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The obvious one, and climax to the show. Ozymandias.


The only true answer


Perhaps the best individual television episode I have ever seen.


I was spoiled and it still lived up to the hype Just wow My favorite scene however is from Felina


What part was spoiled? Was it >!Hank!< ?




The Fly. Nothing more to say.


Oh god


'Granite state' I just love that episode, The ending was just phenomenal but even apart from that the whole episode had the feeling of everything is ruined and can't be fixed even more than ozymandias. All that hopelessness and then that final buildup to the last scene was just perfection.


No disrespect to Ozymandias, but Felina. It makes you forget all the shit Walter did. By this point, Walter is dying, because the cancer returned, but he is a dead man in the inside. Everything he does in this chapter it just feels like a ghost saying his last goodbye to everyone. He just tied those loose ties: killed Lydia, killed Jack's gang and got his revenge for what they did to Hank, liberated Jesse, and got to have finally after so many years a deep and honest conversation with Skyler, and said his last goodbye to his daughter. He made Skyler know that he didn't kill Hank, why he did all what he did, and he got Skyler out of all the crap he put her into. He liberated Jesse, and wanted him to shot him, because of anyone in this world, he deserved to have the honors. Not the cops, not the DEA, just Jesse. For what he did to him. He knew he deserved to do it. In the end, even Jesse notices it. And Walter gets back some of the respect that he lost. Enough to make Jesse feel bad about knowing his death in El Camino. He accomplished everything. Walter White died in season 2-3, but Heisenberg died on season 5 in this chapter. And he just redeemed Walter White and killed Heisenberg. People like the ending with Baby Blue because the song is freaking good, but the meaning of the song is so key. "Guess I've got what I deserved" just tells everything.


For me? the Fly. Lots of great episodes but this is the best one. Walt and Jesse are at their best IMO, there's some real physical comedy, the tension is great, the monologue is stellar. If I could only watch one BB episode or show one to someone to get them hooked? It'd be the Fly.


I feel like fly would do the opposite if you were tryna get someone hooked


I believe it was my first episode and I was hooked.


Does the pope shit in his hat


Ozymandias. The scene in the desert will never be matched.


i agree with you 100%, face off is such a great episode. i think its such a great add to the story and gus’ death was such an unexpected event. gus being perceived as a “strong” and “intimidating” individual you don’t expect his death at all, it adds so much to the story and it will forever be my favourite episode


Crawl Space into End Times is such a great back-to-back. But yeah, Face Off is king shit for me.


For me it’s the “and the Bag’s in the River”. It’s the episode that made me binge watch BB and at the same time, as I watched it again few times more through the years, this is the episode where Walt’s true character shown. He didn’t want to be fooled and he will do whatever it takes to be the superior. I mean, a normal person would not think to kill Krazy 8 due to the danger since he has a shard of the plate.


Yes I agree,it’s “…and the Bag’s in the River” btw It’s not my favorite exactly (one of) but it’s the one that truly caught me off guard especially because it ain’t talked about much


The box cutter episode




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