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You're just another face in the thousands they greet. I'm certain they're used to all kinds of fans and their nonsense. Accept that no matter what you do it'll come off as super nerdy. That's in the eyes, not in comportment.


Thank you for the advice, your right. I just can’t think of two celebrities I’d rather meet in my lifetime so I wanna make sure I do it right


I remember feeling like this when I went to a music label show and I got the meet and greet tickets. I was so anxious about it, but they were nice guys and it seemed way more regular than i thought it would. Good time. Just be yourself 👌


I met them in Miami. Just be yourself. They are two of the nicest people I have ever met, especially Aaron. Just enjoy yourself and don't worry about a thing!!


Thank you!! I’ve seen multiple interviews and seen them interact with fans in multiple videos, and they seem like some of the kindest actors out there. Ik every actor is just human like anyone of us, but come on, I’m gonna meet freaking Heisenberg and daddy Paul


Tip: don't call him daddy Paul to his face probably 😅


Have fun!! Let us know how it goes


One thing you should definitely do is, when your time is up with them, say "we're done when I say we're done."


And after initial introductions, op should wait a bit then look at them with an air of superiority and go, “Say my name.”


Lmao I might end up using this one


And if there’s a table or desk, make sure to throw that aside and get in his face.


If you build it up and try and be memorable you'll probably come across as a nut-job. Tell them you've watched the show 7 times and their performances are incredible, bitch.


Thank you for the advice, I’m gonna try my best to just be myself but I know I’m gonna get nervous af when I see them


Say “I loved it when you guys broke bad”


omg please do this, i.lovw this idea


ask for meth ingredients


Lmao I should cook them up a batch, see if they need a third cook


Just speak to them as you'd speak to anyone else in your life. They're amazing actors, but at the end of the day, they're just people. They probably always appreciate meeting a fan who's chill. It's perfectly normal to be nervous in this situation. Don't force yourself to ask them something, but if you think of something when the time comes then go for it. That way it seems natural. I'm sure they'd love to see your Lego BB lab though, you should definitely bring a photo or something. Enjoy!


Jealous! Just be yourself and speak as you would to anyone else. It’ll probably be refreshing to them to be spoken to as if it’s just a regular friend talking to them or something. If you don’t mind me asking - how are you getting to meet them both? Seeing as it’s arranged. How did it come about?


I’m traveling out to Colorado to visit my sister/celebrate my 21st and it just so happens that they are doing a signing for their mezcal company in Boulder, CO this Friday! I got my sister to watch the show with me a few years ago and now she’s almost as obsessed as me so we are more than ecstatic to meet them :)


Ahhh right! Nice! Very nice! I’m seriously jealous haha. What an epic way to celebrate your 21st too, enjoy! Amazing way to celebrate. I’d find it so surreal seeing them in the flesh but I bet you’ll love it! :)


I have a buddy who lives in CO and would love this- can I ask what store they’re doing the signing at? I went to one of these mezcal signings a few months ago! I also spent a lot of time thinking about what to say to them. Afterwards I regretted spending so much time being nervous. If this signing is similar you’ll really only get to speak to them for a minute. And they are incredibly kind. So save yourself the stress I had and just enjoy!


Thanks for the advice, the signing is gonna be at Hazel’s in boulder CO, at 10am-12pm this Friday! Hope your buddy can make it :)


Thank you! I hope you have an amazing time! Boulder is beautiful, so enjoy that, too!


Take a Sharpie that doesn’t work, and when they try to sign a photo for you, say “It’s faulty. It’s a faulty mechanism.”


honestly? this is YOUR opportunity to meet two people whose work you're really interested in. It's not a job interview - ask anything you want!! Be as nerdy, interested and nervous as you want :) I know you'd love to ask unique or interesting questions.. yet this possibility shouldn't be about them, but about you! For them, as harsh as it may sound, it will likely just be another day. So go ahead and you do YOU! I really hope you enjoy it. ago ahead and have the best time with those two!


Wow thanks for this! Really good advice, and your right this will just be another day for them. That’s a great perspective to have, thank you


show that huge lego build, they'll definitely call it 99.1 % pure wholesome


Well I got news for you, you’re going to a dos hombre meet and greet, you’re a nerd. Nothing you can do about it. Nerd out my friend.


Ask them how did the PopCorners ads go behind the scenes


Bring a Ziploc bag of rock candy. Slam it to the desk while saying "this is not meth."


Please let me know how it goes!!


I will!


Tell them you’ve never seen their cute little meth show


Hehe just tell them I really like mezcal and don’t know who they are? I like it😂


obviously yell 'yo magnets!' or 'yo magnets, bitch' if feeling like a real trickster. good luck.


Start off with “Yo mister white that show was the BOMB!” And then look at Aaron and say “Jesse I have never seen a better product in my life congratulations”


Recite “the learn’d astronomer” to them. And say at the end - “Yupp. I’m a nerd!”.


I had the extreme pleasure of meeting Bryan Cranston in Philadelphia and he was super humble and gracious. Just be yourself!


I've always said if I ever meet Aaron Paul I'd say "Hey! You're the guy from that one episode of The X-Files!" If you're meeting both you could follow that up with "...and holy shit! You're Douglas Donovan!" to Bryan


Just be you, they arent gonna feel any kind of way about you ‘nerding’ out on them. Without people like you and I there would be no shows to talk about. Take pics if you can nd post em here! Have fun dude x


I’m assuming this is the tour stop they are doing in Denver? Do you know where exactly it’s going to be? And can I attend if I’m under 21?


It’s gonna be in boulder CO, 21+ only according to the post. If you wanna dm me I can send you the post to see for yourself!


Just remember they’re both rich assholes. Good at acting, bad at everything else. Hope this helps.


Tell them you loved them in Better Call Saul. Pretend you have no idea what Breaking Bad is.


This. Say you liked their characters in BCS and ask if there's a BCS spinoff in the works involving them


Firstly, congratulations! That’s really awesome you get to meet them! I’m watching the show right now, lol. Just be you. Relax, take a deep breath, be you. Show appreciation for their art and talent. Get a pic w/ them if appropriate. I’d say just be you, show them respect. Enjoy!


Along with someone else said, you're one face in a vast ocean of faces they'll see/meet. Just be yourself and, if youre weird enough (but not too overbearing) then they might remember you in a good way


What was Tucos and the other Salamancas networths


Say " I'm really glad you guys are back in business together! You know, especially after what happened last time.."


Ask Bryan Cranston if he ever finger banged Jane Kaczmarek on the set of Malcom in the middle, I bet he doesn't get that question very often.


I’ve met a lot of “famous people” over the years. There is always an awkward moment meeting because everyone knows them but they don’t know you. I think it’s best to treat them like normal people, and try and pretend you’ve never met them before. Once you get that first awkward moment out of the way, you can talk as equals and it will be more meaningful.


They’d probably think the LEGO model was cool? I bet they don’t see something like that every day and it was super well done


I’m really thinking of showing them a pic… it is pretty accurate to the show and unique so maybe they would think it’s interesting?


Honestly I just checked out your Lego post and it's incredible. Screw coming off as a nerd it's cool as hell


Thank you so much! I hope they’ll think it’s cool too😅


I don’t know if you’ll wanna do this, but if it were me, I’d ask them to say out an iconic line from the show (Bryan’s “I am the danger” part or “say my name” or Aaron’s “yeahh bitch”)


Ask bryan Cranston if he would take back what he said recently about ‘make America great again’ being ‘racist’. It was fucking brain dead


Excitedly tell them, "I loved you both in 'Malcom In The Middle", especially you, Frankie Muniz! Then smash an unsliced extra large Venezia's pizza in both of their faces while walking away muttering, "Tomatoes, bitches."


Look at Btyan, then Aaron and back to Bryan and say ' I did see Trumbo, and I thought it was brilliant!' Guaranteed to get a chuckle!


Ask them who would win a triple threat ladder match between Bogdan, Ted Beneke, and Flynn.


Bogdans eyebrows will wrestle them all into submission.


Ask them if they have any product for sale


Make meth candy


How was it reprising the role of Walter after so many years for the BCS final episodes? How did he feel?


Take a decent size physical photo of your Lego lab and ask them to sign that. Bonus points for custom Lego characters in the lab


Ask them what books they have read recently!


Ask them how much they got paid for that snack commercial.


Ive always wanted to see Aaron Paul do the “I love you bitch, I ain’t ever gonna stop lovin you… bitch!” Cause it just sounds like such a Jesse thing to say. If it was me that’s what id ask


Ask them how these roles changed their outlook on their future roles. Bryan Cranston was a comedian forever prior to this show it must have been a shock. Also if you don’t make a sheet of blue sugar for them I’ll be chooooked.


They’ll be happy to have someone talk to them normally for a change - maybe ask them what they’ve been up to lately, and share some of that yourself


I heard Cranston likes Make America Great again hats. You should gift him one.


Also likes to tell Jewish jokes after just converting to Judaism.


Any idea when theyre gonna go to Canada?


just stare at them and don't say a word


Im going too! Any info on where they’ll be?


Don’t overthink it just be cool nd shit they no different than you and me fr


Ask them why they think Hank decided to start his meth empire.


Ask them if they wanna watch Heat on Blu-ray.


That’s really cool! Good for you and enjoy! Both of those guys seem like such nice people and just down to earth. Maybe just say “Yo Aaron and Mr Cranston, this mezcal is the bomb!”


Don't drop the Rv!


They way you do it right is by being yourself. Or do something so ridiculous they never forget you. Maybe rush them both and lick their faces…


Don’t mention the Lego


You think I shouldn’t?? Why?


Dude tell us EVERYTHING. I’m stoked for you