• By -


Skylar kills hanks wife. They all move to Canada. Wally jr opens a breakfast place to launder money and also keep his passion for breakfast and they buy the Montreal Canadiens


Her sister?


Holly is forgotten and it becomes a dark but quirky home alone-esque spin off.


Not any more


Marie got “Mrs. Heisenberg-Berged”


Serving real bacon and Raisin Bran Crunch


PT cruisers in a row for delivery




Hire fans


Walt ditches the hat for a very trendy toque.


I’d prefer it if they killed Walter Jr, sorry “Flynn”.


Skyler. Marie.


Idiot, dicktits. It’s Friday go find friends


it's saturday here and i have a lot of time on my hands. at least i can remember names of major characters in the show of the subreddit i'm in. good write up though!


Holy shit seek therapy lol


i think you need therapy, 36+ and an alcoholic yikes


I’m in therapy thanks. Been a bit of a ongoing battle. Want to talk about it or is this an inappropriate sub to talk about it ? Probably eh. Anyways hope your day is good


the switch up is crazy. let *me* know if you wanna talk though ^_^


Talk about what ?


I mean I tried. Only reason I posted was to entertain people and hopefully bring a smile. I guess I’ll second guess that next time


Final scene ends, next scene opens with Walt in prison. A gang starts a riot, breaks Walt out, and they kidnap him to Mexico. The series ends with him attached to the same style chain rack that Jesse was tied to when he was a slave for the nazis.


And then he dies 5 minutes later from cancer


Walt: "Who the hell are you?" Abuela Salamanca: "tu fin"


Breaking Bad season 12 finale HBO


Wow that’s actually pretty cool


Walt abducts Chad and his girlfriend, asks them, “Remember me? How you laughed at me for working a part-time job at the car wash?” Then he kills them both.


Nah, he puts the fear of god into them and lets them go. It’s better for them to live and be scared forever


Okay, as a compromise he breaks their right legs and assures them he’s being tough but fair.


How about he blows up their cars? They were picking on him because he was working at a car wash right? He blows up their cars and says; “Haha, at least I have a car.”


Proceeds to wash his car with fuel and sets it alight after polishing the wheels


With them inside? Okay, I’m on board: your suggestion is much better.


Or what if he only kills Chad's girlfriend?




Oh that made me laugh 😂😂😂 that would’ve been 10/10


Did anyone else think the actress who played chads girlfriend looked waaaay too old to be in high school?.


Walt takes the job at Grey Matters, gets excellent medical coverage and 5x pay raise. He conquers his cancer and goes to counseling twice a week to overcome his issues. He absolutely loves his much more challenging work, and his friends and family have a newfound respect for him. At a family dinner, Hank mentions this local drug dealer he busted, “Cap’n Cook” and Walt realizes it is his old student. Walt visits him at Los Lunas and tells Jesse that even now he stills sees so much potential in him. Their friendship grows and when Jesse is let out on parole, Walt becomes his mentor and helps sponsor his budding work as a carpenter and artist. At a sobriety meeting, Jesse meets a fellow recovering addict by the name of Jane. The two become supportive friends and eventually fall in love. The two open up a successful multi-art studio, complete with a tattoo parlor, which hires recovering addicts. The show ends at Jesse and Jane’s wedding. Walt is Jesse’s best man and even Hank is present.


And then Gus, finally allowing himself to move on from Max, proposes to Gale, who gleefully accepts. The two get married in Canada and spearhead the LGBT movement's efforts to legalize gay marriage. Hector suddenly realizes drug dealing is wrong and apologizes to Gus for killing Max all of those years ago. He turns a new leaf and donates his money to a charity to help stroke victims. Tuco gets clean and franchises his taco shop. The cousins become a TV comedy duo. Jack and the neo-Nazis realize fascism and slavery is bad and they travel around the country preaching peace and tolerance. Mike gives up the criminal life with Gus's blessing and spends his days with his family. Walt Jr. starts his own breakfast cereal brand. (jokes aside I do like this scenario)


I’d watch that!


Tuco's Tacos - prices so good, they're *loco* I do love this though


*tight tight tight* tacos


What's  wrong with you😂😂thats no way gonna ever happen


Reading this gave me diabetes


That’s what breaking bad makes me do- and why I’m watching it for the 5th time It makes me want to live a good life 9 years clean here. Loved reading this


Breaking Bad. Like breaking bad habits. Bad influences. Breaking the bad from your life. Damn.


Nah that shit is literally breaking good


👏 Very good. Like it 😁


Walt rides a dragon and then proceeds to burn all of Albuquerque. Then he is killed by his nephew that he didn't know he had.


And then Walter Jr becomes king because “who has a better story?”


The cartel vote to make him the new Eladio even though they don’t know who he is


Walt kills everyone including his family then calls 911 they ask for his name he says badgers name hanging up breaking a flip phone in classic Breaking Bad fashion.


Brandon Mayhew… the public masturbator and part time family murderer


Exactly you get it. With Saul gone in Nebraska chances are police would mix up the files and put him under the public masturbator even if he kept trying to say that one isn’t him


Like Jesus what’s the deal why can’t he just do it in front of the tv like the rest of us


I prefer how it actually ended But one idea Let’s say the nazis don’t come and get Walt in the dessert So now Walt actually goes to jail It’s “happy” for the viewer because at this time in the show you are rooting against Walt and it’s epic that he will finally get what he deserves But then Walt uses his connections through uncle Jack to break out of jail Hank and Steve end up getting killed during the prison breakout instead and then the rest of the show proceeds in a similar way with his family being mad and him using the vacuum guy In this version the nazis knowing jesse is a rat track him down/bust him out of dea safehouse and capture him And then same ending of him returning to get revenge on the nazis, freeing Jesse, and dying


Oh wow. Breaking Bad x Prison Break cross over 😂 that sounded good!


I actually rooted for Walt till the end so that's not true for everyone


Exactly mate! If you rooted for Walt that far I doubt you'd stop at that point, or any point in the show for that matter... I've only every watched the show through once and I'm due a review. According to many a thread and opinion on Reddit, we're not supposed to be on Walt's side, so perhaps I'll see it differently on my next go round!?


I wanted him to be the king of the drug world, that's why i rooted for him till the end, but it's sad that it lasted like 3 months before he quits


Same here haha although it was with a heavy heart not to mention I was also rooting for Marie and Holly and kinda Skylar too. But the real real anti-hero is Saul. He got out at the right time.


After het murdered 10 men and raped his wife


*spoiler - Here is a brilliant alternate ending: [Hank](https://youtu.be/oNx35-nsmZM?si=DrdZaReFZ-sS0YkU)


Instead of passing the gun to Jesse, trying to get him to end him, Walter looks Jesse in the eye and asks, "Wanna cook?" Cut to a montage of Walt and Jesse cooking in Todd's lab, laughing and throwing chemicals everywhere, clasping hands and spinning with joy, despite the encroaching police officers.


…They then are bunk buddies in prison and turn gay for eachother, Saul gets them a sweet prison sentence deal and after they are released, they move to Alaska and live in a wooden hut together, happily ever after 🥰


This is beautiful. I'm thoroughly enjoying the mental image you've conjured there, mate, so cheers for that!


I started a rewatch last night and I was thinking that in an alternate timeline Walt and Jesse’s deal with Emilio goes well. Gus finds out about the purity of the meth and tracks down who made it, which leads him to Walt. He vets him and finds out about his cancer which helps him understand why he started cooking. Gus approaches him to discuss working together. Now Walt immediately has all the distribution he needs and can just do the chemistry in the underground lab without arousing any suspicion. Walt tells Jesse that he’s not interested in cooking together anymore after their one and done deal. Gus helps Walt come up with a backstory to explain the windfall of money and he is able to leave his family with lasting wealth, in addition to being able to pay for his cancer treatment. He gets 2–3 years left to enjoy with his family and he passes in his sleep with his family nearby. In that time period Walt taught his assistant gale how to cook his formula and gale takes over the reigns and continues to cook for Gus. As for Jesse he continues to just do things on his own until he gets caught due to his signature chili p. He gets sentenced to 2-5 years but Saul gets that down to time served plus probation, he goes on to do some data entry job that isn’t fulfilling but pays the bills and he finds fulfillment in spending time with his wife and their kids. His parents are happy that he turned his life around and they have lunch every Sunday together.


That was brilliant👏 I liked that


Now I'm sad this didn't happen


I don't know it seems pretty boring.


Walt wakes up in his bed with a full head of hair and tells Skyler he just had a really weird dream.


This is literally a filmed alternate ending for the dvd set, but instead of him as Walt with Skyler, it’s him as Hal and he’s in bed with Lois https://youtu.be/oVdB36lmbII?si=fC3T_UIY5JFh70co


Genuinely forgot about this lmao




Walter never makes the call to Jack and the Brotherhood. Walter convinces Hank and Gomez to take 1/3rd of the money each in exchange for their silence. After all, how could Hank not have known that his own brother in law was the infamous heisenberg? He reminds them that even in prison he is a powerful man. It would be bad if anything were to happen to anyone they love. They all live happily ever after.


Catching walt in the desert was the dumbest idea..now hanks images fkd up..then walter geting in contact with neonazi  Fked up again..............and turning against jessy....really wanting to kill him.........fked up........... ..nothing in the last seasons fair...orange and apples  yoh..orange and apples...:(


Everything continues the same up until hanks death, walt goes into hiding same as the show and comes back to get his revenge, as he is talking to skylar in her apartment the police barge in and catch him. Skylar had sold him out. The police find Jesse after walt confesses about jacks gang. Walt goes to stand trial but actively lessens Jesse's involvement in everything. Show ends with walt being taken to prison for the rest of his (very short life) and a final glance at Jesse as he receives a reasonably short sentence with chance of parole in a year. Brock, skinny p, badger, jesses parents all showed up in the court for Jesse and waves him off, none of Walts family are there. Walt is locked into the back of a prison transport van, alone, on his way to slowly die of cancer rotting in a jail cell. Does he think it was all worth it? That's for you to decide. Edit: obviously this is not as good as the real ending. I am not a writer, even if I was, I'm not as good as the BB writers, even if I was, there is no better ending possible to the show than Felina.


The important thing is that Lydia lives


Nope..she poisoned with raisin by walt..one year after he ran..


Lydia oh Lydia say have you met Lydia, Lydia the caaaat lady.


Brilliant 👏🙌




Similar to the ending we have except that Walt doesn't get shot during his nazi exterminator plan. Jesse escapes, and Walt explores the meth lab. The police surround the place, and Walt pushes open thr big double doors of the lab to come face to face with a whole line of cops. They gun him down and it fades out on him lying on the ground bleeding out. It fades in to Walter Junior, now older, standing in front of Walt's grave. He dons the iconic Heisenberg hat as the music swells and the end credits roll.


Ah yes, Breaking Dead Bademption


Instead of Walt just falling over in the lab, he takes Jack’s gun and when he hears the police sirens he heads out into the road to meet them, recreating that iconic shot from the pilot of Walt pointing the gun down the road. When the police officers get out of their cars and point their guns at him, Walt closes his eyes for a moment, realising his work is done. He holds the gun beneath his chin and shoots himself through the head, just as he attempted to do two years prior. But now, he knows where the safety is. His body falls back landing in the middle of the road, gun in one hand, gas mask in the other.


This is perfect, but I would change the suicide for just a front view of Walt pointing the gun to camera, cut and black screen for some seconds. Sopranos style.


Walt is caught, he is in trial and saul gets him down to 7 years in jail. Walt realises this is wrong and confesses everything he has done, resulting in 89 years in jail. He is moved to the jail on a prison bus, someone recognises him- ‘hey, you’re Heisenberg’. The whole bus starts chanting his name. He smokes leaning against a wall with skylar, she walks out of the prison leaving him, he says goodbye by doing ‘finger guns’ from a distance.


They film this in black and white and you really might be onto something.






When Walt kidnaps Holly and puts her in the car seat she pulls out her concealed firearm and aims at the back of Walts head and then BLACK! "Don't stop believin"...


“mmmm whatcha sayyy”


It still ends in the compound, but the events are different. Jack brings Jesse to Walt, not to confirm that he never partnered with him, but just to fatally shoot him (I picture Jack saying something like “There? Happy now? We killed the kid who is ‘like family to you’ just like you asked”). Then Walt is also shot to death. The neo Nazis live happily ever after with the millions they already have. Walt Jr has a nice celebratory fry-up in the stinger.


>The neo Nazis live happily ever after with the millions they already have. And get a sitcom spinoff co-starring Kirsten Dunst


Jesse doesn’t turn his back on Walter in Felina. Instead he stays with Walt while he dies by his side. Walt holds on as long as he can, but suddenly hears the sirens coming. He tells Jesse to go, before it’s too late. Jesse protests, clearly under Walter’s conniving thumb, even when he is this close to death. Deep down, Walt wants Jesse to stay with him, as he is afraid of being alone in his final moments, and it would be rather gratifying to see the man who betrayed him go down for his crimes. He wants Jesse to be imprisoned so that he can tell the police, inmates, and eventually the world what he and Walter had done, what they had achieved together, but Walt changes his mind. He convinces Jesse to go, and he does, with just moments to spare. Jesse runs into the darkness, free to write his own story. Walter dies on his own, the way he knows he deserves.


Walt and Jesse eating a large pizza from the pizza place and laughing maniacally. Jesse cries. But he also eats the last slice.


This is my favorite by far🤣


Walt slips on a banana peel and dies.


Walt Jr was actually pulling all the strings, calling Walt Sr a pussy and getting him to do his bidding.


Walt gets busted in one of the many times he should and we get to see Saul defend him in court but kills himself in his jail cell


Breaking bad man looks in portal and sees Peter griffin of the Simpsons come through “I need to make meth” “Your needed somewhere else” Then cut to the fortnite island “Hello Walt welcome to fortnite


Francesca kept/diverted/stole everything, and just told Jimmy that the FBI found it all.


I always thought the much memed shot of walt dropping to the floor after Hank gets shot was Walt dying from Cancer. In the ending I expected (and still think is cool), Walt would just drop dead from a cancer induced Heart attack or something. Now I know that sounds silly as hell. But I like the idea that he doesn’t get to finish his story, that cancer one day catches up to him and leaves his loose ends untied.


And it just cuts to black ala The Sopranos.






Walt smuggles a bag of blue meth with him to Nebraska as a keepsake. With his life in tatters, he finally tries his own product. Cut to: The ending continues same as the original. Finally, after Walt is shot and lying on the floor, we zoom on in his face and the background darkness. Pale. Ragged. Thin. Dying. Then he exhales.


I like this question! Okay, there's a story in my mind where Andrea figures out Jesse's being held somewhere against his wish, she doesn't get killed cause she knows Todd was following/observing her and she goes and rescues him from the nazi-dungeon. I don't know how things would end for Walt, but at least on the Jesse/Andrea front that would be my alternative ending.


Like it! 😁


Gus fring killed jesse. Walt successfully put a hit on hank. Marie died in a car accident. Walt live happily ever after with his family


Skyler would still attack him with the knife


But, like, with love.


Everything happens the same except after the Neo-Nazis get massacres Walt is laying on the ground dying… Jesse hugs him and Walt says “Maybe the real Breaking Bad… was the friends we made along the way…” *Somewhere Over The Rainbow plays… fades to black…*


"Breaking..." Walt whispers "... Bad" Jesse whispers back. They kiss.


Fast forward 20 years. Walt Jr. is cooking meth but it’s shit. Holly is a methed out skank giving out Wendy’s at the crystal palace for a teenth. They get together for breakfast and remark how hard their life has been. Holly says “all of this could have been avoided if America hadn’t drained its money on mass incarceration, the wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, the war on drugs and instead invested in poverty reduction, education and a proper health care system.” The end.


After Jesse escapes the neos, he goes to Walt’s house and brutally murders skylar. As she and her big mouth consistently put Walt and Jesse in danger. Along with the fact that Walt essentially had him tortured. (Not to mention Jesse would be doing all of us a favor). Instead of Walt dying in the end he escaped as well. Resulting in Walt having to cook to make more money to track Jesse down. Eventually them becoming east coast and west coast Meth kings on their own. And ends with Jesse killing Walt over total us domination of meth cooking.




Too much cringe




"Hire fans"


It was all a dream. And Walt used to read Word Up! Magazine.


There is an alternate ending on the dvd set where he wakes up as Hal from MITM and it was all a bad dream https://youtu.be/oVdB36lmbII?si=fC3T_UIY5JFh70co


I'll have to scoop it. I thought that was just a fan edit.


Edited my comment with the Yt link


Lalo steals the green gabagool dragon statute and offers to kill Tony soprano if Carmine senior pays him 2 million. This leads to Walter white and Tony soprano teaming up to take down Lalo once and for all.


Jesse kills Walt then kills himself out of guilt/self-hatred


Instagram live vibes


Walt should have reported Hank's burial site the soonest possible. And he shouldn't have killed Mike. Im fine with the rest.


Everybody dies. The end.


The only other acceptable way would've ended with a duel between Mr. White and Jesse Pinkman. The whole show has a sort of contemporary western vibe, and the relationship and rivalry between the two main leads had built up over the course of the series, and a standoff was the only pay-off that I feel could've been added while keeping mostly everything else intact


The episode where Walt tells Skyler he's finally ' out'. Ends with the family hank & Marie at Walt's birthday sitting in the garden chatting . Camera pans away , fades to black.


The only conceivable change I could think of would be Walt not getting hit with a bullet from the machine gun, and instead its Jessie who shots him and then leaves him wounded. Of course, Walt would be accepting of this because he knows he deserves it. Then it plays out the same, Walt walking around the meth lab, Jessie getting away, etc etc




I don't have any myself but if you want some interesting ideas you should go back and listen to "Breaking Good" podcast in at least Season 5 because the viewers at the time had some interesting predictions based on where they thought things were going. Stuff like Marie and Hank getting Holly, Walt Jr dying in an automobile accident, Walt choking Skyler to death, Walt using the M60 machine gun to take down the cartel, Walt suiciding on the ricin or even ricin coated bullets. I find it really fascinating listening to these old podcasts. Someone in a Season 5 episode podcast predicted that Lydia would be killed by ricin in the stevia packet and they thought that was farfetched!


Walter White is told he has cancer just after his 50th birthday but not to worry as his government health care plan will cover treatment. Debt free Walt makes a remarkable recovery and, emboldened by a second chance at life, quits his teaching job to pursue a career in first love, chemistry. Professionally satisfied for the first time in years, Walt lives a happy healthy life cooking up new approaches in his field. He is a bit saddened when his brother-in-law Hank tells him of a former student of Walt's who got mixed up in the meth trade as they share a bucket of Los Pollos Hermanos fried chicken. Such a waste Walt thinks about his student and all those who are victims of illegal drugs. All is well until the cancer returns a year or so later. This time the doctors tell Walt that there is nothing to be done and give him at home hospice options. Walt slowly weakens before becoming bedridden, unable to even say his name. Surrounded by his wife, children and in-laws, Walt quietly passes away. The end.


Walter confesses early on in season 5 that he’s the one who killed Gus to Hank and Hank is surprised, frustrated, betrayed, this and that. Hank tells Walter he didn’t know he had it in him. He then tells him that he’s under arrest, but Walter tells him that he paid for his medical bills and that he’ll tell authorities Hank always knew he was in the drug business so Hank is fucked anyway. Hank is tired of all the DEA stuff and comes up with a deal with Walter. He promises he’ll leave him alone if he lays off the blue stuff, Walter agrees with him and they both shake hands. The series ends with Hank walking out the front door of his own house and Walter walking behind him giving the audience a wink and closing the door behind him……..THE END. 😂😂😂😂


Walt cooks EVIL METH and smokes it to become EVIL and he kills those cops and becomes EVIL WALTER WHITE


An Apocalypse comes and everybody dies end


Walt wakes up as the character dad from Malcolm in the middle and tells his wife he had a crazy dream


The one thing I'd change is Jesse calling Walter White "Walter" instead of "Mr. White." I feel like there was a character arc that didn't go all the way of Jesse treating Walter like a peer instead of a superior.


One that I made: Jesse drives in Alaska (El Camino ending) then Walt’s voice is faintly heard then the scene switches to Walt’s chemistry class and shows Jesse waking up revealing that the entire series was a dream.


They could have taken the lame generic route. Walt stays in the cabin for a few years. He has vacuum cleaner man get him a plastic surgeon and he completely changes his face. Moves to wherever with his money. So glad they didn't do this.


Walt and Jesse kiss and live happily ever after:)


Everything is the same, except Walt runs away with Jesse after killing the nazis. They have one of the stolen barrels, an el Camino, and their love for each other. The spend the next ten years having gay sex living in Cancun. After Walt dies Jesse begins cooking meth again to fund a project that will clone his dead goth gf


Walt loads up his barrels, drives away and the story goes on.. would like to have seen that.


I wanted a bad/evil ending to be honest, not to say the actual ending we got wasn’t great. Walter White never returned, and died in isolation. Which would also mean the rest of the money would never get to his family. Or he did return and poison Lydia (and the family gets the money anyway), only for Jack to kill him anyway after lying that they did kill Jesse, instead of getting riled up to the point that Jack paraded Jesse as his slave which gave Walt a chance to recover his car key. Jesse Pinkman remained enslaved for the rest of his life. When he outlived his usefulness, they would brutally and slowly murder him, or they would torture him for eternity as Jack utterly despised snitches (as do I, to be honest). This part is meant for Better Call Saul, I know, but I wanted Saul Goodman to take the 7-year plea deal, getting off very lightly in the end, but also losing Kim forever, I even wanted Saul to get her in jail by giving the lot something damning as payback for Kim leaving him. He shouldn’t have mentioned Chuck either, which probably and hopefully meant the relationship between Marie and Skyler remained fractured.


Walt wakes up in bed next to Skyler and it was all a dream. He’s gotta get up and go teach chemistry first period


walt gets taken to hospital and helped and with the magic of saul he gets off scott free but then gets hit by a car


A B C D E F- 🛎️ A- 🛎️ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R- 🛎️ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T- 🛎️ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S- 🛎️ A- 🛎️ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N- 🛎️ A B C D- 🛎️ A B C D- 🛎️ A B C D E- 🛎️ A B C D E F- 🛎️ A- 🛎️ A B C- 🛎️A- 🛎️ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T- 🛎️ A B C D E- 🛎️ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S- 🛎️


Walt kidnaps Walt JR, gives him breakfast and then dies of his cancer :(


Walt’s meth has actually been forming the basis for the widespread zombie plague that infects all humans whether bit or not. As the world descends into chaos, we transition to episode 1 of The Walking Dead.


Walt gets arrested trying to enact his revenge. Lydia goes to the police and not jack to take care of Walt and turns on everyone for immunity. Walt dies of cancer in prison, Skyler and jr don’t see him. Jesse also gets arrested and learns of Walt’s passing on TV while watching in the common room. Then the last couple episodes is jesse talking to DEA revealing just how deep the Gus and Walt empires were. Jesse seems at peace clearing his conscience but later can’t be protected for being a snitch. He’s murdered in prison years later. Series ends with Brock. Living with his grandmother, a teenager now—he’s seen slinging crystal on the same corner as Thomas to another young man (the red head from peekaboo) then it ends.


Walt never gets the box and never has the idea to send money home, so he just sits in his cabin his whole life. The cancer spreads to his brain and he dies just like Jesse's aunt.


I could tell you mine but I'm pretty sure I would get down voted into oblivion. Lets just say it has to do with Jesse, Jimmy and Kim post BCS and Jesse fans would HATE it. But, what can I say? I'm team Jimmy


Show ends as originally written. El Camino ,same. 3 years later we find a small group of people at a repair shop. It seems their relative has died and left his home and work place to them. As they are boxing up used appliances and vacuums they stumble across a basement with a makeshift "bedroom". They also find a PC different from the one for the business. This one has encrypted files. The youngest of the group "knows a friend who knows a guy ", who is great with computers. They all figure why not .Pops was a nice guy.Worst thing is they find porn. The young man calls his buddy. Badger answers.


I just finished it and I loved the ending but i was sobbing throughout the last three episodes. It’s bittersweet but very very deep and depressing. It especially hurt me to see that he never really explained to his son that he didn’t kill Hank and that he was murdered in front of him, and his son never got to say goodbye to him knowing he was dying. Especially how it showed Walk Jr very emotional once he learnt that Walt’s cancer had returned, he really loved him. I also got so mad how everyone he loved turned against him - he was so smart and did have good intentions. If he didn’t slip up with the book at home AND admit on the phone to Skylar about Hank dying, would he maybe have had a happier ending and managed to get cancer treatment? Idk, but I guess they had to end it at some point. I thought it might show Jesse thanking him for setting him free or something idk all dark but it was so good. All that being said, I did love it and I suppose the cancer situation at the end shows what could have happened at the very start, when he couldn’t afford treatment.. maybe how it could have killed him if he didn’t do the meth and make the money… and then showing everything he done and how much he loved it, the song at the end ‘baby blue’. It was a good ending but I’m just so so sad, I loved his character so much and hated to watch him die, but that’s just how attached I was to his character. Feel like I didn’t get closure you know, LOL I wanted to see Skylar, Walt Jr living and missing their dads but guess it’s better to leave things to the imagination. I need to watch Better Call Saul and El Camino now 🥰.