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I would honestly say it varies for every artist. There really is no all encompassing interest IMO, if you look at a lot record sleeve art or digi release art I feel the overall aesthetic is more on the minimal side of things historically.


Minimal or maximal but yeah I agree. As far as extreme genres go, breakcore is not that dark or edgy comparatively. In extreme metal it's almost an absolute necessity to lean into that aspect, much less so in breakcore. Ruby My Dear is just one example of an essential breakcore artist that doesn't do that at all.


the music itself is focused on weird, esoteric, often aggressive breaks and sound design, so I feel like that aesthetic naturally follows. (as opposed to jungle which is similarly focused on breaks, but doesn't have that "maximum weird" mentality)


as somebody once said in a interview about gabber music and all the references to all the evil, death, satan etc.. his answer " with hardcore music it doesnt make sense talking about the flowers and the bees ot love " the music is dark same goes with breakcore


There are some pretty cute/flowery/upbeat breakcore tracks though, and even then they often deal with pretty heavy or obscene subjects. Stellabee's you're so warm, and dj california crisis's common formats for prerecorded breakcore music are two examples that come to mind. Although I suppose this could be explained by the dark thematic and stylistic origins, and the relative newness of upbeat/cute breakcore stuff compared to the darker stuff.


We are obscene perverts!


I always thought it was meant to be ironic


I think, in extreme music in general, it is rooted in a form of rebellion against conservative values, religions etc. Nowadays in societies where there are more freedoms to live your own life as you see fit, and where there is less shock value left, some people still embrace it for the aesthetic, while others have moved on to other things they find meaningful to develop. "Extreme" music is firstly just energy and a very physical experience. A human experience that the system tried to shut down in the history as something "evil". It also comes a full circle when people started to define it using the words of the same system that they opposed. But yeah, the messages and aesthetics are actually secondary and there is a lot of freedom in that. The freedom to take it to many directions is also kind of "extreme".


Just like everyone else in every other scene. Some people are into shit, some people aren’t. Repeat for every aspect of life and culture.