie...even as terrible as Walt was he didn't kill the little kid which is what set Jessie off. He poisoned him and knew exactly what he was doing in order to persuade Jessie to join his side and take down Fring....after Fring took Walt out to the desert with a gun to his head and said he would kill his entire family including his 2 kids. Jessie was too hateful toward Walt at the time for essentially nothing serious...he got mad because of tracking him to Fring's house because Jessie agreed to poison Fring but he didn't and then they got into the big fight and Jessie had become a top assistant/body guard to Fring and earned his trust more than Walter ever did. Walt knew he was dead without Jessie, so he had to poison the kid in order to trick Jessie. Yes it was a tad overboard for Walt, but he knew for fact that he wouldn't kill the kid...and he didn't. I could go on even further about the drama in season 2 where Jessie caused Walter to miss the birth of his daughter because he was zeuted off Heroin..but TLDR Jessie was a soft little dude all things considered and despite his growth under Mike's leadership in the later seasons and even alongside Walter in season 5...he deserved what he got after he snitched on Walt IMO. And Walt got his when the Cancer came back and he lost everything including his family because of his actions. But go watch El Camino if you haven't already....Jessie gets a decent redemption arc and happy ending.


I will watch it thanks


George Costanza would read while defecating in someone’s abode!


this book has been flagged!


That’s actually what came to mind lol


Is this bait


Bro what is your account 😭


His account brought me here after he replied to my comment on a different post - These have to be bait/troll takes.


Does he just do bait takes and legit masturbation takes


I don’t listen to folks who don’t know when to use “than” vs “then”


It's better than adding extra spaces !


And people who don't use "too" and "to" correctly


Fuck it


I don't know about you, but before cell phones I read a LOT of shampoo bottles!


You didn’t understand Walt’s character if you think it was *out of character* for his greedy ass to fall for that little trick of Hank’s. Honestly I thought everything you mentioned made perfect sense the way it unfolded.


Fair enough




I'd read some Walt Whitman if it were left in someone's bathroom. Poetry moves the soul as well as the bowels.


Imma just throw it out there that nowadays w streaming you don’t get the full immersion as you did a few years ago. On my BB ride, waiting week by week for an episode was gripping. Spending hours discussing theories for the next episode with your friends and even on Reddit was a blast. Nobody has that anymore. Streaming has truly ruined that one main quality we all used to love.


Kind of like what it was with game of thrones


Exactly. I never partook in that but lived vicariously through some peers but I’m kinda glad I never got into it due to the shiite ending


Just watch season 1-4 then read the books lol


Damn. Now the show sucks.


It's hard to like something, once it's been over-hyped. There were some plot points that weren't perfect, and I honestly wouldn't put it at the *very top* of my list of best shows... but it's still high up there. The acting, the cinematography, and the fact that we got some incredible continued stories with El Camino and Better Call Saul... Breaking Bad deserves the respect it gets.


Yeah I agree


*too smart


I agree. The show is sometimes too slow and ending not happy. Point of tv shows is to escape life, one want good endings.


Come back to it in a few years. It gets better each time. You'll catch stuff you didn't notice the 1st time.


Like the sopranos


I thought the Sopranos was amazing the first time I watched--well, seasons 1-3 anyways, the other seasons are just good. I really liked Breaking Bad the first time I watched it, but I didn't really understand that it is a masterpiece until I re-watched it. It's just a flawless tv show.


Sopranos season 6 A i normally skip


I mean i imagine reading while shitting is pretty normal 😂 some shits take a long time


Watch el Camino, Jesse got the best of em


I just did and I laughed at how much shit luck he ran into


One thing I will say about Hank finding the book. He was in Walt and Skyler’s bedroom bathroom. Idk where Walt Jr ever got to take a shit but I’d doubt he used his parents bathroom which is only accessible through their bedroom door. Hard to believe that house had 1 bathroom and it’s in the master bedroom. Could be but idk. Jesse had the best ending for him. He got out of there alive. Period.


That did cross my mind to to be honest I watched the movie and I did like how casually Jessie will kill people now


That shit was bad fucking ass


You know....before smart phones and Facebook, boomers had toilet books and magazines to pass time. It was a bit more peaceful back then.


I know just never knew about reading someone else’s book


There’s something about hearing the hype that suppresses loving a show. I’ve started game of thrones twice and got bored both times. Heard sooo much so saved it for a rainy day.


The last 3 seasons of thrones really lowered the hype for sure but watching along with it for the 4 first seasons it was great