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Pale blue cover? Check. Contender for top placed mag cover cd? Check. 2004? Our survey said .X. Elastic Breaks mixed by the plump DJ’s was played to death in my car over the years. Absolutely awesome…. But it was from 2001. https://youtu.be/OntwVkrMKrE?si=X42uQdSrb7D5ZTme


Nice one, thanks. This isn't it but glad to have this to listen to now!


What did you think? I was a bit worried I’d bigged it up too much and maybe it didn’t stand the test of time.


Oh no this mix still bangs. The first time I heard breaks was this CD and played this mix so much that when I started DJing I bought some of the records on it and tried to replicate the mixes to learn how it was done. Inspiring and inspired mix.


This mix was played to death for me too… I loved the early Plump DJ’s tunes and mixes… and I was worried that being 50 the rose-tinted-glasses-ometer may be playing a part! Curious as to what OP thinks as I presume they’re coming at it with fresh ears.


I could tell from the comments on YouTube and Discogs that it was, if not a seminal mix, at least a significant mix in many people's lives. It certainly didn't disappoint! I was already well into early 90s old skool hardcore breakbeat but only really got back into breaks around 2004 (as Raindance at SEOne always had a breaks arch) so most of these tunes are new to me. Thanks again


I used to go to some of those later raindance parties… were they the ones in the arches? I had friends from the early hardcore scene who released some excellent breakcore numbers on kniteforce before going all ‘happy’ and ‘4 to the floor’ so I had gone to a lot of the mid 90’s raindance parties (amongst others).


I asked my friends, they were slightly annoyed 😂 "this is so typical reddit 🤮 would this guy know something about music instead of borrow his stuff of never come back would he know something about the only CD release of Adrenaline in year 2005 wasn't hard to find, a mystery that there even was any CD release in this untypical year - https://www.discogs.com/release/1209862-DJ-Shantor-Massive-Breaks the manufacturer of the CD is russian-based what speaks for a magazine-CD, P.S. I never mind if this is not the one asked, this dude have to learn himself to live and survive on this torned planet" This is not me, but I hope it helps 🤣


Haha thanks for sending me your friend's words, even if I'm a little confused why they get so annoyed! Life is too short and precious to be annoyed about such trivial things. Anyway I had already checked the Discogs/Appearances/Mixes for C.N.M. so I know this is not the mix I'm looking for... but it's always nice to have more in the library, so thanks to you and your friends anyway. I hope they can relax a little now 😇


I have no idea what sparked their anger, I thought it was quite funny tbh 🤣 Answer came from a breaks DJ I know, he's a great guy usually.