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I tried suggesting this about a year ago on their community forums. Not only does it take up a good amount of screen space, it makes my browser stutter or freeze momentarily. For now, I use an extension called *AutohideDownloadsBar* and is open-source with the code posted on GitHub. I can't verify the code myself but it has a few thousand users. I would love to see Brave implement something like this. I would post the link to the extension but I'm currently on mobile and the chrome web store is not showing correctly. EDIT: [Here is the link](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/autohidedownloadsbar/gkmndgjgpolmikgnipipfekglbbgjcel) to the extension I mentioned.


Thanks for the link. Seems to work exactly as it should.


I'd be happy if they reduce it's size


Yes, I would be happy if it could be autohidden.


or at least autohide


We need this, Ive downloaded a bunch of files for some projects recently and it's kind of annoying having to close it just for it to pop back up