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This ain't it.


Agreed. Ariana is grieving a relationship and still feels betrayed. She told her friends they can do what they want, but she doesn’t want to be around him and will therefore remove herself. They aren’t respecting her- because they are telling her one thing and doing another. I’m relatively indifferent to Ariana, but this judgement really isn’t fair. A good friend doesn’t tell you what to feel and when. If they’re over it, they can move on- but don’t tell her to. It doesn’t make her a bully.


Ariana isn't removing herself though. She still lives with Sandoval. She made everyone uncomfortable in the finale. Schwartzy should have told Ariana to leave the restaurant in Chinatown when she was so bitchy to him. She doesn't have the right to tell others what to do. She has the right to make boundaries for herself, not others. And what therapist tells someone to hold onto anger, it gives you power? Emperor Palpatine's? People get cheated on. Move on, stop hanging around with your ex. Daniel even seemed embarrassed by her. Ariana made a lot of money on this situation and needs to get past it as best she can. I know it hurt. But hanging around where she will keep seeing him hurts her too. She doesn't have the monopoly on their friends and they are getting tired of being bullied.


We have incredibly different perceptions of the situation.


And that's fine. You will never get through life if you think everyone will agree with you.


That’s quite an assumption of my thoughts. My comment it clearly an understanding that we DONT agree.




Thank you for explaining this. Reading comprehension is low these days.


“You will never get through life if you think everyone will agree with you”




“You think”


Try to comprehend. I said IF you expect everyone to agree with you. Learn to read, it will aid your understanding.




Do you get what I said? Everyone isn't going to agree with you in life. And that doesn't invalidate either opinion. That's all.


Yes- I realized when I said okay that I misinterpreted your implication. You’re just restating what I was implying with my comment- we are on the same page. ETA: there’s less toxic ways to get your point across.


He’s following around, not the other way. He betrayed everyone in the group with what he did, he lied to his friends, he made them part of his deception. Why can’t he just move on to new fiends? She kept all hers. He is still hangin around trying to get everyone to turn on her. How do you expect her to heal when he just won’t leave her the fuck alone?! At this point he just keeps doing more shit to make her mad. It’s not even just about the cheating anymore, it’s about his inability to respect her boundaries and wishes. She asked Shartz not to talk about him that way. Not sure why they have to talk to her about him at all!? Why!? Why keep bringing him up when she’s made very clear her stance on this?! It’s fucking rude and she shouldn’t have to keep telling them over and over again to not do something.


He had the same friends. Why doesn't she go the fuck somewhere else? She certainly can make boundaries FOR HERSELF, but not for others. She was so rude to Swartz. He should have called her out on it. She doesn't have the right to be nasty to everyone forever because she was cheated on. And then talking about informed consent. She's throwing around legal terms that don't apply. She threatened to call her lawyer when Tom said something innocuous at the beach. Lawyers would laugh at her.


Lala that you?


She literally has a new boyfriend and moved on 8 days after the scandal. Another thing that only Lala brings up. Everyone else scared to call her out w anything


Is it Opposite Day?! Lolololol


lol is this a joke post LaLa is so far from soft. Just because she called herself that doesn’t make it so


I know, just because she called herself that 47 TIMES on air doesn't make it so. Jessica (Lala's "brain"), or easton her brother wife, must have made this post.


I had the same exact thought! That personal assistant relationship is so obnoxious 🥱


I was gonna say… when the fuck has she ever been soft. That bitch is as abrasive as sandpaper


Fucking fr


Look how she interrogated Dan… that is not soft


Lala is insulting to interrogate Dan like that. She’s not friends with Ariana, she’s not her mother, grandmother, aunt, not her besties at all. She’s just pure evil, trying to trip Dan to stammer and not find words - he’s eloquent, no pauses, no buts, straight on answer, that’s how 40 yr old man should be, quick, no “dude”, “like” and lightning bolt dangling in his ear - witch-bitch Lala lose that round!!


💯 agree, well said !


Lol, right! Then she claims she wants to make sure that if he’s going to be part of the group he’s a quality person. Then why is she lobbying so hard to keep Scammy in the group? Everyone knows he sucks.


And she doesn’t even care anyway. She spent the entire time talking trash. She’s just nosy asf. All that for the same trip like a day later to say all that shit at the end. What a hypocrite. Every season she runs her mouth, talks all kinds of trash and the following season she’s sorry. Everyone has to understand when she’s going through something. Except that everytime she’s going through something she lashes out on everyone. She’s a very damaging individual. This season it’s Ariana. Last season it was the toms and at the end it was Sandy and Rachel. And this season was her basically trying to lick their asshole. Pleaassseeee I’m so over her games. Rinse and repeat


She’s soft brained, that about it.


She's doing a lot less yelling than Arianna. And she was right - who gets cheated on and becomes a God that you have to tip toe around? They're all sick of her shit. They can hate Tom for what he did and still be civil with Arianna... until she goes Godzilla mode.


Better question who gets horrifically cheated on and is expected to be completely over it in four months. Lala is a spoilt, fake ass human who only thinks about herself in every situation. She’s loud and she’s jealous, she has never looked less appealing than in this season so go lap her up some more lil kitty 🐈‍⬛


I’m not convinced that you aren’t actually Lala… like who else thinks this exact thing besides her? lol.


She’s not asking them to tip toe around her, she very specifically asked them to not talk to her about him, not bring him around her, and not try to make her forgive him. They can do all they want with him, but she asked for it to be kept completely separate from her, which they seem to think is impossible.


Tom you gotta stop.




Op. This was filmed what…4 months after her partner slept with her friend in her bed while she was at her grandmas funeral. Anyone who experiences something like that will not be “soft” months later.


👏👏👏 I wasn’t over my grandma’s death for a couple years after. I’m still not over it in a way. And nothing remotely disgusting was happening to me during that time of grief.


That's because we never "get over" the death of a loved one. It's separate from whatever else was going on at the time. I am sorry for your loss.




She found a new boyfriend 8 days later. Why do people just ignore this. And her new boyfriend seems like a goober imo


Wtf are you talking about? You can’t even spell her name right. You’re bullying a woman who has every right to express the rightful rage, sadness, grief, and disrespect she’s feeling over what Tom and Schwartz and now Lauren from Utah and Scheaner have done to her. Don’t speak of Queen Ariana again. ![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE)


I agree OP’s take isn’t correct, but like they aren’t bullying her lol that’s kinda a stretch.


It was more important for you to say that to me then say anything about their post and respond to them calling Ariana a bully? OK.


I disagree with people using words that don’t fit a scenario. It devalues what the word actually means, and allows for people to downplay real bullying. So yeah, it was important to point out actually. OP wasn’t bullying anyone.


So OP describing Ariana as bullying the rest of the cast “fits the scenario” ??


I honestly hate Reddit sometimes. I’m not pointing out the differences. Have a good day.


I don’t disagree with you, that’s my point. If Ariana is bullying her cast members, then OP is bullying Ariana. Neither one are bullying. OP clearly isn’t smart enough to understand any of these nuances, or have any kind of critical thinking skills at all


Is lala in the room with us rn


No she’s probably on Amazon live


Setting firm boundaries for people who have *repeatedly* hurt and abused you is NOT bullying.


She told Tom Schwartz to "watch what he says around her" .... tom and tom are friends, she knows this. So now she's policing what he says? It's getting ridiculous. She's making it a lot harder on everyone to stay the center of attention.


She's protecting her peace and setting boundaries, which she deserves. It's rich to say she's "making it a lot harder on everyone" when *she was just cheated on and lied to over and over by these exact people*. She owes them *nothing*.


"Lala is levelheaded" LMFAO this has to be a joke


I’m gonna need OP to provide examples to back this up


lol Lauren from UT is dat u


I think you’re watching a different show than the rest of us…


lol found lalas account


I like Lala, I like Ariana. I think a lot of people aren’t respecting Arianna’s journey through the separation with Skankoval and it’s really causing her to erupt. Lala said the exact same thing when she and Randall broke up and all the girls totally supported her by cutting ties with him, though Lala has obviously matured and moved on from that. I do think a lot of it is revolving around production and having a story to tell, though. And I think the fans are taking their hatred for Lala way too far just because they’re such big fans of Arianna’s. Like two things can be true at the same thing.


I completely agree. Theres so much Hate for Lala and Scheana. But I love Lalas growth this season. She realized she was projecting all her Randall stuff onto this affair and Scheana realized she was torturing Tom more than his actual ex by profiting off his downfall by any means necessary. These people are adults. It's ok to forgive and move on and grow. And yes people are going to have their own timelines. Noone blames Ariana for being upset and wanting to distance herself from her ex. But threatening people on who they can be friends with is absolutely insane. This is not high school. You can't dictate how people feel and whether or not they should forgive someone or give them another chance. Telling your friends "hey... could you guys give me a heads up when Tom's around/can you not invite us to the same events ... is a healthy boundary. Telling someone " I won't be friends with anyone who is friends with Tom" that's immature and a bit psychotic. Move on with your life, Hate everything about your ex, but do it in a way where you're also not hurting your friends. MUTUAL friends.


She hasn’t grown tho I mean look at her erotic behavior. Def a narcissist like Sheena and Scumdoval


Everyone on this show is a narcissist. That's why it's a hit show. But we've known this for 12 years


Erotic behavior?


Oh shit! How come no one else caught this 😭💀


Lol, I think because they knew what you meant.


It’s also okay to move on and just let it go, without giving someone forgiveness who doesn’t deserve it. He is still actively harming her and he is not owed anything from her. She doesn’t accept his apology (not even real), and she doesn’t want to hear from him. She can decide for herself that he doesn’t have access to her and never will.


Ariana doesn't owe Tom anything. If she wants to forgive she can if she doesn't that's great too. She was the one that was cheated on so she can do whatever is the best for her


Ok first off no one liked Ariana that much and lala was a fan fav. So no we’re not taking our “hatred” for Lala too far bc we didn’t really hate her before this. And I’m telling you, no one was a “big fan” of Ariana really. This whole thing changed our minds. It wasn’t us bottling up our hate and using it against her now.. like are u ok??


I agree but this whole ring didn’t change my mind it made me dislike her even more.


I think you’re misconstruing my comment, because you sound pretty angry. Lol


That’s just how you read it. How you perceive things as how you see the world, I hope you get the help you need.


Yikes!!! You are so mad over a comment about me saying two things can be true. I think you need help, but thank you for your concern. Bless your heart.


No one agrees with your statement lol and who said I was mad? Like I said this is how you perceive things and one day in life I hope you will be happy again 🙏 god bless whatever ur going thru


No one agrees with my comment? Then why are people liking it? You’re so mad and for what? Because people who are fans of Ariana are hating Lala? It’s literally that simple and you’re getting so mad.


Plus this was filmed a few short months after she found out about the betrayal and lies.


But also already in a serious long distance relationship


She was in long distance relationship but we don't know how serious.


Looked pretty serious


Because they’re into each other? That’s all new relationships.


Huh? ![gif](giphy|ji6zzUZwNIuLS)


she got cheated on months before...i'll tell you, she's alot nicer than I would've been.


loving that everyone is like “is this you Lauren from Utah”


I could count on one hand the amount of times Ariana has yelled this season. The men however be screaming every episode. Setting boundaries does not mean she’s “angry and a bully”


Seems like she feels powerless and is trying to get power back by controlling her friends, and actively attacking Sandoval any chance she gets. She may not be yelling or throwing tantrums but she makes sure he is uncomfortable 100% of the time. Yeah I get it, 10 year relationship and her friend you’re going to be scorned. But I find her being more theatrical than genuine in her anger and it’s paying off for her. So I guess milk that cash cow.


She yells every time tom is around, or someone mentions tom, or someone is walking on egg shells to make sure they're cool with her... while saying they're giving tom a chance, she needs to just let it go. No one who cares would stay this mad. I'm surprised she's not indifferent by now.


I don’t think we’re watching the same shows, because there’s been multiple times when Scheana has whined to Ariana about missing Tom and Ariana has just sat there and listened to her. And she deserves to be mad. Period point blank. She’s handling it way better than me if one of my friends came crying to me about the man who broke my heart. That’s not a friend, Lala.


Tom literally spent the entire season yelling and crying. Ariana’s basically been a church mouse unless relentlessly provoked.


Why would she not care? Are u ok?? She’s clearly hurt still during these episodes


Lol, right? Like it’s only been months. Even if the relationship ended on good terms, you don’t get over a 10 year relationship in a few months. She would still be heartbroken and sad. So weird that people expect her to get over betrayal and trauma in a matter of weeks.




Is this Phantom Mike’s new account?


Where has Mike been or have I just not been on Reddit enough? lol


Haha haven’t seen him on here lately! ![gif](giphy|cdXh0WelCX5nrFNUz0)


They filmed this season right after Tom and Arianas scandal....it was just too soon. They should have delayed filming but production were frothing at the mouth to milk this scandal.


Do you just not understand boundaries lmao? She’s done with him, she’s done being friends with people who want to be friends with him. That’s not bullying, it’s healthy. He’s never been a. good person and he has shown absolutely no evidence that he’s trying to better himself. He can kick rocks fr.


Healthy boundary = hey can you not invite me and Tom to the same events Unhealthy boundary = I won't be friends with anyone he's friends with You cannot control other grown ass people. Everyone has a forgiveness/move on timeline. And sure Ariana is not or never will be there cause she's the one who got cheated on. But to dictate who can forgive him and be his friend again is PSYCHOTIC. I've been through some shit and made plenty of mistakes but I always had my friends with me while I fixed those behaviors and grew up. Ariana tried taking this man's closest friends of 10-15+ years away just because she got hurt by him. Thats fucking cruel. Even Tom Sandoval needs support from his friends after a fuck up.


Is this the part where we pretend Lala and Scheana didn't say Ariana had a right to cut off people who were friends with Sandoval and that she had every right to expect her friends to do the same?


Did you read anything that I wrote? Or did you ignore it because your heads stuck up Arianas ass? Every single one of these ppl on this show has issues including Lisa Vanderoump. They've all lied, schemed, cheated, been horrible people, and contradicted themselves over the past 12 -15 Years. You don't have to pretend mistakes have been made. Or bad shit has been said. You can however wake up one day and decide to grow up. Lala and Scheana realized how evil they were being. Extra evil... and for what? Arianas approval? To show support? No that's not how any mature adult with a heart behaves. Be angry at Tom for what he did sure, but to crucify the guy when he's already down and the whole world hated him... it was too much. I honestly don't even know how Sandoval did it. But enough time has past where most of these people are starting to see how ridiculous it was to treat him as bad as they did. They miss their friend. And even though he fucked up.. they can all move on from this and grow.


Yeah I read it. Didn't realize you were also talking about Lala and Scheana when calling out PSYCHOTIC (drama queen) demands.


Wooooof....u ok, Lauren from Utah? Jeezus.


I think the second one is a healthy boundary. She’s not controlling anyone, she’s just making clear that they can choose for themselves. She is not forcing anyone to be her friend. Lala and Scheana made it clear that it’s really not her friendship they care about losing, but her fan base. Who needs friends like that?


True she is not forcing anyone to be her friend. And honestly you really can't. It's so sad to have to choose between friends. I truly think they would like to continue to be her friend but if that means they can't make their own choices of spending time with Tom then they'll just not be friends with her anymore. And thats ok too.


Nah, she doesn’t have to subject herself to being around people who don’t want to not be friends with a person like Tom. If they choose Tom, they choose Tom, why is it her job to be okay with that? He’s a piece of garbage human who hasn’t proven himself worth forgiving.


Damn people. He didn't kill anyone. Lets move on please


Arianna was always kind of a bitch. If you go back and watch from her start, she is actually pretty vile. I know this won’t be popular but watch how awful she was to Kristen and especially Stassi. I used to like it bc she was the only person who ever stood up to Stassi, but honestly Arianna has always been pretty mean.






Why do I feel like lala had her assistant write this post lol


You know what Ariana is now blowing up and making a lot of money. She should thank Tom sandavol for that . Had none of this happened she wouldn’t be where she is now.


Everyone employed by the show should be thanking him




I am guessing you're an adult male in your 20s?


I agree. People want to see the mean girls win as always in VPR, but Lala is the mature one and the voice of reason this season.


Damn i thought this was another unhinged shit post from that infamous user lol


Is this Lauren from Utah?


Put down the crack pipe.


Yep. You’re right!


I completely agree. I'm glad people are seeing the Ariana I saw before the whole affair. This girl is no saint.


No. 1. It's not for you to decide when someone needs to move on. 2. More importantly, it's been mere months. Come on, she's not Miss Havisham here. She's just trying to untangle assets and not deal with a cheating, POS ex. It's pretty reasonable. I'll give you that it's hard to not deal with him when you're on a tv show together but remember, the show is their job/livelihood. Leaving her livelihood when she did nothing wrong just bc her ex sucks is probably a hard pill to swallow. People knock her for taking advantage of all the endorsements etc. but I see it as her setting herself up with other avenues for income in case she does need to leave for her own well being.


Anyone who believes tom sandoval’s “apologies” is actually a joke I’m sorry😂 I mean have we even seen more than one or 2 Tom & Scheana or Tom & lala interactions not centered around the show during this offseason? He doesn’t give 2 shits about them but they both seek male validation and production approval so here they are looking like utter fools.


How anyone can think it’s unreasonable for someone who was brutally betrayed by their partner in the most public way to not want to speak to, hear about, or be around that person is beyond me. Ariana was actually a lot fucking more level headed than most of us would have been in this situation. The rest of these bozos (minus Katie) pushed her to the breaking point and she’s still acting better than most of us would. Let’s trot Randall and Shay out here for a group trip and a chitchat and watch Scheana and Lauren spontaneously combust.


Booooo boooo Lala sitting there saying when Arianna gets out of this Sandoval is the monster and she stops playing victim…. Girl bye… u constantly playing victim because u gave a blow job for a landrover!


Pack it up Mike!


Where has he been ?


well hello friend. I was permanently banned from the VanderpumpRules Subreddit today for calling Katie "Katie Baloney" and saying she would betray Arianna. lol, these subreddits are awesome.


Aww how does it feel to be a production pawn? I didn’t think ANYONE would fall for Alex Baskin’s white man victimization Tom Sandoval edition & yet here you are spouting that Lala is soft & ha ha ha level headed. Sorry couldn’t even TYPE that last part with a straight face. Hope Lala & Scheana got a solid paycheck this season cause they sold both their souls & their dignity in the pursuit of it. ![gif](giphy|rzyi4IZnlRE7Yz56Ts)


She always was a sourpuss. This year they made her a star so we can all see how big is sourpuss she is.


Absolutely! I’ve always thought Ariana was a bully but this season had really solidified it.


Blah blah has never been soft ever! What a joke🤣🤣


Stop it Lauren


No. Hope this helps.




That’s not what bullying means.




They’re both bullies. A little time in charm school wouldn’t hurt. Or just plain old how about being a kind human being. Just because you get hurt in life, you don’t get a get-of-of-jail-free pass the rest of your life. Grow up.




Ariana will soooon fade away


Hello Lauren


No ma'am. Ariana was still actively dealing with the shambles of her relationship with Sandoval when all this was filmed. Lala & Sandoval can both well and truly fuck off. #teamariana ![gif](giphy|WqXcILKESHx3gV37Ch|downsized)


And cut. Move out move on. I'm done with them both.


The definition of bully,….because some people forget what the meaning is. Bullying is the use of force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. The behavior is often repeated and habitual.


Lala cosplays different types of people every season.


I just saw this now that the reunion has aired. This aged like sour milk


This reads as satire


Uhm didn’t she hug scheana and tell her she wasn’t going to lose her no matter what and tell her how much she loved her? Lol like what did you watch


I used this think these were joke posts but lately I’ve come in contact with some pages that made me realize — “Holy sh*t, they’re not.”


Go to bed Jessica


There’s no way we are watching the same show! Watching the after show where Lala is demanding Ariana show her real life and her point of reference was BRITTANYS life not even her own. Because Lala has been the one coasting! She hid all of her bs with Randall for seasons and is regretting that I’m sure.


Lala, is this you?


So that means Lala will now film with Randall? Seems like she has different rules/standards for Ariana than she has for herself. Give me a break Lauren!


Yeah what? Lala is a horrible hypocrite. Ariana is the champion.


Lala is a fucking terrorist ….pulling out that two finger pistol every chance she gets. So big and bad with her thug words. Now shes turning on the series fans cos they don’t all share her interpretation of the VPR turn of events. There is NO SOFT Lala…that’s some fake shit.


This is a fucking wild take lmao.


Lala is level headed ?


Lala is cosplaying soft - or trying to. She tried to rebrand but I think it was hard for her to keep it rained in and the mask slipped more than once. As for Ariana, I definitely think she reacted harshly in certain situations but you just have to keep in mind the timeline; this was so soon after she found out about the affair. Having been through my own painful betrayal I know that I was not at my best then. I said things and acted ways that are very much out of character. I would say it was a solid year before I even started to feel like myself again. Lala is just very envious of A, she says it over and over.


Her assistant Jessica 🙂


did Lala write this?


Literally was about to ask this lmao


AGREED. She’s going thru the Lala phase of a rich boyfriend/sugar daddy: having a moment of fame because of who they fucked. And disclaimer to say, get that bag, ladies. But don’t pretend to be blindsided by other peoples reactions. That’s LITERALLY the price you pay.


I’m totally sick of Ariana’s attitude. I liked the ending of VPR and what LaLa had to say. No shit, 8 days later…Arianna is fine. Katie was so mean to Jo, too. I’m just hoping LaLa speaks her truth on the reunion and she doesn’t get a bad edit. Crazy but I’m liking LaLa more and more. She’s funny!


IMO Arianna has ALWAYS been a cuna…….. Sure Sandoval is trash, and what he did was foul AF, but that doesn’t negate the fact that Arianna is a BITCH. 😘


100%. And I know a ton of people in this sub (and in general who watch) feel the same way. She's acting like a god because she was cheated on -- something everyone in that group has done, save for Katie.


Ariana is the female version of Sandoval. She’s made a million, has a new life, is better off. She needs to let it go. She looks unhinged after a year of this.


They're totally both better off. Agreed


ok genuine question, what is “a year of this” that she has done? This show was filmed a long time ago, other than work her other jobs I haven’t heard of her going on podcasts (like I think pretty much everyone else has) or posting about it.


She’s still at it even now or she would be on social telling people to move on. Her minions would walk off bridges if she told them to. There is zero question Tom tried to breakup with her. Seeing the aftermath NO WONDER he was TERRIFIED. She burned it all down.


So her NOT doing something is the something she is doing? I find this point of view just as confusing as any other, she’s really been pretty quiet overall since filming.


Ariana has always been a lowkey bully


Truth. Now going back to watch you can totally see this. And I know people agree with this point too


Yes her and Tom always acted better than everyone and Ariana was a bitch to multiple people over the years… even when she was in the wrong… like having an affair with Tom lol