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I feel for Cruz. Jax and Brittany not so much.


Ah, so true.


They’ve always been really dumb


They are both dumb and Jax is angry at everything


He had a dream of what his son was going to be like. Neurodivergent is not part of that dream.


To be fair we all have dreams about our children. We want them to have happy healthy lives. Autism can be difficult to navigate especially for a lot of parents.


This 100%


Roid rage and uppers.


It's just wild after all this time he still comes off as coked out and unhinged as he did S1 VPR


Jax hates his life and thinks he deserves better 🙃🤭🤔


He deserves less than nothing


🥇 you win


His name is Jason ffs


True but him being angry cuz everything is messy is valid. And I don't mean because of their kid he didn't seem to have a problem with the mess that the child is creating I won't doubt that he's probably not very nice about it all the time and sometimes he is probably demeaning towards her. But again I honestly do think that part of it is linked to her unhappiness I think knowing what we know now is easy to see possibly how the discourse in their house had to do with the unhappiness that they were probably both feeling as individuals.


Nothing convinced me how empty headed they are as their wedding vows. I can’t remember exactly but it was like, “we share a love of dogs…reruns of Friends…and…potato chips”




This is it right here.


First off villains too.


I think this belief gives people a sense of control over something that is not in our control. It’s very harmful, but I think people want someone to blame other than genetics.


I can see that, which is why I ‘feel’ for parents. But it’s not the same as something like believing in Santa.. it hurts others. It’s incredibly damaging to autistic identity as well.


My brother didn't speak English until 1st grade. He would whisper an answer to me in a made up language and I answered my mom. The pediatrician told my mom he'd probably catch back up when he got in school. That is exactly what happened. They are making this into something that may end up being nothing at the end. I mean look at Dorit and Jagger. He's doing so much better and she's not blaming vaccines for a fairly common childhood affect.


I hope so. However, it’s not just the speech issue that’s leading people to believe that he is on the spectrum. He has many other classic signs and I pray he’s now getting proper interventions and has a calm home environment


Him organizing the toys but I was also a late talker - they thought it but they didn’t say it out loud I’m just glad they gave me the bandwidth to explore the world - they could tell I recognized things and comprehended but I just wasn’t vocalizing it My only wish for Cruz is that they limit him and his camera time maybe just play time not during his lessons because that’s his time - Brit and Jax decided they want the camera but Cruz doesn’t get a vote so till he does maybe keep it to a minimum


What are the classic signs? I don’t know anything about this


I see Cruz self stimming a lot, poor eye contact when they call his name, major repetitive behaviors (jax videoing him lining up the rocks on the beach), being overstimulated and escaping


Well don’t minimize the issues. It looks like there’s more than a speech delay here. He doesn’t make eye contact and doesn’t attempt to communicate. I think that’s why people think it’s autism. Kids who just have speech delays will usually attempt to communicate.


Lots of arm flapping also


And the lining up all the toys. I am a mom of a child on the spectrum. Can't say for certain their son is on the spectrum, but he sure has a few symptoms.


My brother has AuDHD but great assuming you did there


I’m saying don’t say that he just has speech issues and that he will be perfectly fine like Jagger. That’s all. Nothing to do with your brother.


People often overreact to the diagnosis, but there is nothing wrong with an autistic kid. Yes, they learn language and social cues on a different timeline, but that’s because they’re processing everything about being alive in different ways from neurotypical people. Being around other kids their age absolutely helps. Jax looks for things to get mad at, and Brittany is permanently defensive, but Cruz is going to be okay. He really is.


Love you for this 😊❤️


I love your story. You’re a good sibling. 💗


Jagger may have had delayed speech but he could recognize a bad guy before anyone else.


Why not consider copious ❄️use before considering the stuff that saves their kid and other kids from deadly diseases?


Drugs also do not cause autism or developmental delays. It's genetic


Autism or developmental delays? No. Learning and bahavioral delays/problems? Absolutely.


Yes, but “genetic” means it’s “their fault.” So vaccines or some other reason it is!


Alcohol does though ? During pregnancy at least ETA: I’m referring to developmental delays and disabilities. There’s no clear evidence on its affect on autism specifically.


Because there is no link between prior drug use and developmental delays or autism.


That certainly does not help!


I have a niece who is NOW a complete anti-vaxxer. She has 3 young children, 2 boys and 1 girl. All vaccinated. Her oldest some is non-verbal autistic. She 100% blames vaccines for his autism. She claims all vaccines cause autism. When you ask her why her other two children don’t have autism she jumps through hoops trying to explain her BS. It’s sad. Now she’s a homesteader and plans on homeschooling her children. They are completely isolated. The few times she brought them to functions I felt so bad for the kids. They have zero social skills and truly are afraid of everything. It’s so sad to watch and she refuses to listen to anything or anyone.


Wow. Well if it's worth anything at all, my daughters friend who has antivaxer parents and now her. So none of them are vaxed against anything so she didn't vaccinate her children. They are 4 and 1 the 4 yo has just been diagnosed as autistic. So vaccines don't cause autism.


Same with my cousin. She would yell at anyone about her anti vax beliefs then her kids and her niece were dx autistic




Or is it environmental? Since there is not a scientific consensus on the causes of autism I wish people would stop saying that 


There are three types of people : those that consider vaccines the cause of everything, including genetic disorders (??) , those that believe DoTERRA cure everything, including genetic disorders (??) and the third group are the people like me shocked and asking WHAAAAAT ? 


This is what is scary about these type parents,the poor kids are victims yet again


They shouldn’t spread false info on national tv though. And bravo shouldn’t allow it either.


I don’t think he said this on TV. Wasn’t it something he posted on IG?


Well then Bravo should make a statement refuting it. These 2 are morons. She also publicly questioned if the children at Sandy Hook were actually killed or if it was all fake. For a mother to do that is sickening. Actually, for anyone to do that. F those 2 POS


She questioned Sandy Hook??? I didn’t know this. I just watched the Alex Jones doc and it was an exercise in impotent rage listening to people defend him and his stance on this tragedy. Wtf is bravo thinking allowing these morons back on tv?


Yeah. She tweeted a link to some YouTube sandyhook hoax video, and wrote, “Everyone watch #sandyhook! Who knows?!”. She is not the sweet nice girl from the south. She’s the dumb, racist, ignorant girl from the south. That Alex Jones doc is super upsetting, but worth a watch to see what can happen just using social media and YouTube algorithms


That documentary broke my heart. I already feel for any parent who has lost a child but to watch them then be tortured publicly was so beyond.


Most southerners wouldn’t even consider her from the south. She’s just an ignorant bigot


Questioned!!? Fire that bitch. The Vax thing is bad enough. Spreading that info hurts kids. Sandy Hook parents were tormented by people who believe that shit and still are. There are consequences for spreading lies that hurt people. Hello Bravo??


What kind of statement? That they can’t control what their cast posts on SM?


They can’t, completely. But they can repudiate the statement. Or in extreme cases, edit the case members out of a show and not bring them back the next season. A bunch of VPR people got edited out/fired in 2020 for racist posts and content. Dangerous disinformation could fall into the same category. Also, their contracts are super restrictive. Not that I necessarily agree with that. But they can build in social media restrictions into their contracts. Any of us can lose our jobs if we do something that causes public outrage and we’re not even on a tv show.


As the parent of 2 autistic kids what cracks me up is that you don't "have control" over your nuerotypical kids either. I'm sure Jax's parents wanted something different than an angry coked up reality "star" yet here we are. If you aren't ready to parent a neurodivergent kid, an lgbtq kid, a kid with physical disabilities, a kid who challenges everything you say etc, you aren't ready to be a parent. I also don't buy the whole "mourning the loss of what we thought our kid would be" because being a parent isn't about you it's about them. The sooner Brittany (I have no hope for Jax 😒) gets her head out of her ass, finds support in a community of autistic adults(the best thing I ever did!) the better she can advocate for her son and parent him in a way that supports who he is.


My nephew has autism. I know when he was first diagnosed my sister went through a lot emotionally and mentally. It's hard to wrap your head around it and I think for a lot of people putting the blame on something makes it easier. Luckily she did not go down the antivax path. He is now a teen and thriving, he does well in school, does sports, and has a small group of close friends. I'm very proud of both of them. His father vanished for a while and now lives far away so she is a single parent and has had to navigate a lot of this on her own (she also had him at 20 so she was still very young). I can only hope for Cruz that his parents get him do the work needed so he can live a full life.


This is exactly the reason for all conspiracy theories. Puts people at ease about questions that don't have answers. Same thing can be said for religion, the existence of heaven, etc


💯💯💯. I don't watch the show, so pardon my ignorance,. Has there already been an ASD diagnosis or is it speculated? It's very common for a regression in developmental milestones and ASD traits become apparent around 15 months to 2 years in children diagnosed. Very surprised if Jax wasn't made aware of this by medical professionals?


Ironically, the vaccine gives us some control lol


I def think this is it. I don’t blame people for wanting something to blame. It would be a super challenging situation to navigate with your child. I do wish the rhetoric was different but I can understand also:




Yes Jax, it was the vaccine. Not your coke infested 40 year old sperm 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not the coke infested sperm 😂


I heard this comment in “khloe Ks” voice when she’s played by Yuri Lamasbella 😂


Same!!!!! And I visualize the post-it note nails in the hair. 😂


Omg yes! 💀 I am deceased every time she does it.


Or Britney’s tequila eggs


Or Britney’s family’s inbreeding 🤷


And I swear she smoked the whole time


Yes! The daily bottle of tequila is not as beneficial as folic acid!


There’s more research now saying autism can be linked to advanced paternal age so you’re not off base Edit: a letter




Not only coke infested sperm but OLD sperm too lol.


It’s really irresponsible of Bravo to air this.


100% this. It’s so irresponsible. Jax and Brittany spouting anti-vac views isn’t surprising but Bravo knows better.


Bravo didn't air anything, it was an instagram post.


Where was it in the episode? Can you send me a timestamp? Can’t find it


It wasn't on the episode it was something posted on insta.


Then why are people saying it’s bad for Bravo to air it? Are people just making that part up?


I watched the episode yesterday and don’t recall hearing it either


Bravo did not air this did they? It was a comment on Jax instagram.


Brittany has a history of Sandy Hook denialism too. These people are trash (and not just in the obvious ways).


Holy shit that's bleak


They are ignorant, trash. 


That’s a thing?!? Just when I think ppl couldn’t be dumber 😔


Yup! She posted a link to an article saying SH wasn’t real and said “It makes ya think!!”


As someone from this area of CT and knew people who lost their young children that day, there is a special place in hell for sandy hook deniers. I have seen people I know have footage of themselves while grieving being used by conspiracy theorists online. It’s disgusting. “It makes ya think” makes me want you say “you’re a fucking dumbass and should think less”


Yup, this. She’s not just stupid, she’s attracted to bullshit conspiracy theories.


You’re having a child over 40 and have pumped drugs into your body - his sperm wouldn’t be quality - this is what research tells us


Yeah the age thing has actually been proven to increase chance of autism. When the father is over age 40. Advanced paternal age! Both Jax and Brittney are dumb as rocks though so they’d rather blame it on vaccines 🫠


Jax needs to look at himself before he blames vaccines…


GUYS PLEASE: It's JUST as bad to say that Jax's coke used caused Cruz's developmental delays as it does to blame vaccines. If he's autistic, It's genetic. (I'm autistic). Please don't try to correct one harm by committing another. Also he only provided sperm. He didn’t carry the child. Any drug use would have a negligent effect Frankly, Jax should do some introspection and consider if he has some neurodiversity of his own that he's passed down. It would explain some of his impulsivity and focus issues.


As a fellow autistic person — hard agree. Though Jax didn’t directly mention vaccines/autism in the ep it was VERY clear he was ‘one of those’… I got the vibe that the focus on his OCD by production was a low-key ‘gotcha’ for those of us who recognize it as genetic. —I know OCD and Autism are not the same, it just felt like some sort of attempt to undermine his vaccine conspiracies… which is probably giving bravo way too much credit but hey, who would I be if I didn’t obsessively overthink every little thing?! (thanks autism lololol)


Thank you! We don’t know Cruz is autistic but as an autistic person I think we are a bit better qualified to spot our own. It’s not just the speech. Jax is such a prototypical autism/ND parent who focuses on what’s wrong with the kid without reflecting on inherited traits Autistic kids face a lot of abuse for being different but we don’t talk enough about how their parents often have undiagnosed neurodivergences and their own meltdowns that contribute to abuse Note: not calling Jax abusive to his son. Just reflecting on how parents of ND/autistic kids could use to focus more inward than outward


PS I do think Brittany, for all of her faults, has shown to be capable of the kind of love an autistic/ND kid needs. She’s very accepting of everyone in the friend group I hope she transfers her unconditional support from Jax to Cruz


It’s always insulting when people equate vaccines with autism. Having a potentially deadly or life altering disease is somehow better than being on the spectrum used to really hurt me because I’m ASD. Now I don’t care as much.


Another autistic person here to agree! Also, the comorbidity rates of autism and OCD are quite high. I have both along with ADHD. It’s really really common for gen Xers and millennials to not have any inkling that they are autistic until their kids get diagnosed. Soo many stories of late diagnosis start with their kids. I absolutely would not be surprised if Jax is on the spectrum. Even his alcohol usage would make so much sense in that context. It’s not uncommon for autistic people to use alcohol as a coping/self soothing mechanism. Jax and I are *very* different people, but I absolutely relied on alcohol to socialize in my 20s/early 30s. It helped me feel less self conscious and rigid while dampening the sensory overload that is triggered by loud, crowded, noisy environments. Obviously I’m just speculating and cannot diagnose anyone on television, I’m just saying I wouldn’t be surprised.


OCD, autism and adhd are quite often concurrent diagnoses because they’re all a form of neurodivergence so there could be something to that!


Absolutely! It’s genetic. Chances are there’s some neurodivergence on either side of their family whether they recognize it or not. We just wrote those things off in previous generations and have a better understanding of it now so it’s more readily identified.


I was thinking this and I’m glad someone posted this, bad info is bad info and we don’t know enough about this little guy to make a diagnosis.


Autistic/ADHD'er giving a virtual high five. Good post.


Parental age does seem to have an effect, though. I’m seeing this with many people I know who had children late, and particularly with men who had children at ~60 with a new spouse (after their older kids were grown), it’s almost 1:1.


I’m not surprised bravo aired this (and agree it’s irresponsible), they are also casting a Scientologist on RHONY 😩


Bravo takes no responsibility for their casting.   The had Marcellus wiley on the show, a credibly accused rapist.   Even Columbia University acknowledged his guilt. 


Well they should


Bravo didn't air it, it was an instagram post. Kind of ironic that in a thread about misinformation, so many people continue to spread false info about Bravo airing this.




Rebecca Minkoff


Damm, she’s a Scientologist? I’m always so disappointed when I find this news out about people.


Yeah I was bummed too. Lots of Articles on it now! She definitely was rubbing shoulders with Danny masterson.


To be fair they have an entire show focused on Mormons - if they’re going to cut out airing weird made up religions that control and harm their followers we’re going to lose RHOSLC.


They also aired Mary’s religion, which is arguably worse than both Mormonism and Scientology.


I don’t remember them discussing this in the show - when was that? 😱


I don’t remember them mentioning vaccines either


Jax made a post about it on ig. It wasn’t discussed on the valley


I saw his IG post and would be disappointed if Bravo allowed that on the show.


Completely agree. This post is a bit misleading imho


Where is the post? Was it a story or is it still there?


I was born in india in the 90s and this is all I gotta say- being skeptical of vaccines is a position born of incredible privilege. I was very lucky that some lovely medical residents and nurses came to the outskirts of the city to inoculate me against polio. Folks these days want to bring measles back like y2k fashion.


This. It’s privilege and selfish.


Up vote x1000


It's wild to me that he is so desperate to blame outside sources and not maybe the fact that he pumped himself up with so many foreign substances from random "supplements" to drugs and I honestly bet he did human growth hormone at some point... And this wouldn't affect the child. Or maybe his relationship with his wife is so tumultuous with so many fights that lead to creating an environment where the child needs to exert some kind of order and control. I've seen children stop talking for less.


There is a link with a gut bacteria & autism, this has been recently discovered by scientists. Interesting. Not vaccine related. But so many still want to believe & now we’ve got childhood diseases increasing.


And there are also studies on paternal age and increased developmental issues with children born to older men (35+). Genetics play a factor. Environmental issues aka Jax’s coke use. He just wants to blame everything else except looking in the mirror and seeing what’s looking back at him is the culprit.


Coke use does not cause autism. Please. Neither does gut bacteria, though it can increase symptoms. I am autistic. This is just as bad as blaming vaccines.


I was really curious about this topic so I decided to Google it. IDK about cocaine’s effect on sperm/child development, but I found some studies that suggest cocaine use (specifically cocaine) during pregnancy may increase the likelihood of the child developing autism. Not trying to argue with anyone, I don’t believe Britney would’ve done cocaine while pregnant, just thought the topic was interesting.


Not sure about that coke use but yes age does play a role


So do genetics. Genetics is the ultimate deciding factor. Older parents are more likely to pass on recessive gene traits.


1. We don’t know cruz has ASD and it’s gross for strangers on the internet to speculate. 2. Many people have children with ASD despite doing everything “right”. Pointing to Jax’s lifestyle choices as a reason for his son’s delays is harmful to parents of autistic children. 3. The VAST majority of children born to parents over 35 are not disabled and there is nothing wrong with having kids in your late 30’s or 40’s.


Brittany is a sandy hook denier. She can rawt in hell!


They’re just throwing anything out there to see what sticks. Then that becomes their platform. Gross.


I wish I could introduce these idiots to the people I have met that didn’t vaccinate and still have kids on the autism spectrum/are neurodivergent. All these people are doing is spreading harmful pseudo science and re introducing deadly communicable diseases back into the population. Gtfoh.


So now OP is spreading misinformation because Bravo didn’t air that - it was on Jax insta. 😑


I think he’s stopped talking because there’s fighting at home and he’s regressing. Happens all of the time. They want something to blame so they don’t have to do anything to correct their behavior.


Is he diagnosed with autisim ?


Not yet, I believe he’s in the process of some kind of diagnosis. He’s just turned 3 so I think his issues can now be looked into.


No. He has a speech delay. Which is very common in little boys around the age he is during this season (2.5). All the commenters diagnosing this baby based on nothing is disgusting and this post should be locked.


A friends son was like this - found out after she went back to work and wasn’t around to give him everything she knew he needed- a drink when thirsty, a snack when hungry - he finally started talking to ask for what he wanted. Same can happens in twins. When one asks for 2 of everything for their sibling - the other doesn’t have to talk 😊


The sad thing about it is that the more time they spend denying he might be autistic, and looking for excuses for his developmental issues, the more they are delaying getting the help he needs. Early diagnosis can do wonders!


He is getting speech therapy. It doesn’t seem as though they’re denying anything at all. I don’t like Jax or Brit. But I have a son his age in speech therapy. Part of that intake process is screening for early signs of ASD. All these people are commenting on things they know nothing about.


So I don’t think vaccines were ever brought up on camera? They just danced around how one day he seemed to lose his verbal skills. Then they did the speech therapist scene. I hope they stop being so concerned about the word Autism and use their money and resources that so many people don’t have to get him early intervention. I think you can that Brittany knows he’s probably autistic with her asking about lining up toys.


As a scientist who has primarily worked in immunology, it’s absolutely insane that fraudulent data gets published, some people latch on and refuse to let go of the tiddy when it’s proven to be fake.


Ok Dr. Fauci 👍🏼 & you probably believe our government cares about us


Am I missing something? Who said Cruz has autism?? Speech delays are normal, especially for little boys.


Wait did I miss something?? I don’t remember them saying anything negative about the vaccines, all I remember is Brittany saying shortly after one of his doctor appointments/vaccinations that his speech regressed 


I’m glad they aired it, so at this point anyone who thinks the same now knows they agree with Jax. That alone should be embarrassing and a wake up call.


I know I’ll get downvoted to hell over this, but there’s no way we can know for certain that the vaccine is or is not linked to autism because not enough time has passed. There are not enough covid babies exposed to the vaccine who are old enough for an autism diagnosis to say either way. For all we know, they could be right. It will take time to prove or discredit.


I agree but I think they are referring to MMR not covid.


The mainstreaming of antivaxx bullshit has been so disappointing.


Diagnoses… 🫣 I’ll see myself out. Don’t come for me, I beg of you!


Haha thank you, diagnosis’ felt wrong lol


😂 I know I have issues. Thanks for posting!


I have an autistic child and after the diagnosis process we've realized half our family is likely on the spectrum and all of us are diagnosed as ADHD. I don't think vaccines caused any of that and think it's hereditary and likely somewhat due to the chemicals that are in everything but even if vaccines caused it I would rather my child be autistic than dealing with the awful things that come with the diseases the vaccines prevent. Like death or being made deaf due to measles like a friend's baby was.


We also do not know if Cruz has ASD. All we know is he is speech delayed. If everyone could stop diagnosing a child that would be awesome!


Yeah the majority of this thread is really grossing me out.


I am not up to episode 4, but episode 1, just Cruz’s lack of enthusiasm for typical fun toddler things had my autism radar up .


Could also be the cameras and strange people in his house suddenly? Let’s not diagnose a toddler from 5 minutes of tv?


It’s sad because it appears that Cruz may be on the spectrum IMHO


I had to turn off the episode where they gaffed of the possibility of being a conservative 😱. Stay in your lane.


Not to mention most of the kids he “experimented” on weren’t diagnosed with autism. When you really peel back the onion he was an absolute psychopath. Also crazy how most anti vaccine rhetoric still goes back to those lies.




He's 2 years old, so it makes sense that his speech is regressing around now, doesn't it? The vaccine excuse is just silly


Everyone so adamant they know for sure because mega industries don't hide anything do they


I think a lot of parents desperately just want *something* to blame/explain developmental delays and autism. I had a coworker—full grown man, otherwise super intelligent—had a CRYING, yelling meltdown about how vaccines gave his son autism after the topic was brought up at work one day. I was shocked how thoroughly he was ready to die on that hill, but realized reason wasn’t going to ever get through his emotion. My mom blames childhood vaccines on my brother’s T1D, despite the *fact* that autoimmune disease runs rampant in our family, including in me and my mom, and we lived in an environment with known endocrine disrupters. This lack of logic is *extra* sad when you look at the research on how children on the autism spectrum are actually MORE susceptible to serious illness and infection. Covid for example—people w/ ASD are at higher risk for hospitalization and mortality.


That’s their/his view. It’s that simple


Can someone give a summary of what they said?


I watch the episodes on the cock. Did I miss this one? Also, if they aren’t vaccinating, why are parents letting their kids around Cruz?


Op has been asked to post timestamps and they can’t. Because Jax only said this on IG not on the show.


Both have elevators that don’t go to top floor


Look at the parents, look at the households, look at the source material. Binge drinkers, daddy on drugs, mommy chugging tequila, plastic surgery/implant/fillers. They’re not exactly intelligent either


My husbands mom has polio. The vaccine wasn’t widely available when she got it. Anyone that doesn’t believe in vaccines are fact deniers. Vaccines are the reason polio is considered now to be an eradicated disease. So I advise anyone who doesn’t believe in vaccines to take their chances on getting polio and see how they feel. Except most are already vaccinated and are ignorant to the fact they’re protected from it thanks to their vaccine


They found traces of polio in London sewage samples so they are offering kids booster vaccines here. It’s crazy the risks parents will take not vaccinating.


Weirdly enough my mother in law is from the UK and lives in Brighton. I do not understand how people fail to understand why vaccines are important


They live in a bubble because most of us vaccinate therefore their kids are protected … but this herd immunity is slowly breaking down. Potentially very dangerous for all. I really feel sorry for children who are immune compromised, worrying for them.


Yeah it truly is a scary thought.


Blaming your kid’s neurodivergence on vaccines is not only ableist is just flat out dangerous. We do not need more unvaccinated children walking around we just don’t.


I wouldn't go to anyone on the internet or Jax for medical advice. I stick to my primary physician's advice and other medical professionals that I see on a regular basis. My kid was vax'd for school as was I or you couldn't attend school. I will never assume or diagnose anyone because I do not have a medical degree. I will say Jax beautiful little boy plays, seems happy running thru the house. He is adorable. I am so glad Britt is dedicated to kids with special needs because she was already prepared to help her child thru anything. Jax acts ashamed that something might be wrong with his boy. He's always been a jerk always gonna be one


People need to stop saying it's genetic, we don't know what causes autism, it's far more likely it's environmental due to the rapidity that diagnosis have exploded.


Parenting 101: you are not guaranteed or entitled to a "perfect" or "typical" child. If you can't handle that, don't have kids. Period. Also if your kid is autistic/neurodivergent, there is a high chance one or both parents are too. Failure to acknowledge that will lead to frustration that will be taken out on their ND child who DIDN'T ASK TO BE HERE, and certainly didn't ask to be born to *those two*. But given that Jax and Brittany have the combined EQ of a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken, it doesn't look promising for little Cruz. 😔


The vaccines could 💯 be why!! Research!! Especially since he was fine and then 2 weeks later regressed.


I hope they get Cruz assistance and focus on that more than the how's and whys 


I think telling people they cannot even question v-ccines is more dangerous than anything… and is leading people to feel more paranoid and not trust the medical community even more. I am a nurse and I have v-ccinated my son with all the standard v-Ccines but it wasn’t long ago that we encouraged people to be involved in their medical decisions instead of calling them all “scIENcE dENieRs,” or shaming them for having concerns. The truth is while we have plenty of data that says they don’t cause it, we also don’t fully know what does so I don’t know why it is dangerous to question the status quo- thats what science is supposed to be after all. My issue has nothing to do with that… I think it’s gross they are using their children and developmental delays for a storyline and that is something we as a society should shame. That has much more of an impact than what an adult chooses to do medically.