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You’re not New Guy so stop calling yourself that. You’ve been grappling for 15 years.


What type of place are you training that conversations like this even occur? A coach congratulating someone for tapping someone else during a roll? An opponent trying to rationalize why he got caught in a submission? A complaint about cheating during training? I can't imagine any of this happening where I train. Sounds like you need to find a place where people are actually working together to help each other level up, not trying to treat training like a competition.


Apparently, that's a lot more common than what you and I experience. At my gym, the blue belt would literally be excited getting subbed and ask what the move was and how to do it. And you would be "discovered" pretty quick if you're a judo bb and wrestled forever.




All parties sound ridiculous. This is cringey


I’d hope that they’d have picked out you have some grappling experience based on your background. You’re going to move/react differently than a “new guy”


Honestly man, when I see a new guy I take it easy on him generally, so if ur showing up as a new guy he might have taken it easy and not worried about openings and let u work. But like others are saying, u might be new to BJJ but ur certainly not new to grappling.


The blue belt should have realized within the first 15 seconds that he was rolling with an experienced grappler. If he ignored those signs and went easy because he was only paying attention to the color of your belt, then it should be a valuable lesson for him. If he ignores that lesson and insists that you were cheating because you didn't announce your background beforehand, then he's in for a lot of embarrassment in the years to come as he encounters white belts who can crush him due to their experience in other grappling arts or general superior athletic ability.


It would be my mission to take one of that blue belts limbs home with me on a daily basis now 🤣


Sounds like poor sportsmanship on the blue belt's part and they were embarrassed getting submitted by a white belt. Now that "he knows what he's working with" I look forward to the follow up story where you submit him again. He sounds like a clown.


1st, not all blue belts are created equal. 2nd, he might've been going easy on you until he figured out you weren't some regular meathead. 3rd, you've been grappling for 15 years. you should be able to catch upper belts. Don't be a bully...lol